Xand Xand Xand Xand Xand Xand Xand Xand Xand Xand Xand Xand Xand Xand


Xand Game

_____________________________________Xand Game (OpenSource)



Symbol and logo of Xand Game it means light in Ancient Egyptian.

Xand Game first MIDI Music download (Please note it is only MIDI I haven't been able to convert it to MP3 all were randomly generated in free cgMusic):



I had an idea for making my free game a few weeks ago but I don't promise anything, I don't know programing or 3D modelling so I thought I would make most of things randomly generated but main locations would be permanent.The game would be 3D and in Ancient Egypt.
I know this which follows may seem very difficult or impossible to make but with OpenSource random generators it should be much easier than actually creating everything object for object.
Also this is what I would like my game to look like but that doesn't mean I will actually be able to create it.
I played many free RPG Maker games for about ten years for now and wanted to create free RPG game but I don't have necessary skills and RPG Maker is 2D and commercial.OpenSource game Space Engine has procedural generation which could be implemented in game making it endless and Janus Node free program that generates texts, so it is possible to make countless books for reading or entertainment.Text to speech synthesis (TTS), this is already available on the internet for free and can record ones voice only vowels and consonants and than pronounces text each voice has about one megabyte.

Liberty and others please don't delete this links, it could help people in creating their games.

Procedural generation software (Mostly OpenSource and free):

Procedural generation of cities and towns:

Terrain generators:
Vterrain (Virtual Terrain Project)

Generative modelling:
GML Studio

Procedural music generation:

Cloud generation:

Plant generation:

Text to speech (TTS):
SpheNet TTS

Procedurally generated text (this could be used for generating infinite books for reading and entertainment):
Lorem Ipsum
Janus Node

Some procedurally generated games:
Space Engine
Kkrieger (textures are generated but the game is finite and short)

So far I only wasn't able to find OpenSource 2D image procedural generation.

I recommend that someone combine these free OpenSource programs and create OpenSource RMN Game Engine so others would be able to create games for free, since most objects can be generated it is possible to create huge and infinite games.And you can create RMN Studio which anyone could join if interested in making OpenSource games.

Features of Xand Game (please keep in mind that this is what I would want my game to look like it doesn't mean I will actually be able to create or realize it):

Pick up almost every pickable object like hide, claw, hoof, meat, jar, fruit, ruby, emerald, spoon, honey, snout, tail, medication, horn, shield, helmet, mushroom, various plants and sell it for money.
Alchemy to make potions as aid in battle.
Diseases and medications.
Day and night system, day would be around four hours of real time and night only one, seasons system, storm and rain.
Leveling like in RPG Maker with start 100 experience points and later 1000 finally 10 000 points for every level, at first I thought implementing million levels but now I think would be better to be limitless but skill leveling would be like more you use them more better they become.
Enemies would level with player with slightly more levels to be little challenging.
Store your items in bag, box or personal chariot or deposit money in bank for safekeeping.
Drug system that would enhance the player but also with disadvantages like greater strength and attack but slower speed.
Later in game more advanced objects like reflect, absorb, immune, invisible, evade.
Travel underwater in air and underground and to dig tunnels anywhere they like
Visit temples, castles, caves, mines.
Recruit NPCs for your private army, hire mercenaries, attack towns and provinces.
Randomly generated guilds (royal, law enforcement, priest, assassin, thief, enemy) with infinite quests with rewards as money, items and fame, with more fame player will become more popular and much later have possibility to become a hero.
Although I think this is bad idea it would have optional eating system like if player doesn't eat few days would start to get weaker, like if doesn't drink for a week would die and perhaps sleeping system but that would be optional.
Books that would be readable but randomly generated with libraries and bookstores.
Become local leader, warlord or even king.
While most of the game will be randomly generated roads and paths will lead to fixed locations.
Stealing system but guards would arrest you and would go to jail or pay fine but if the player killed someone would get death penalty but you will be able to attempt to bribe or would go to court and try to defend yourself and prove that you are innocent, possible pay bail in some cases to temporarily get out of prison.But if there is not evidence or witnesses guards will release the player in one day.
Choose up to five NPCs to follow player which would level as well they may able to rescue the player from jail.
Money as copper, iron, silver and golden coins and also gems like ruby, emerald and diamond.
Construct buildings but it will cost a lot, player will need to pay for materials like bricks, stone, wood and metal and workers per day but if the player is king will be much easier since he will have income from taxes.
Friend and foe system how much NPCs like you.
Otherworld with heaven and hell.
Travel by horse, ship, bird, fish and snake (underground) as means of transportation.
To breath underwater will need to have special object that makes that possible.
Play musical instruments.
NPCs that have daily routines like going to work, eating, sleeping and entertaining and perhaps steal from others or even player.
Enemies: demons, hostile animals, serpents, lions, hyenas, skeletons, scorpions, jackals.
Rumors that will be false, half truth and true some of them leading to new treasure and powerful items.
Trading system between NPCs and cities.
Marry and divorce.
Attack and conquer neighboring countries, forge and brake alliances, create empire.
Heat over day and coldness at night which can confuse player if it is too drastic and too much heat can ruin player's crops.
Plant seeds and make a farm with animals and plants.
Bow and arrows and catapults.
Main religion and history but most of rest will be randomly generated.
Minigames and puzzles.
Climb mountains and trees.
Weapons: sword, spear, bow, axe, dagger, mace.
Join gangs or local guards.
Optional strategy battles between two or more armies but main view will be first person.
Make an army and fight in massive battles and put cities under siege.
Complex politics system, become a politician.
Have pets and tame hostile animals.
It will be possible to retrieve arrows.
Much later in game player will have chance to become a god.
Breeding system for domestic and hostile animals.
Teleport system, player will be able to cast a spell that would remember current location to which later would be teleported.Quick teleport to beginning of a dungeon.Teleport between all major cities.
Mine with pickaxe for silver, gold and gems use sieve to find precious metals in rivers.
Equip as many objects as possible like ten rings, shoes, hat, necklace, amulet, clothes, helmet, shield, cape, gloves.
Armor: curiass, gauntlet, greaves, helmet, pauldrons.
Arena and tournaments, fight monsters for prize.
Paint, sculpt, fish and hunt animals.
Cities with thousands of character with each you will be able to talk to and make friends but all randomly generated.
Games like board games or something similar.
Build new buildings, hospitals, libraries, houses, castles, mansions, temples, villages and cities.
All characters, objects and places will have randomly generated names from word list and will be words from Ancient Egyptian dictionary.
Dispel, regen.
Create clothes, forge new metals, alloys, weapons and armor, melt sand and make glass, forge new items.
Enchant weapons and armor.
Magic attributes:fire, water, ice, light, earth, air, darkness, thunder, stone.
Daily updated newspapers.
Mine for ores, chemically extract metals and combine them into alloys, make weapons and armor, melt sand and make glass.
Record your own voice (Text to Speech synthesis, record vowels and consonants) and make your character speak as you.
Randomly generated story but main optional story will be fixed.

Also about people that don't like random games which currently are somewhat repetitive but think about it even best games when are played 10 or more times are not so interesting anymore but if someone manages to create interesting randomly generated game would be playing it forever unless someone is not interested in games anymore.

Users contributions:
SnowOwl: random classes and skills.

Xand Game locations:

Sunshade village (will be starting location), inside it is Shining lotus temple and Sweet blooming flower school (will provide the player with basic skills and training).
Outside of it will be Red tree fortress, Golden scorpion chapel, Sands of dawn ruin and Pure Waters pyramid.Ancient Egyptians wrote only consonants but Egyptologists insert e between every consonant (pronounced as e in edible) for example nbw -gold is nebew although that is probably not true but Coptic (continuation of Ancient Egyptian language) used Greek alphabet and recorded both vowels and consonants.Middle Egyptian is considered classical language of Ancient Egypt.

Also here are some Xand Game items and effects, also a riddle for you to solve.

You can use this list of transliteration which I made in free JSesh to find the words in dictionary:

Try in Dickson's free hieroglyph dictionary

And Vygus free hieroglyph dictionary

Or OpenGlyph on SourceForge

If you need to write hieroglyphs for your game you can use free JSesh

Xand 金日光旦照

There is no option to add signature

Why there is no option to add signature on most other forums are signatures.Will this change in future?

Xand 金日光旦照

Etymology of languages

Examples from English etymology (L. Lat. -Latin, Gr. -Greek):
epidemic Gr. επι (epi) -upon, on + δημος (dēmos) -people
energy Gr. εν (en) -in + εργον (ergon) -work
octopus Gr. οκτω (oktō) -eight + πους, ποδος (pous, podos) -foot
transit L. trans -across + ire, itus -to go
previous L. prae -before + via -way
exit L. ex -out, from + ire, itus -to go
ancient F. ancien, LL. antianus from L. ante -before
effect L. ex -out, from + facere -to make
summit L. summus -highest + ire, itus -to go
atmosphere Gr. ατμος (atmos) -steam + σφαιρα (sphaira, sphaera) -ball, sphere
symbol Gr. συν (syn, sym) -with, together + βαλλω (ballō, ballein) -to throw, put
alarm It. all' arme -to arms Lat. ad -to, towards + ille -that + armus -weapon
suburb L. sub -below + urbs, urbis -city
symmetry Gr. συν (syn, sym) -with, together + μετρον (metron) -measure
core L. cor, cordis -heart
artifact L. ars, artis -art + facere, factus -to make
prophecy Gr. προ (pro) -before, forward + φημι (phēmi) -to tell, to speak
add L. addere -add to, join (ad -to + do, dare -to give)
object L. ob -toward, against + jacere, jactus -to throw
hippopotamus Gr. 'ιππος (hippos) -horse + ποταμος (potamos) -river
longevity L. longus -long + aevum -age
primeval L. primus -first + aevum -age + al -related to
agriculture L. ager -field + colere -to cultivate, to dwell + ur -related to
aqueduct L. aqua -water + ducere, ductus -to lead
rebel L. re -back, again + bellum -war
embrace, bracelet Gr. bracchium -arm
capital L. caput, capitis -head + al -related to
accord, discord, concord, courage L. ad -to, toward + dis -apart + con -together, with + cor, cordis -heart + agere, actus -to do, to drive
unicorn, uniform, unify, universe L. unus -one + cornu -horn + forma -shape + facere, factus -to do + vertere, versum -to turn
secure L. se, sed -apart, without + cura -care
trident L. tri- three + dens, dentis -tooth,
dignity L. dignus -worthy
final, infinity, infinitive L. finis -end, limit + al, iv -of, related to
confirm, firmament L. con -together, with + firm + mens, mentis -mind (used in nouns)
foliage, portfolio L. folium -leaf + agere, actus -to do + portare -to carry
deform, formal, formula, information L. de -from, down + forma -shape + al -related to + ul -diminutive
effort, fortify L. ex -out + fortis -strength + facere, factus -to do
affront, confront, frontal L. ad -to, toward + frons, frontis -forehead + al -related to
profound L. pro -before, forward + fundus -bottom
granary L. granum -grain + arium -place
gravity L. gravis -heavy + ire, itus -to go
congregation L. con -together, with + grex, gregis -flock, herd
humility L. humus -ground + il -related to
peninsula L. paene -almost + insula -island (in + salum -open sea)
island is -water + land, window wind + ow -eye
library L. liber -book + -arium -place
manual L. manus -hand + al -related to
immediate L. medius -middle
naval L. navis -ship + al -related to
annihilate L. ad -to, toward + nihil -nothing
equinox L. aequus -equal + nox, noctis -night
translucent L. trans -across + lucere -to shine + ens, entis -someone or something that is related
copious, copy L. co -together, with + ops, opis -wealth, riches
orbit L. orbis -orb, world + ire, itus -to go
oval L. ovum -egg + al -related to
partial, particle L. pars, partis -piece + al -related to + -iculum -diminutive
pacific L. pax, pacis -peace + facere, factus -to do, to make
bicycle Gr. βι, βις (bi, bis) -two + κυκλος (cyclos) -circle
expedition, pedal L. ex -out + pes, pedis -foot + al -related to
pinnacle L. pinna -feather
portal L. porta -gate + al -related to
appreciate, precious L. ad -to, toward + pretium -price
reality L. res, rei -thing + al -related to
derive, rival L. de -from, down + rivus -brook + al -related to
seminary L. semen -seed + -arium -place
senator, senility, senior L. senex -old man + il -related to
temperature L. tempus, temporis -time + ur -related to
umbrella L. umbra -shadow + ella -diminutive
ventilator L. ventus -wind + il -related to
fissure L. findere, fissum -to cleave, to split + ur -related to
ambiguous, exact, navigate, purge, redact L. ambi -around + ex -out + agere, actus -to do, to make + navis -ship + purus -pure + re, red -back, again
coalition L. co -together, with + alere -to nourish
adapt, inept L. ad -to, toward + aptare -to fit
occident L. ob -toward, against + cadere -to fall + -ens, -entis -related to
orient L. oriri -to rise + -ent -related to
current L. currere -to run + -ent -related to
edict, prediction L. e, ex -out + dicere, dictus -to say + prae -before
fossil L. fodere, fossus -to dig + il -related to
In Latin in front of f dis- assimilates into dif-, ob- into of-, sub- into suf-
L. trans -across + ferre -to bear, to carry
confer, conference L. con-, com- together + ferre -to bear, to carry
conifer L. conus -cone + ferre -to bear, to carry
cruciferous L. crux, crucis -cross + ferre -to bear, to carry
differ L. dis -apart + ferre -to bear, to carry, L. differre -set apart, put off, delay
offer L. ob -to, in front, against + ferre -to bear, to carry
reference L. re -back, again + ferre -to bear, to carry
suffer L. sub -under + ferre -to bear, to carry

Examples of name etymology:
Florida L. floridus -blooming, flowery from flos, floris -flower
Colorado Sp. colorado -colored, red
Kentucky kenhtake -prairie (Iroquoian)
Minnesota mni -water + sota -hazy, smokey, turbid (Siouan)
Nevada Sp. nevada -snow covered, snowy from L. nix, nivis -snow
Oklahoma okla -people + homa -red (Choctaw)
Guatemala cuahtemallan -many trees, cuahuitl -tree (Nahuatl)
Australia L. australis -southern
Dublin dub -black + linn -pond (Old Irish)

Ancient Egyptian:
Tutankhamon twt -statue + ankh -life + amon -hidden, name of god (statue of the life of Amon)
Rameses ra -sun + meses -born
Hathor het -house + Heru -Horus
Memphis men -place + nefer -good, beautiful (Menfe in Coptic, Memphis in Greek)

Nahuatl (language of Aztec):
Quetzalcoatl quetzalli -feather (quetza -to stand up) + coatl -snake
Tezcatlipoca tezcatl -mirror (teci -to grind + -catl -inhabitant, because mirrors were made by grinding and polishing material) + poctli -smoke
Tenochtitlan tetl -rock + nochtli -prickly fruit + ti -near + -tlan -place (place near rock cactus fruit)
acalli -ship (atl -water + calli -house)
coamichin -eel (coatl -snake + michin -fish)
acatl -reed (atl -water + -catl -inhabitant)

Chinese characters can be:
Pictograms -sign that developed from picture abstraction, they are elementary signs from which others characters are derived, for example: 日 sun, 月 moon
Ideograms -formed from modification of pictograms: 本 root, from 木 tree
Logical compounds -characters that were created combining from two or more simple or elementary signs on some logic: 木 tree + 木 tree = 林 forest
Phonetic-semantic compounds -characters in which one sign contributes to meaning and other pronunciation.

Examples from elementary signs:
Nature: 山 mountain, 日 sun, 月 moon, 天 sky, 土 earth, 氵, 水 water, 火, 灬 fire,
气 air, 川巛 river, 風 风 wind, 冫,冰 ice, 彡 shadow, 田 field, 金 metal, gold 石 stone, 丘 hill
Objects that were made by human: 亠 lid, 刀, 刂 knife, 卜 staff for divining, 宀
roof, 巾 cloth, 广 house, 斤 axe, 皿 plate, 网 net, 缶 jug, pitcher 聿 pencil, 舟
boat, 衣 clothes, 車 chariot, vehicle 辶 way, path, 弓 bow, 户 door, 門
gate, double door
Body: 儿 pictograph of legs, person, 又 right hand, 口 mouth, 尸 body, 忄心 heart, 扌手 hand, 止 foot, 歹 broken bone, evil, cruel, 爪 claw, 肉 meat, 皮 skin, 血 blood, 目 eye,
羽 feather, 耳 ear, 自 nose, 舌 tongue, 角 horn, 身 body, 首 head, neck, 齒 tooth, 骨 bone, 面 face
People: 亻人 human, man, 女 woman, 子 child, 母 mother, 父 father, 王 king, 臣 official, 主 lord, master, 兵 soldier, 帝 emperor
Plants: 木 tree, 片 leaf, 禾 grain, 竹 bamboo, 米 rice, 糸 thread, silk, 艹, 艸
grass, 豆 beans
Animals:巴 snake, 牛 cow, 犭, 犬 dog, 羊 sheep, 虍 tiger's skin, 虎 tiger, 虫 insect,
snake, 豕 pig, 隹 bird with short tail, 馬 horse, 鳥 bird with long tail, 鼠 rat, mouse, 龍 dragon, 龜 turtle, 黽 frog, 鹿 deer, 魚 fish, 兔 rabbit
Other signs: 八 separate, eight (originally two), 力 power, 十 ten, 中 middle, 囗 surround, 大 large, 小 small, 工 work, 老 old, 甘 sweet, twenty 生 to born, life, 用 to use, 立 to stand, 良 good, 色 color, 西 west, 言 word, 貝 shell, money, 酉 alcohol, wine, 長 long, 飛 to fly, 鬼 ghost, 黃 yellow, 高 high, tall, 疒 illness, 白 white

Examples of compound words:
木 tree + 木 tree = 林 forest
日 sun + 月 moon = 明 bright
山 mountain + 石 stone = 岩 rock
火 fire + 火 fire = 炎 flame
口 mouth + 犬 dog = 吠 to bark
白 white + 水 water = 泉 spring, source, fountain
雨 rain + 包 package = 雹 hail
巛 river + 火 fire = 災 disaster, catastrophe
魚 fish + 京 hill, town = 鯨 whale
氵水 water + 包 package = 泡 bubble
自 nose + 犬 dog = 臭 to smell
广 house + 占 to show = 店 store
林 forest + 夕half moon = 梦 dream
馬 horse + 又 right hand = 馭 to ride
高 high, tall + 小 small = 京 hill, town
鳥 bird + 山 mountain = 島 island (is -water + land)
火 fire + 戸, 户 door = 炉 oven
口 mouth + 十 ten = 叶 to count
人 for man + 良 good = 食 food
宀 roof + 八 to separate = 穴 hole
日 sun + 生 to be born, life = 星 star
人 man + 土 earth = 坐 to sit
雨 rain + 田 field = 雷 thunder
魚 fish + 羊 sheep = 鮮 fresh
火 fire + 乍 to do, suddenly = 炸 to fry
十 ten + 口 moth = 古 old, ancient
氵水 water + 每 all = 海 sea
目 eye + 儿 legs, person = 見 to watch
火 fire + 儿 legs, person = 光 light
金 metal + 戔 small part = 錢 coin
竹 bamboo + 者 person = 箸 sticks for food
者 person + 火 fire = 煮 to cook
氵水 water + 工 work = 江 river
艹 grass + 古 old = 苦 bitter
火 fire + 工 work = 灴 to bake
小 small + 土 earth = 尘 dust
音 sound + 心 heart = 意 to think
日 sun, day + 一 above horizon = 旦 dawn
一 above + 大 large = 天 sky
亻人 man + 木 tree = 休 to rest
言 word, to say + 十 ten = 計 to count
田 field + 木 tree = 果 fruit
宀 roof + 至 to come, to arrive = 室 room
氵水 water + 魚 fish = 漁 to fish
亻人 man + 本 root = 体 body
艹, 艸 grass + 連 to join, to connect = 蓮 lotus
日 sun + 者 person = 暑 heat, hot
辶 way, road, path + 車 chariot, vehicle = 連 to join, to connect

Another examples of similar Chinese characters:
儿 legs, person:
党 society, political party 尚 to value, to esteem + 儿 legs, person
兒 son 臼 mortar + 儿 legs, person
光 light 火 fire + 儿 legs, person
兜 pocket, bag 白 white + 儿 legs, person
竟 unexpected, actually 音 sound + 儿 legs, person
克 to conquer 古 old + 儿 legs, person
兕 rhinoceros 凹 hollow + 儿 legs, person
禿 bald 禾 grain + 儿 legs, person
兔 rabbit
兀 high, chair, base 一 surface + 儿 legs, person
免 escape
先 early, former, previous, first 牛 cow + 儿 legs, person
兄 older brother 口 mouth + 儿 legs, person
兇 cruel, terrible 凶 cruel + 儿 legs, person
元 head, first 二 above + 儿 legs, person
見 to watch 目 eye + 儿 legs, person

高 high, tall
膏 ointment 高 high + 肉 meat
篙 pole for boat 竹 bamboo + 高 high
搞 to do, to work, to take care for 扌手 hand + 高 high
稿 manuscript 禾 grain + 高 high
槁 dry, rot 木 tree + 高 high
鎬 pickaxe 金 metal + 高 high
縞 white silk 糸 silk + 高 high
暠 dawn, morning 日 sun, day + 高 high
蒿 to clear weeds 艹 grass + 高 high
皜 clear, white 白 white + 高 high
翯 glittering birds feathers 羽 feather + 高 high
嗃 to scold 口 mouth + 高 high
熇 dry 火 fire + 高 high
犒 to give bonus, profit 牛 cow + 高 high
敲 to hit 高 high + 攴 to strike卜 staff for divining + 又 right hand
碻 hard 石 stone + 高 high
塙 truly 土 earth + 高 high
嵩 very high 山 mountain + 高 high
髇 sound of arrow 骨 bone + 高 high
歊 steam, vapor 高 high + 欠 to breath

出 to go out, to come out
础 foundation, base 石 stone + 出 to go out
絀 red silk 糸 silk + 出 to go out
黜 dismiss, expell 黑 black + 出 to go out
咄 sound of rage or anger 口 mouth + 出 to go out
柮 tree remains 木 tree + 出 to go out
朏 half moon 月 moon + 出 to go out
屈 to bend 尸 body + 出 to go out
詘 to stutter, to yield, to bend 言 word + 出 to go out
祟 evil spirit 出 to go out + 示 sign 二 above + 小 small
粜 to sell grains 出 to go out + 米 rice
窋 in hole 穴 hole 宀 roof + 八 to separate + 出 to go out
拙 clumsy 扌手 hand + 出 to go out
茁 to sprout, to grow 艹 grass + 出 to go out

山 mountain
峇 cave 山 mountain + 合 to join, together
灿 glory, light 火 fire + 山 mountain
辿 to follow, to pursue 辶 way, road, path + 山 mountain
島 island 鳥 bird + 山 mountain
嵐 fog, mist 山 mountain + 風 wind
巒 mountain chain, ridge (糹 silk + 言 word + 糹silk) -continuating + 山 mountain
訕 to ridicule, to mock 言 word + 山 mountain
疝 hernia disease 疒 disease + 山 mountain
岁 year 山 mountain + 夕 half moon
嵬 rocky 山 mountain + 鬼 ghost
仙 immortal 亻人 man + 山 mountain
籼 long grain of rice 米 rice + 山 mountain
秈 ordinary rice 禾 grain + 山 mountain
嶨 large rocky mountain 山 mountain
岩 rock, cliff 山 mountain + 石 stone

鬼 ghost
醜 shy, ugly 酉 alcohol, wine + 鬼 ghost
瑰 semi precious stone, extraordinary 玉 jade + 鬼 ghost
廆 room, wall of house 广 house + 鬼 ghost
魂 soul 云 cloud 二 above + 厶 vapors + 鬼 ghost
塊 lump of earth, part 土 earth + 鬼 ghost
傀 doll, large, weird 亻人 man + 鬼 ghost
愧 ashamed 忄心 heart + 鬼 ghost
媿 ashamed 女 woman + 鬼 ghost
魄 soul 白 white + 鬼 ghost
蒐 to gather, to pick up 艹 grass + 鬼 ghost
溾 light rain 氵水 water + 鬼 ghost
磈 stony, rocky 石 stone + 鬼 ghost

馬 horse
闖 to rush 門 gate, double door + 馬 horse
篤 honest, truth 竹 bamboo + 馬 horse
媽 mother 女 woman + 馬 horse
螞 dragon fly, ant 虫 insect, snake + 馬 horse
碼 weight, number, code 石 stone + 馬 horse
嗎 question mark 口 mouth + 馬 horse
罵 to scold 网 net + 馬 horse
傌 to scold 亻人 man + 馬 horse
馮 to gallop, to attack 冫 ice + 馬 horse

堯 high 垚 pile of earth 土 earth + 兀 high, chair, base 一 surface + 儿 legs,
澆 to water, to sprinkle 氵水 water + 堯 high
僥 with pure luck 亻人 man + 堯 high
撓 to scratch 扌手 hand + 堯 high
鐃 large cimbals 金 metal + 堯 high
譊 to quarrel, to argue, to fight 言 word + 堯 high
蹺 to raise foot 足 foot + 堯 high
磽, 墝 stony earth 石 stone + 土 earth + 堯 high
饒 rich, abundant 食 food (人 for man + 良 good) + 堯 high
蕘 fuel, grass 艹 grass + 堯 high
嬈 kind 女 woman + 堯 high
橈 bone of fore arm 木 wood + 堯 high
繞 to twist thread, to turn around 糸 silk, thread + 堯 high
遶 to turn around, to go around 辶 way, road, path + 堯 high
燒 to burn, to cook, to bake 火 fire + 堯 high
驍 courageous, strong 馬 horse + 堯 high
嘵 cry of alarm, querulous 口 mouth + 堯 high
髐 sound of arrow 骨 bone + 堯 high
曉 dawn 日 sun, day + 堯 high
嶢 high, steep 山 mountain + 堯 high

帝 emperor 巾 cloth
蒂 petal of fruit 艹 grass + 帝 emperor
締 knot, to join 糸 silk, thread + 帝 emperor
諦 to examine 言 word + 帝 emperor
渧 to drop, drop 氵水 water + 帝 emperor
蹄 hoof 足 foot + 帝 emperor
啼 to cry 口 mouth + 帝 emperor
揥 to get rid of 扌手 hand + 帝 emperor

Sanskrit word Examples from other languages
अन्तर् (antar) -between Lat. inter
अक्ष (akṣa) -axis Lat. axis
अग्नि (agni) -fire oganj, Lat. ignis
अज्र (ajra) -field Gr. αγρος agros, Lat. ager
आस् (ās) -mouth Lat. os, oris
ओष्ठ (oṣtha) -lips usta
चन्द् (cand) -to shine (candra -moon) Lat. candere
काम (kāma) -love, passion old Lat. camo -to love, classical Lat. amo, amare -to love
दक्षिण (dakṣina) -right side, south Lat. dexter
धूम (dhūma) -smoke Lat. fumus, dim
नीड (nīḍa) -nest Lat. nidus
नामन् (nāman) -name Gr. ονυμα (onyma) Lat. nomen
नर (nara) -man, human Gr. ανηρ (aner)
पद (pada) -foot, leg Gr. πους (pous), ποδος (podos)
पितृ (pitṛ) -father Gr. πατηρ (pater), Lat. pater
पुर (pura) -town, fortress Gr. πολις (polis)
मधु (madhu) -mead Eng. mead, med
मूषक (mūṣaka) -mouse Gr. μυς (mys), μυος (myos), Lat. mus, miš

Examples from most common Sanskrit words:
avatar अवतार (avatāra) -one who is crossing down
Buda बुद्ध (buddha) -awakened
chakra चक्रं (cakraṃ) -wheel (चृ (cṛ) -to move + कृ (kṛ) -to do)
Himalaya हिमालय (himālaya)
Singapur सिंह (siṃha) -lion + पुर (pura) -town, fortress
भ्रातृ (bhrātṛ) -brother from भृ (bhṛ) -to bear, to carry (Lat. frater -brother from ferro -to bear, to carry, Cro. brat -brother from brati -to pick up, Eng. brother, Ger. Bruder). भगिनी (bhaginī) -sister from भग (bhaga) -happy, riches as having brother.
देव (deva) -god from दिव् (div) -heaven, sky, day.
द्वीप (dvīpa) -island from द्वि (dvi) -two, on both sides + अप् (ap) -water
देह (deha) -body from दिह् (dih) -to plaster, to mould, to fashion (Lat. fingo -to shape, figure).
स्वृ (svṛ), सवर् (svar) -to shine
मृग (mṛga) -beast from मृग् (mṛg) -to hunt
मृत्यु (mṛtyu) -death from मृ (mṛ) -to die
मूर्ति (mūrti) -statue, idol from मूर्त (mūrta) -formed
मृद् (mṛd) -to crush, to smash
भगवत् (bhagavat) -glorious, divine, holy from भग (bhaga) -riches, happy (Cro. bog -god from bogat -rich)
भारत (bhārata) -name of India, descendant of Bharata, भरत (bharata), from भृत् (bhṛt) -to maintain, to support, to carry
संसार (saṃsāra) from सम् (sam) -together, with + सृ (sṛ) -to go, to flow
India from Greek name for river Ind from हिनदु (hindu) from सिन्ध् (sindh) -river, stream from सिध् (sidh) -to go, to flow
सिंह (siṃha) -lion from सह (saha) -powerful, mighty
दीप (dīpa) -lamp, from दीप् (dīp) -to shine, to glow
मनदिर (mandira) -temple from मनद् (mand) -to rejoice, to praise
विष (viṣa) -poison Lat. virus
अश्व (aśva) -horse, from अश् (aś) -to reach, to come to, to arrive
गॄ (gṛ) -to swallow, to devour (Lat. glutio -to swallow, Slav. grlo -throat)
हिम (hima) -cold, snow (Lat. hiems -winter, Slav. zima -winter, cold)
गरुड (garuḍa) -devourer, from गॄ (gṛ) -to swallow, to devour
महा (mahā) -great, from मह् (mah) -to magnify, exalt, to honour, to revere (Lat. magnus -great, large, Eng. much)
अंहु (aṃhu) -anxiety (Lat. anxius -uneasy, anxious)
अज् (aj) -to go, to move (Lat. ago -to drive, to do)
अद् (ad) -to eat (Lat. edo -to eat)
अभ्र (abhra) -rain, cloud, sky (Lat. imber -to rain, to shower)
अवि (avi) -sheep, from अव् (av) -to favour (Lat. ovis -sheep)
अर्क (arka) -ray of light, from अर्च् (arc) -to shine
असि (asi) -sword, from अस् (as) -to throw, to cast, to shoot at (Lat. ensis -sword)
भास् (bhās) -to shine, from भा (bhā) -to shine
आप् (āp) -to reach, to obtain (Lat. apiscor -to obtain)
इरस्य (irasya) -grudge, envy (Lat. ira -anger, wrath)
उप (upa) -under, down (Gr. 'υπο (hypo) -down, Lat. sub -down)
उपरि (upari) -above, over (Gr. 'υπερ (hyper) -above, Lat. super -above, Eng. over, Ger. über -over)
उलूक (ulūka) -owl, from वल् (val) -to turn around (Lat. ulula -owl)
ककुद् (kakud) -summit, peak (Lat. cacumen -summit)
कपाल (kapāla) -skull, cranium, cup from कम्प् (kamp) -to tremble, to shake (Gr. κωπη (kōpē) -handle, Lat. caput -head, Eng. cup)
कलम (kalama) -reed for writing (Lat. calamus -reed)
कूल (kūla) -slope, hill, mound (Lat. collis -hill)
गल (gala) -throat, from गॄ (gṛ) -to swallow, to devour (Lat. gula -throat, Slav. grlo -throat)
घर्म (gharma) -heat, warmth, from घृ (ghṛ) -to burn (Gr. θερμος (thermos) -hot, Ger. warm)
चर्मन् (carman) -skin, hide (Lat. corium -skin)
वृ (vṛ) -to like, to love (Lat. velle -to wish, want, Ger. wollen -to wish, Eng. will, Slav. voliti -to love)
हय (haya) -horse, from हि (hi) -to set forth in motion, to impel, to urge, hasten on
चारु (cāru) -beoved, dear, from चन् (can) -to delight in, be satisfied with (Lat. carus -dear)
तप् (tap) -to shine, to blaze, to be hot or warm (Lat. tepeo -to be warm)
द्रै (drai) -to sleep (Gr. δαρθανω (darthanō) -to sleep, Lat. dormio -to sleep)
द्वार (dvāra) -door, from द्वृ (dvṛ) -to obstruct (Gr. θυρα (thyra) -door)
नख (nakha) -nail, claw (Gr. ονυξ (onyx) -nail, claw, Lat. unguis -nail, claw)
पत्त्र (pattra) -feather, leaf (Gr. πτερον (pteron) -feather, Lat. penna -feather, wing, Eng. feather)
पाणि (pāṇi) -palm of hand (Gr. παλαμη (palamē) -palm, Lat. palma -palm)
पुत्र (putra) -son (Gr. παις, παιδος (pais, paidos) -child, Lat. puer -boy, child)
प्लु (plu) -to swim, to float (Gr. πλεω (pleō) -to swim, Lat. pluo -to rain)
ब्रह्मन् (brahman) -priest, from बृह् (bṛh) -to grow (Lat. flamen -priest)
युवन् (yuvan) -young (Lat. juvenis -young, from juvare -to help, to support)
यूष (yūṣa) -soup (Lat. jus -soup, Slav. juha -soup)

German etymology:
be- like English be- makes verb take a direct object (acc.) s. befinden (be located)
befolgen (follow)
befreunden (befriend)
begegnen (meet)
bekommen (get)
bemerken (notice, remark)

emp- sense, receive empfangen (receive)
empfehlen (recommend)
empfinden (feel)

ent- away from, English de-/dis- entarten (degenerate)
entbehren (miss, do without)
entdecken (discover)
entfallen (elude, slip)
entfernen (remove, take out)
entkalken (decalcify)
entkleiden (disrobe, undress)
entkommen (escape, get away)
entlassen (discharge, release)
entstehen (originate, be formed/created)
entwerten (devalue, cancel)

er- fatal, dead erhängen (hang, execute)
erschiessen (shoot dead)
ertrinken (drown) like English re- s. erinnern (remember)
erkennen (recognize)
erholen (recover, relax)
ge- - - gebrauchen (use, make use of)
gedenken (commemorate, intend)
gefallen (like)
gehören (belong to)
gelangen (arrive at)
geloben (vow)
genesen (recover, recuperate)
gestalten (shape, form)
gestehen (confess)
gewähren (grant, give, offer)

miss- English mis- missachten (disregard, disdain)
missbrauchen (abuse, misuse)
misstrauen (mistrust)
missverstehen (misunderstand)

ver- bad, awry, English mis- verachten (despise)
verbilden (miseducate)
verderben (go bad, spoil)
s. verfahren (go astray, get lost)
verkommen (go to ruin, become run down)
verschlafen (oversleep)
lose, away/out verdrängen (drive out)
verduften (lose its aroma)
verlassen (leave, abandon)
verlieren (lose) English for- verbieten (forbid)
vergeben (forgive)
vergessen (forget)
??? verbinden (bandage, link, tie)
vergrößern (enlarge)
verhaften (arrest)
versprechen (promise)

voll-* full, complete vollenden (complete, finish)
vollführen (execute, perform)
vollstrecken (enforce, execute)

zer- collapse, shatter, shred zerbrechen (shatter)
zerreissen (rip up, shred)
zerstören (destroy)

Separable prefixes:
ab- from abblenden (screen, fade out, dim )
abdanken (abdicate, resign)
abkommem (get away)
abnehmen (pick up; decrease, reduce)
abschaffen (abolish, do away with)
abziehen (deduct, withdraw, print )

an- at, to anbauen (cultivate, grow, plant)
anbringen (fasten, install, display)
anfangen (begin, start)
anhängen (attach)
ankommen (arrive)
anschauen (look at, examine)

auf- on, out, up, un- aufbauen (build up, put up, add on)
aufdrehen (turn on, unscrew, wind up)
auffallen (stand out, be noticeable)
aufgeben (give up; check )
aufkommen (arise, spring up; bear )
aufschließen (unlock; develop )

aus- out, from ausbilden (educate, train)
ausbreiten (extend, spread out)
ausfallen (fail, fall out, be canceled)
ausgehen (go out)
ausmachen (10 meanings!)
aussehen (appear, look )
auswechseln (exchange, replace )

bei- along, with beibringen (teach; inflict)
beikommen (get hold of, deal with)
beischlafen (have sexual relations with)
beisetzen (bury, inter)
beitragen (contribute )
beitreten (join)

durch-* through durchhalten (withstand, endure; hold out)
durchfahren (drive through)

ein- in, into, inward, down einatmen (inhale)
einberufen (conscript, draft; convene, summon)
einbrechen (break in; break down/through, cave in)
eindringen (force entry into, penetrate, besiege)
einfallen (collapse; occur to, remind)
eingehen (enter, sink in, be received)

fort- away, forth, onward fortbilden (continue education)
fortbringen (take away , post)
fortpflanzen (propagate, reproduce; be transmitted)
fortsetzen (continue)
forttreiben (drive away)

mit- along, with, co- mitarbeiten (cooperate, collaborate)
mitbestimmen (co-determine, have a say in)
mitbringen (bring along)
mitfahren (go/travel with, get a lift)
mitmachen (join in, go along with)
mitteilen (inform, communicate)

nach- after, copy, re- nachahmen (imitate, emulate, copy)
nachbessern (retouch)
nachdrucken (reprint)
nachfüllen (refill, top up/off)
nachgehen (follow, go after; run slow )
nachlassen (slacken, loosen)

vor- before, forward, pre-, pro- vorbereiten (prepare)
vorbeugen (prevent; bend forward)
vorbringen (propose, bring up; bring forward, produce)
vorführen (present, perform)
vorgehen (proceed, go on, go first)
vorlegen (present, submit)

weg- away, off wegbleiben (stay away)
wegfahren (leave, drive off, sail away)
wegfallen (be discontinued, cease to apply, be omitted)
weghaben (have got done, have got done)
wegnehmen (take away)
wegtauchen (disappear)

zu- shut/closed, to, towards, upon zubringen (bring/take to)
zudecken (cover up, tuck in)
zuerkennen (bestow, confer )
zufahren (drive/ride towards)
zufassen (make a grab for)
zulassen (authorize, license)
zunehmen (increase, gain, add weight)

zurück- back, re- zurückblenden (flash back )
zurückgehen (go back, return)
zurückschlagen (hit/strike back)
zurückschrecken (shrink back/from, recoil, shy away)
zurücksetzen (reverse, mark down, put back)
zurückweisen (refuse, repulse, turn back/away)

zusammen- together zusammenbauen (assemble)
zusammenfassen (summarize)
zusammenklappen (fold up, shut)
zusammenkommen (meet, come together)
zusammensetzen (seat/put together)
zusammenstoßen (collide, clash)

Dual prefix:
durch- through durchdringen (sep., penetrate)
durchfahren (sep., drive through)
durchfressen (insep., eat through )

hinter- behind hinterlassen (insep., leave; bequeath)
hinterlassen (sep., allow s.o. to go behind)

über- over, across überfahren (insep., run over)
überfahren (sep., ferry across, cross over)
überfallen (insep., attack, hold up )
übersetzen (insep., translate)
übersetzen (sep., ferry across)
überwinden (insep., overcome)

um- around umarmen (insep., embrace, hug)
umbauen (sep., renovate, convert)
umbauen (insep., enclose, surround)
umbinden (sep., tie on)
umkehren (sep., turn back, turn inside out)
umschreiben (sep., rewrite, transcribe)
umschreiben (insep., paraphrase, outline; skate around )
umziehen (sep., move , change )

unter- down unterbrechen (insep., interrupt, disconnect)
unterbringen (sep., accomodate)
unterdrücken (insep., oppress, repress, suppress)
untergehen (sep., sink, perish)
unternehmen (insep., do, undertake)
unterwerfen (insep., conquer, subjugate)
unterzeichnen (insep., sign )

wider- against, re- widerklingen (sep., resound)
widerlegen (insep., refute, disprove)
widerraten (insep., advise/counsel against)
widersprechen (insep., contradict)
widertönen (sep., echo)

wieder- again wiedergeben (insep., restore, give back; recite, perform; represent, reproduce, convey)
wiederkehren (sep., return, repeat, recur)
wiedersehen (sep., see/meet again)

Ancient Greek names:
Agape αγαπη (agapē) -love
Agatha αγαθος (agathos) -good
Agnes 'αγνος (hagnos) -chaste, pure
Akakios α (a) -not + κακη (kakē) -evil, bad
Aleksandar αλεξω (aleksō) - to defend, to help + ανηρ (anēr), ανδρος (andros) - man
Anaksagora αναξ (anaks) - master + αγορευω (agoreuō) - to speak
Anastasia ανα (ana) -up + στασις (stasis) -to stand
Androklo ανηρ (anēr), ανδρος (andros) - man + κλεος (kleos) - glory
Andronik ανηρ (anēr), ανδρος (andros) - man + νικη (nikē) - victory
Aniketos α (a) -not + νικη (nikē) - victory
Antigona αντι (anti) - against + γονευς (goneus) - ancestors
Arhelaj αρχος (arhos) - leader + λαος (laos) - people
Arhip αρχος (arhos) - leader + 'ιππος (hippos) - horse
Aristarh αριστος (aristos) - best + αρχη (arhē) - beginning, source
Aristoklo αριστος (aristos) - best + κλεος (kleos) - glory
Aristodemos αριστος (aristos) - best + δημος (dēmos) - people
Aristofan αριστος (aristos) - best + φανης (fanēs) - looks
Aristomah αριστος (aristos) - best + μαχη (machē) -battle
Aristotel αριστος (aristos) - best + τελος (telos) - intention
Athanasios α (a) -not + θανατος (thanatos) - death
Basileios βασιλευς (basileus) - king
Berenike φερω (pherō) - to bring + νικη (nikē) - victory
Chloe χλοη (chloē) - sprout of plant
Chrysanthos χρυσος (chrysos) - gold + ανθος (anthos) -flower
Cleon κλεος (kleos) - glory
Corinna κορη (korē) - virgin
Kleopatra κλεος (kleos) - glory + πατρος (patros), πατηρ (patēr) - father
Demokrit δημος (dēmos) - people + κριτης (kritēs) - judge
Demosten δημος (dēmos) - people + σθενος (sthenos) - power
Demostrate δημος (dēmos) - people + στρατος (stratos) -army
Diodorus Διος (dios) -from Zeus + δωρον (dōron) -gift
Diogenes Διος (dios) -from Zeus + γενης (genēs) -born
Diokles Διος (dios) -from Zeus + κλεος (kleos) - glory
Draco δρακων (drakōn) -dragon, snake from derkomai -to watch, to look
Euanthe ευ (eu) -good + ανθος (anthos) -flower
Euklid ευ (eu) - good + κλεος (kleos) - glory
Eudoxia ευ (eu) - good + δοξα (doksa) -opinion, glory
Eugenia ευ (eu) - good + γενης (genēs) -born
Euridika ευρυς (euris) - wide + δικη (dikē) - justice
Eulalia ευ (eu) - good + λαλεω (laleō) -to speak
Eunike ευ (eu) - good + νικη (nikē) - victory
Euphemia ευ (eu) - good + φημι (phēmi) -to speak
Euripid ευ (eu) - good + 'ριπη (rhipē) -to throw
Euthimios ευ (eu) - good + θυμος (thymos) -soul
Eshil αισχος (aischos) -shame
Georgios γη (gē) -earth + εργον (ergon) -work
Heraklo 'Ηρα (hēra) - Hera or 'ηρως (hērōs) - hero + κλεος (kleos) - glory
Herodot 'ηρως (hērōs) - hero + δοτος (dotos) - given
Hesiod 'ησι (hēsi) -to throw + ωιδης (ōidēs) -ode, song
Hipokrat 'ιππος (hippos) - horse + κρατος (kratos) - rule, might
Nikola νικη (nikē) - victory + λαος (laos) - people
Filip φιλος (filos) - who loves, friend + 'ιππος (hippos) - horse
Irena ειρηνη (eirēnē) - peace
Leonida λεων (leōn) - leon
Likurg λυκος (lykos) - wolf + εργον (ergon) - word
Methodios μετα (meta) -after, together + 'οδος (hodos) -way, road
Metrodora μητηρ (mētēr) -mother + δωρον (dōron) -gift
Nikefor νικη (nikē) - victory + φορος (foros) - bearing
Patroklo πατρος (patros) - father + κλεος (kleos) - glory
Panphilos παν (pan) -all + φιλος (philos) -who loves, friend
Pankratios παν (pan) -all + κρατος (kratos) - ruler, might
Panther παν (pan) -all + θηραω (thēraō) -to hunt, θηρ (thēr) -beast
Pelagios πελαγος (pelagos) -sea
Periklo περι (peri) -around + κλεος (kleos) - glory
Philotheos φιλος (philos) -who loves, friend + θεος (theos) - god
Polycarp πολυς (polys) -many + καρπος (karpos) -fruit
Sofoklo σοφος (sofos) - skilled, smart + κλεος (kleos) - glory
Sokrat σως (sōs) - surelly, wholelly + κρατος (kratos) - rule, might
Stjepan στεφανος (stefanos) - crown
Tales θαλλω (thallō) - to flower
Temistoklo θεμιστος (themistos) - legal + κλεος (kleos) - glory
Theodoulos θεος (theos) - god + δουλος (doulos) -slave
Teodor θεος (theos) - god + δωρον (dōron) - gift
Teodozije θεος (theos) - god + δοσις (dosis) - giving
Timon τιμη (timē) -honor
Timotheos τιμη (timē) -honor + θεος (theos) - god
Tukidid θεου (theou) - gods + κυδος (kydos) - pride
Xanthe ξανθος (ksanthos) -yellow
Xanthippe ξανθος (ksanthos) -yellow + 'ιππος (hippos) - horse
Xenokrat ξενος (ksenos) -foreign + κρατος (kratos) - rule, power
Xenophon ξενος (ksenos) -foreign + φωνη (phōnē) -voice
Zoe ζωη (zōē) -life, soul of plants

Acantha ακανθα (akantha) -thorn
Ahilej αχος (achos) -pain
Aegle αιγλη (aiglē) -sparkle, glory
Ajax αιαστης (aiastēs) -mourner
Alcippe αλκαιος (alkaios) -mighty + 'ιππος (hippos) -horse
Althea αλθος (althos) -to cure
Amalthea μαλθασσω (malthassō) -to soften
Andromah ανηρ (anēr), ανδρος (andros) - man + μαχη (machē) -battle
Andromeda ανηρ (anēr), ανδρος (andros) - man + μηδομαι (mēdomai) -to think
Anthea ανθος (anthos) -flower
Arachne αραχνη (arachnē) -spider
Ares αρη (arē) -to destroy, ruin
Argus αργος (argos) -shiny
Astraea αστηρ (astēr) -star
Athena αθηρ (athēr) -sharp + αινη (ainē) -glory
Atlas α (a) -not + τλαω (tlaō) -to endure
Calypso καλυπτω (kalyptō) -to cover, to hide
Cephalus κεφαλη (kephalē) -head
Chryses χρυσος (chrysos) -golden
Damocles δημος (dēmos) - people + κλεος (kleos) - glory
Damon δαμαω (damaō) -to tame
Demeter δη (dē) -earth, from γη (gē) -earth + μητηρ (mētēr) -mother
Dike δικη (dikē) -justice
Diomedes Διος (dios) -from Zeus + μηδομαι (mēdomai) -to think
Echo ηχη (ēchē) -sound
Electra ηλεκτρον (ēlektron) -jantar
Eos ηως (ēōs) -dawn
Eudora ευ (eu) - good + δωρον (dōron) - gift
Europa ευρυς (eurys) -wide + ωψ (ops) -face, eye
Evander ευ (eu) - good + ανηρ (anēr), ανδρος (andros) - man
Helios 'ηλιος (hēlios) -sun
Hemera 'ημερα (hēmera) -day
Ianthe ιον (ion) -purple, violet + ανθος (anthos) -flower
Iapetos ιαπτω (iaptō) -to wound
Ione ιον (ion) -purple
Iphigeneia ιφιος (iphios) -strong + γενης (gēnes) -born
Jason ιασθαι (iasthai) -to cure
Kalliope καλλος (kallos) -beautiful + ωψ (ops) -face, eye
Lykos λυκος (lykos) -wulf
Melanthios μελας (melas) -black + ανθος (anthos) -flower
Morpheus μορφη (morphē) -form, shape
Nyx νυξ (nyx) -night
Edip οιδεω (oideō) -to swell + πους (pous) -foot
Oenone οινος (oinos) -wine
Uran ουρανος (ouranos) -sky
Pandora παν (pan) -all + δωρον (dōron) - gift
Parthenia παρθενος (parthenos) -virgin
Parthenope παρθενος (parthenos) -virgin + ωψ (ōps) -face, eye
Pluton πλουτος (ploutos) -riches, abundant
Poseidon ποσις (posis) -husband + δη (dē) -earth, from γη (gē) -earth
Proteus πρωτος (prōtos) -first
Rhea 'ρεω (reō) -to flow
Selene σεληνη (selēnē) -moon
Terpsichore τερψις (terpsis) -pleasure + χορος (choros) -dance
Tethys τηθη (tēthē) -grandmother
Tezej τιθημι (tithēmi) -to put, to place something

Germanic names:
Adalbern adal -nobel + bern -bear
Adalbert, Albert adal -nobel + beraht -bright
Adalhard adal -nobel + hard -brave
Adalwin adal -nobel + win -friend
Adelmar adal -nobel + mar -famous
Alaric ala -all + ric -power, ruler
Alberich alf -elf + ric -power
Aldegund ald -star + gund -war
Aldhard ald -star + hard -brave
Aldric ald -star + ric -power
Alfbern alf -elf + bern -bear
Alfher alf -elf + hari -army, warrior
Alfred alf -elf + red -counsel
Alfwin alf -elf + win -friend
Amalia amal -work
Amalric amal -work + ric -power (America)
Anselm ans -god + helm -helm, protection
Ansgar ans -god + gar -spear
Anso ans -god
Arnold arn -eagle + wald -forest, power
Baldwin bald -brave + win -friend
Berengar bern -bear + gar -spear
Bernard bern -bear + hard -brave
Bertha beraht -bright
Bertram beraht -bright + hramn -raven
Bertrand beraht -bright + rand -rim of shield
Brunhild brun -armor, defence + hild -battle
Conrad kuoni -brave + rad -councel
Dagmar dagr -day + maer -maid
Dieter þeud -people + hari -army
Deutschland þeud -people + land (Name of Germany)
Dietfried þeud -people + frid -peace
Diethelm þeud -people + helm -helmet, protection
Dietlinde þeud -people + linde -soft, meek
Dietmar þeud -people + meri -glory
Edmund ead -rich, blessed + mund -protector
Egilhard agil -edge of sword + hard -brave
Ekkehard ekka -rim, edge + hard -brave
Erhard era -honor + hard -brave
Ermenrich ermen -all + ric -power
Erwin hari -army + win -friend
Faramund fara -journey + mund -protection
Ferdinand fardi -journey + nand -bold, brave
Filibert filu -many + beracht -bright
Frederic frid -peace + ric -power
Frida frid -peace
Friedmann frid -peace + man -man
Friedhelm frid -peace + helm -helmet, protection
Friedhold frid -peace + wald -to rule
Gaufrid gawia -territory + frid -peace
Gebhard geb -gift + hard -brave
Gerald ger -spear + wald -to rule
Gerfried ger -spear + frid -peace
Gerhild ger -spear + hild -battle
Gerlach ger -spear + laic -to play
Gernot ger -spear + hnod -to crush, to break
Gertrude ger -spear + þruþ -strength
Gerulf ger -spear + wulf -wulf
Gotahard god -god + heard -brave, bold
Goteleib god -god + leub -love
Gottschalk god -god + scalc -slave
Gudrun gud -god + run -secret teaching
Gumarich guma -man + ric -power
Gunda gund -war
Gunther gund -war + hari -army
Guntram gund -war + hramn -raven
Haimo heim -home
Hartmut hard -brave + muot -mind, spirit
Hartwin hard -brave + win -friend
Helmold helm -helm + wald -to rule
Helmut helm -helm + muot -mind, spirit
Herbert hari -army + beraht -bright
Herman hari -army + man -man
Hilbert hild -battle + beraht -bright
Hilda hild -battle
Hildebrand hild -battle + brand -sword
Hrodohaidis hrod -glory + heid -form, kind
Hubert hug -mind, heart + beraht -bright
Hulderic hulda -grace + ric -power
Humbert hun -warrior + beraht -bright
Ida id -work
Irma ermen -all
Kunibert kuni -clan, family + beraht -bright
Lambert land -land + beraht -bright
Leobwin leub -love + win -friend
Leonard leon -leon + hard -brave
Leutwin leud -people + win -friend
Linda linde -soft, meek
Lothar hlud -glory + hari -army
Ludolf hlud -glory + wolf -wulf
Meginhard magan -strength + hard -brave
Meinrad magan -strength, power + rad -councel
Norbert nord -north + beraht -bright
Norman nord -north + man -man
Odovacar aud -rich, aboundant + wacar -careful
Olaf anu -ancestor + leifr -ancestry
Othmar od -riches + meri -glory, famous
Ortrun ort -dot + run -secret
Ortwin ort -dot + win -friend
Oswald os -god + weald -to rule
Othmar od -riches + meri -glory
Otto od -rich
Rambert hramn -raven + beraht -bright
Richard ric -power + hard -brave
Robert hrod -glory + beraht -bright
Rocco hrok -rest
Roger hrod -glory + ger -spear
Roland hrod -glory + land -land
Rudolf hrod -glory + wulf -wulf
Siegbert sigu -victory + beraht -bright
Siegfried sigu -victory + frid -peace
Sieghard sigu -victory + hard -brave
Sieghild sigu -victory + hild -battle
Sigmund sigu -victory + mund -protector
Ulrich uodal -heritage + ric -power
Walahfrid walah -foreigner + frid -peace
Walter wald -to rule + hari -army
Werner warin -guard, ward + hari -army
Wigburg wig -war + burg -castle
Wolfgang wolf -wulf + gang -way, path, road
Wolfram wolf -wulf + hramn -raven

Old Norse mythology:
Alfr alfr -elf
Balder baldr -prince
Borghild borg -fortress + hildr -battle
Freya freyja -lady
Freyr freyr -master, lord
Frigg frigg -beloved
Gandalf gandr -staff + alfr -elf
Gunnar gunnr -war + arr -warrior
Idunn id -again + unna -to love
Odin odr -anger, rage
Signy sigr -victory + ny -new
Sigrun sigr -victory + run -secret
Sigurd sigr -victory + vardr -guard, ward
Thor Þórr -thunder
Urd urdr -destiny
Vidar vidr -forest + arr -warrior

Croatian names:
Adam od Heb. אָדָם (adam) -man, from אֲדָמָה (adamah) -earth
Adrijana Lat. town Hadria + an -of, related to
Agata Gr. αγαθος (agathos) -good
Agneza Gr. 'αγνος (hagnos) -chaste, honorable Lat. agnus -lamb
Alexandar Gr. αλεξω (alekso) -to defend, to protect, to help + ανηρ (aner), ανδρος (andros) -man
Alojz od Louis od Ludwig hlud -glory + wig -warrior
Amalija Ger. amal -work
Ana Heb. חַנָּה (channah) -grace
Anamarija Heb. חַנָּה (channah) -grace + Marija from Miriam מִר (mir) -bitter + יָם (yam) -sea, or from Ancient Egyptian mry -beloved od mr -love
Anastazija Gr. ανα (ana) -up + στασις (stasis) -standing
Anđela, Anđelko Gr. αγγελος (angelos) -messenger, angel
Andrej, Andrija ανηρ (aner), ανδρος (andros) -man
Ante Gr. ανθος (anthos) -flower
Augustin Lat. augustus -large, respected from augere, auctus -to increase + in -of, related to
Barbara Gr. βαρβαρος (barbaros) -stranger
Berislav brati -to pick up + slava -glory
Bernard Ger. bern -bear + hard -brave
Biserka biser -pearl
Blanka from medieval Fr. blanche -white
Blaž from Lat. blaesus -to prattle
Bogdan bog -god + dati, dan -given
Bojan boj, bitka -battle + an -of, related to
Borislav boriti se, bitka -battle + slava -glory
Borko, Borna od Staro -old Slav. bor -bitka -battle
Boško bog -god
Božidar bog -god + dar -gift
Branimir braniti -to defend + mir -peace
Branislav braniti -to defend + slava -glory
Branko, Branka od braniti -to defend
Bruno Ger. brun -smeđi -brown
Cecilija Lat. caecus -blind + il -of, related to
Cvijeta cvijet -flower
Dalibor daleko -far away + boriti se -to fight
Damir dati -to give + mir -peace
Damjan Gr. δαμαω (damao) -to tame + an -of, related to
Danijel דָן (dan) -judge + ִי (i) -my + אֵל (el) -god, powerful
Darija, Dario from daraya -to have, to possess + vahu -good (Persian)
Darko from dar -gift
Denis Gr. Διος (Dios) -from Zeus + Νυσα (Nysa) -name of mountain
Dinko Lat. dominus -master, lord (domare -to tame + in -of, related to)
Dobroslav dobra -good + slava -glory
Dora Gr. δωρον (doron) -gift
Drago drago, cjenjeno -dear, valuable
Dragomir drago, cjenjeno -dear, valuable + mir -peace
Dragoslav drago, cjenjeno -dear, valuable + slava -glory
Dragutin drago, cjenjeno -dear, valuable + in -of, related to
Dražen drago, cjenjeno -dear, valuable + en -of, related to
Dubravka dubrava -oak forest
Đurđa, Đuro Gr. Georgios γη (ge) -earth + εργον (ergon) -work
Emanuel Heb. Emmanuel עִמָּנוּ (immanu) -with us + אֵל (el) -god, powerful
Emil Lat. aemulus -rival
Filip φιλος (filos) - who loves, friend + 'ιππος (hippos) - horse
Goran gora -mountain + an -of, related to
Gordan gord -dignity, respectful + an -of, related to
Hrvoje from Hrvat from hrbat -mountain ridge from hump or harahvatija from xarax -pond + vaiti -which has (Persian)
Ida Ger. id -work
Igor from Ingvar ing -ancestor + arr -warrior
Ilija אֵל (el) -god, powerful + ִי (i) -my + יָה (yah) -Yahveh, one who exist from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Ines Gr. 'αγνος (hagnos) -chaste, honorable Lat. agnus -lamb
Ivan, Iva Heb. יוֹ (yo) -Yahveh, one that exist from הָיָה (haya) -to be + חַנָּה (channah) -grace
Katarina Gr. καθαρος (katharos) -pure + in -of, related to
Kristijan Gr. χριω (chrio) -to anoint + an -of, related to
Krsto Gr. χριω (chrio) -to anoint (also name of Christ) + φερω (phero) -to bear, to carry
Krunoslav kruna -crown + slava -glory
Leo Lat. leo -lion
Leon Gr. λεων (leon) -lion
Lovro Lat. laurus -laurent + ens -of, related to
Lucija Lat. lux, lucis -light
Marija from Miriam מִר (mir) -bitter + יָם (yam) -sea or from Ancient Egyptian mry -beloved from mr -love
Marina, Marin Lat. mare -sea + in -of, related to
Martin Lat. Mars, martis -god of war + in -of, related to
Matej Heb. מַתָּן (mathan) -gift + יָהוּ (yahu) -Yahveh, one that exist from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Mirko, Miro from mir -peace
Miroslav mir -peace + slava -glory
Mislav misliti -to think + slava -glory
Mladen mlad -young + en -of, related to
Nedeljko ne-not + delati, raditi -to work
Nenad nenadano, iznenada -suddenly, unexpected
Ognjen oganj -fire
Paško from Pascal Heb. פֶּסַח (pesach) -pascha + al -of, related to
Paula, Pavao Lat. paulus, paula -small
Petar, Petra Gr. πετρος (petros) -rock
Ranko raniti -to wound
Ratko rat -war
Renata Lat. re, red -back, again + nata -born
Robert Ger. hrod -glory + beraht -bright
Silvio Lat. silva -forest
Siniša from sin -son
Snježana snijeg -snow
Tihomir tih -silent + mir -peace
Tvrtko from tvrd -hard
Velimir veliki -large + mir -peace
Vesna proljeće -spring
Vjekoslav vjek -age + slava -glory
Vladimir vladati -to rule + mir -peace
Vladislav vladati -to rule + slava -glory
Vlasta from vlast -rule
Žarko from žar -ember
Zdenko zdeti -to build, to create
Želimir željeti -to wish + mir -peace
Zvonimir zvoniti -to ring + mir -peace

Hebrew names:
Adalija אֲדַלְ (adal) -righteous + יָא (ya) -Yahveh, one that exist from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Adam אָדָם (adam) -man
Amnon אַמְנוֹן (amnon) -faithfull
Amos עָמוֹס (amos) -carried
Amram עַם (am) -people + רָם (ram) -elevated
Anaija עֲנָ (ana) -answered + יָה (yah) -Yahveh, one that exist from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Anath עֲנָת (anath) -answer
Aran אֲרָן (aran) -wild goat
Arieh אַרְיֵה (arieh) -lion
Ariel אַרְיֵה (arieh) -lion + ִי (i) -my + אֵל (el) -god, mighty
Asa אָסָא (asa) -doctor
Asaph אָסָף (asaph) -collector
Asher אָשֵׁר (asher) -happy, blessed
Atarah עֲטָרָה (atarah) -crown
Abidan אֲב (ab) -father + ִי (i) -my + דָן (dan) -judge
Abiel אֲב (ab) -father + ִי (i) -my + אֵל (el) -god, mighty
Abigail אֲב (ab) -father + ִי (i) -my + גָיִל (gail) -joy
Abihu אֲב (ab) -father + ִי (i) -my + הוּא (hu) -he
Abimelech אֲב (ab) -father + ִי (i) -my + מֶלֶך (melech) -king
Abiram, Abram אֲב (ab) -father + ִי (i) -my + רָם (ram) -elevated
Abishai אֲב (ab) -father + ִי (i) -my + שַׁי (shay) -gift
Abital אֲב (ab) -father + ִי (i) -my + טָל (tal) -dew
Abijah אֲב (ab) -father + ִי (i) -my + יָה (yah) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Abner אֲב (ab) -father + נֵר (ner) -light, lamp
Abraham אֲב (ab) -father + רָם (ram) -elevated + הָמוֹן (hamon) -multitude
Absalom אֲב (ab) -father + שָׁלוֹם (shalom) -peace
Azariah עָזַר (azar) -help + יָה (yah) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Azaziah עֲזַזְ (azaz) -strong + יָהוּ (yahu) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Azriel עָזַר (azar) -help + אֵל (el) -god, mighty
Barak בָּרָק (baraq) -thunder
Baruch בָּרוּך (baruch) -blessed
Bathsheba בַּת (bath) -daughter + שֶׁבַע (sheba) -covenant
Benaiah בְּנָ (bena) -to build + יָהוּ (yahu) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Benjamin בֵּן (ben) -son + יָמִין (yamin) -south, right side
Bithiah בַּת (bath) -daughter + יָה (yah) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Boaz בֹּעַז (boaz) -speed, swift
Chezekiah חִזְקִ (chiziq) -strenghten will + יָהוּ (yahu) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Dan דָן (dan) -judge
Danijel דָן (dan) -judge + ִי (i) -my + אֵל (el) -god, mighty
Delilah דְּלִילָה (delilah) -weak
Deborah דְּבוֹרָה (deborah) -bee
Ehud אֵהוּד (ehud) -united
Eran עֵירָן (eran) -carefull
Ethan אֵיתָן (ethan) -hard, resistant
Eleazar, Lazar אֵל (el) -god, mighty + עָזַר (azar) -help
Elisha אֵל (el) -god, mighty + ִי (i) -my + שׁוּעַ (shua) -saviour (name of Jesus)
Elisheba, Elizabeth אֵל (el) -god, powerful + ִי (i) -my + שֶׁבַע (sheba) -covenant
Elijah, Ilija אֵל (el) -god, mighty + ִי (i) -my + יָה (yah) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Emmanuel עִמָּנוּ (immanu) -with us + אֵל (el) -god, powerful
Ezra עָזַר (azar) -help
Gabriel גַּבְרִי (gabri) -my strength is + אֵל (el) -god, powerful
Haran הַר (har) -mountain
Hillel הָלַל (halal) -to celebrate
Ithamar אִי (i) -coast + תָמָר (thamar) -palm tree
Kaleb כָּלֵב (chaleb) -dog
Kain קָיִן (qain) -aquired
Lemuel לְמוּ (lemu) -belongs to + אֵל (el) -god, powerful
Levi לֵוִי (levi) -added
Lot לוֹט (lot) -veal, cover
Malachi מַלְאָכִי (malachi) -my messenger
Mattan מַתָּן (mathan) -gift
Mattityahu, Matija מַתָּן (mathan) -gift + יָהוּ (yahu) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Melech מֶלֶך (melech) -king
Michael מִיכָ (micha) -who is like + אֵל (el) -god, mighty
Micaiah מִיכָ (micha) -who is like + יָהוּ (yahu) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Miriam, Mary מִר (mir) -bitter + יָם (yam) -sea or from Ancient Egyptian mry -beloved from mr -love
Nathan נָתָן (nathan) -he has given
Nathanael נָתָן (nathan) -he has given + אֵל (el) -god, mighty
Noa נוֹחַ (noha) -rest
Ophrah עָפְרָה (aphra) -fawn, deer
Obadiah עוֹבֵד (obed) -slave + יָה (yah) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Obed עוֹבֵד (obed) -slve
Rachela רָחֵל (rachel) -sheep
Raphael רָפָ (rapha) -to heal + אֵל (el) -god, mighty
Ruth רְעוּת (reuth) -friend
Sara שָׂרָה (sarah) -lady, princess
Sharon שָׁרוֹן (sharon) -plane
Salomon, Solomon שָׁלוֹם (shalom) -peace
Shem שֵׁם (shem) -name
Shemuel, Samuel שֵׁם (shem) -name + אֵל (el) -god, mighty
Shimun, Simon שִׁמְעוֹן (shimon) -he has heard
Shoshannah, Susana שׁוֹשָׁן (shoshan) -lilly
Tamar תָּמָר (thamar) -palm tree
Tobija טוֹב (tob) -good + ִי (i) -my + יָה (yah) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Zipphorah צִפּוֹרָה (tsiporah) -bird
Urija אוּר (ur) -light + ִי (i) -my + יָה (yah) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be
Uriel אוּר (ur) -light + ִי (i) -my + אֵל (el) -god, mighty
Yehoram, Joram יְהוֹ (yeho) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be + רָם (ram) -exalted
Yehoshua, Joshua יְהוֹ (yeho) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be + שֻׁעַ (shua) -rescues
Yehuda, Judah יְהוּדָה (yehuda) -celebrated from יָד (yad) -hand (name of Jews)
Israel יִשְׂרָ (yisra) -fight with + אֵל (el) -god, mighty
Yoab, Joab יוֹ (yo) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be + אֲב (ab) -father
Yoel, Joel יוֹ (yo) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be + אֵל (el) -god, mighty
Yonah, Jona יוֹנָה (yonah) -pidgeon
Yonathan, Jonathan יוֹ (yo) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be + נָתָן (nathan) -he has given
Yoram, Joram יוֹ (yo) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be + רָם (ram) -exalted
Zaharija זְכַר (zechar) -remembers + יָה (yah) -Yahveh, one that exists from הָיָה (haya) -to be

May I also suggest new system of universal writing like one sign would have single meaning but pronounced on many different languages.
For example some Chinese characters have same meaning but different pronunciation in China (including many Chinese languages), Japan, Korea and Vietnam.

Chinese pronuncination (Japanese)
木 -tree: mu, (ki) 森 -forest: sen, (mori) 林 -grove: lin, (hayashi)
口 -mouth: kou, (kuchi) 犬 -dog: quan, (inu) 水 -water: shui, (mizu)
火 -fire: huo, (hi) 金 -gold: jin, (kane) 土 -earth: tu, (tsuchi)
日 -sun: ri, (hi) 心 -heart: xin, (kokoro) 目 -eye: mu, (me)
見 -to see: jian, (miru) 月 -moon: yue, (tsuki) 光 -light: guang, (hikari) 旦 -dawn: dan, (akira)

Some examples of Chinese characters that are created on logic, new signs would be based on logic and have only one same meaning but pronounced on many different languages.
木 tree + 木 tree = 林 forest
口 mouth + 犬 dog = 吠 to bark
氵 water + 工 work = 江 river
火 fire + 火 fire = 炎 flame
金 metal, gold + 戔 small piece = 錢 coin
火 fire + 工 work = 灴 to bake
言 word, to say + 十 ten = 計 to count
小 small + 土 earth = 尘 dust
日 sun, day + 生 to be born = 星 star
十 ten + 口 mouth (in sense generations) = 古 ancient
目 eye + 儿 person (originally pictograph of legs) = 見 to see
日 sun, day + 月 moon = 明 bright
火 fire + 儿 person (that is using fire) = 光 light
音 sound + 心 heart, mind = 意 to think
日 sun, day + 一 (above horizon) = 旦 dawn

Various games etymologies

Three the Hard way etymologies:
Manteo man + theos -god (Greek)
Govan to govern + an -of, related to
Lucama Lat. lux, lucis -light + amo, amare -to love
Salem Heb. shalom -peace
Anderson Gr. aner, andros -man + son
Tharsele tar + to sell
Winston to win + ton -town

怪物 (kaibutsu) -monster
怪 (kai) -mystery, apparition
物 (butsu) -thing, object
北 (kita) -north
木剣 (bokken) -wooden sword
木 (boku) -tree, wood
剣 (ken) -sword
南 (minami) -south
餓狼 (garou) -hungry wolf
餓 (ga) -hungry, starve
狼 (rou) -wolf
冀望 (kibou) -hope, wish
冀 (ki) -hope for, wish
望 (bou) -hope, desire
詭謀 (kibou) -trick, ruse
詭 (ki) -lie, deceive
謀 (bou) -cheat, deceive
好い (ii) -good, nice, pleasant
新 (shin) -new
心 (shin) -heart
信 (shin) -sincerity, reliance, faith, devotion
論 (ron) -discussion
一神論 -monotheism
一 (i) -one
神 (shin) -god, soul
昏睡 (konsui) -lethargy, stupor, coma
昏 (kon) -dark, evening, dusk
睡 (sui) -drowsy, sleep
酒 (sake) -alcohol, sake
山椒魚 (sanshouuo) -salamander
愛 (ai) -love, affection
剣 (ken) -sword
静穏 (seion) -serene, tranquility
静 (sei) -quiet
穏 (on) -calm, quiet
Kung fu
功夫 (gong fu) -skill, kung fu, labor
功 (gong) -merit, achievement, service, honor
夫 (fu) -man
beau -beautiful
olere, olenda -smell of, smell like
Vance -from English surname which was derived from Old English fenn -marsh, fen
laurus -laurel
Clifton -from surname which was originally derived from place name meaning "settlement by a cliff" in Old English
Cary -from Irish surname which was derived from O Ciardha meaning "descendent of Ciardha" Ciardha -dark (Gaelic)
Fayette -little fairy (French)
Raleigh -from place name meaning either "red clearing" or "roe deer clearing" in Old English
Mauldin -perhaps from Maldwyn Welsh form of Baldwin from Germanic elements bald -bold, brave and win -friend
Benson -from surname which originally meant "son of Benedict" from benedictus -blessed
bene -well
dicere -talk, speak
e, ex -out, away from, beyond
disto, distare -be distant, be different
Gastonia -possibly means either "stranger" from Germanic or "of Gascony" from French
terror -fear
tuli, ferre -bring, bear
लुम्बिनी (lumbinī) -lovely
name of princess and grove named after her where Buddha was born
Treasure of Nags
नाग (nāga) -snake, cobra, class of beings associated with waters, rivers, lakes, seas, wells and are generally regarded as
guardians of treasure
gobius -small fish
Lucama -either from lux -light or lucus -grove
Olar amulet
olere -smell of, smell like
Hiryuu shouri zan
飛 (hi) -fly
竜 (ryuu) -dragon
勝利 (shouri) -victory
斬 (zan) -cut
Hiryuu Seizon Kougeki (Benson's desperation attack) (word solved by Non-Sequitur)
飛竜 (hiryuu) -flying dragon
生存 (seizon) -survival
攻撃 (kougeki) -attack
花 (kanna) -flower (this pronunciation is only as name otherwise hanna)
Zebulun -exaltation (Hebrew).Zebulun was tenth son of Jacob in the Old Testament and ancestor of one of the twelve tribes of Israel
μεγας (megas) -large, big
pes, pedis -foot
Ramseur -probably from Rameses
ra -sun (Ancient Egyptian)
meses -born (Ancient Egyptian)
Grimorum -grimoire, a book of instructions in use of magic
τατι (tati) -name applied by slave to mistress
voro -swallow
candor -bright light, radiance, heat, purity
σπορα (spora) -seed
ul -little, small
illuminatus -light up
Paralgae (similar to algae)
παρα (para) -beside, beyond, against, similar
alga -sea weed, literary means entwining, derived from alligare -to bind
orum, oris, os -mouth, face
campus -plain, field
bello -pretty
πελιος (pelios) -dull, dark, discoloured
Πηλιον (pēlion) -Pelion, a mountain in Thessaly
αλεγω (alegō) -care for, regard, respect
Paramoeba (similar to amoeba)
παρα (para) -beside, beyond, against, similar
amoeba from αμοιβη (amoibē) -change
αμβροσια (ambrosia) -immortality, elixir of life
Dyn ring
δυναμις (dynamis) -power, might, potency, ability
viator -traveler
παν (pan) -all
tego, tegere -cover, protect, defend, hide
暮れ (kure) -sunset, nightfall, end
女 (onna) -woman
斬馬刀 (zanbatō) -type of long sword
斬 (zan) -to cut, to slash
馬 (ba), (ma) -horse
刀 (tō) -saber, sword
gladius -sword
着物 (kimono) -Kimono
着 (ki) -wear, counter for suits, clothing
物 (mono) -thing, object
小太刀 (kodachi) -short sword, small sword
長刀 (naginata) -long sword, halberd
vermes, vermis -worm
reticulum -diminutive of rete -net, ul -small
Mahou spice
魔法 (mahou) -magic
魔 (ma) -evil spirit, magic, demon, witch
法 (hou) -rule, method, law
nor, neither
οντα (onta) -reality, truth
ευ (eu) -well, thoroughly, ease
α (a) -not
φισκος (phiskos) -imperial treasury
πολις (polis) -city
Erhard -from name of German saint, from Old High German era -honour + harti -hard
avis -bird
Calculus -pebble, stone
Aurum -gold
αναθεμα (anathema) -curse, an accursed thing
Λαμια (lamia) -lamia, a fabulous monster
λαιμος (laimos) -throat
vicarius -substitute, deputy, successor, supplying the place of someone/something
Ragnarok -from Old Norse ragnarök from regin -gods + rök -fate, development
Kenan -means possession in Hebrew
Durham -from Old English dun -hill and Old Norse holme -island
εναρ (enar) -flow (Lacon.)
pomarium -orchard

Ahriman's Prophecy etymology

Talia -form of Talya -dew from God (Hebrew) or from Thalia, Θαλεια (thaleia) derived from θαλλω (thallō) -to blossom
θαις (thais) -bandage
zorro -fox (Spanish)
द्युति (dyuti) -splendour, brightness, lustre, majesty, dignity (Sanskrit)
candere -shine, gleam, glow, sparkle + ar -means/instrument/place for special purpose
Alnus -alder, alder-wood, plank
Tar Vendron
vendor, vendere -sell, to sell or give up any thing for money, to betray
短刀 (tantō) -short sword, dagger
serenus, serena -cheerful, serene, bright
aquifolius -holly tree, having pointed leaves
acus -needle
folium -leaf
Hypericum -name of St John's wort derived from Greek words 'υπερ (hyper) -above + εικων (eikōn) -picture, image, in reference to the traditional use of the plant to ward off evil, by hanging plants over a religious icon in the house during St John's day
vesper -evening
ver, veris -spring
sipare -scatter, pour
Ahriman -modern Persian form of Angra Mainyu -evil spirit in Avestan.In Persian mythology was god of darkness and destruction


蓮 (ren) -lotus or 恋 (ren) -romance, love
मार (māra) -the destroyer, Mara demon who tempted Buddha
aveo, avere -desire, wish for
yond -futher, beyond, over, across
venire -come
venari -hunt
Arishtha islands
अरिष्ट (arishta) -secure, safe, unhurt (अ (a) -not + रिष्ट (rishta) -broken, injured)
ejido -farm (Mexican Spanish).Ejidos are typically on the road out of town or village
Vohu Manah -good purpose (Avestan), one of six divine sparks of Ahura Mazda, each represent one facet of creation, Vohu Manah represented all animal creation
इन्द्र (indra) from इन्दु (indu) -a drop + र (ra) -possessing.Indra is name of Hindu chief god and god of sky and rain
वात (vāta) -blown, wind, wind god
armaiti -devotion (Avestan), represented earth
Rashnu -Avestan name of Zoroastrian god of justice
mitra -oath, alliance, friend (Indo-Iranian root).In Persian mythology he was god of light and friendship
aether -upper air, ether, heaven, sky

Starless Umbra etymology

arcor, arco, arcere -keep away, protect
olfacio, olfacere -smell (olere -smell of, smell like + facio, facere -make, produce)
falas, fala -wooden tower or pillar
odor -scent, smell
δωρον (dōron) -gift, blessing
Beor ub numa
beor, beo, beare -bless
nummus -coin, money
μυδος (mydos) -damp, clamminess
θερος (theros) -summer
σαθρος (sathros) -cracked, unsound, impotent
γαινος (gainos) -of earth
celar, celo, celare -conceal, hide
ζητεω (zēteō) -seek, seek for, seeking
ζεστος (zestos) -hot
exoro, exorare -persuade, obtain, prevail, beg + go -act of or result of action of verb
veris, verum -truth
ver, veris -spring
from Andrew from Ανδρεας (andreas) from ανηρ (anēr) -man (genitive ανδρος (andros) -of a man
τυλοω (tuloō) -hard, callous
ρωννυμι (rōnnymi) -farewell
tuli, ferre -bear, produce
rus -country, lands, fields
Dysona gem
δυσωνος (dysōnos) -hard to buy
δυς (dys) -hard, un-, mis-
ωνος (ōnos) -purchase
βαδος (bados) -walk
al -in a condition of, in state of
edim, edo, esse -eat, consume
花 (hana) -flower
小 (tii) -little, small
大 (ō) -large, big
食 (hamu) -food
Reene -variant of Renee from renatus -born again (late Latin)
opium from οπιον (opion) - poppy-juice
usus -use
al -of a, pertaining to, in state of
jeot beor ub numa
젓 (jeot) -paste (Korean)
eo, ire, ivi, itus -go, walk, advance
beor -I am blessed or blessing
ab -by, from
nummus -coin, money
Scapulare - sword-belt, shoulder-strap, short cloak
Valhalla -Old Norse Valhöll, from valr -dead warriors, and höll -hall
Umbra -shadow
Yeti -from Tibetan yeh-ti -rock bear
ειλη (eilē) -band, troop
ειλω (eilō) -cover, protect, enclose, shut in/out, confine
solium -throne, seat
sol -sun
solum -bottom, ground, floor, land
ληθη (lēthē) -forgetfulness, forgotten
λιθος (lithos) -stone
Ema - from Emma, originally short form of Germanic names that began with element ermen -whole, universal
νομος (nomos) -law, custom, that which is in habitual practice, use or possession
khān -lord, prince (Turkic)
μελας (melas) -black, dark
Lynia -perhaps from Lynn derived from llyn -lake (Welsh)
Terra -earth, land, ground
Veranius Stellus
veranus, verus -true, genuine, right, fair
stella -star
qua -any, who, which
deus -god
θερος (theros) -summer
δρις (dris) -power, ability
vades, vado, vadere -rush, hurry, go, advance
hime -base of a pillar
worþ -an enclosure (Old English) appears at place names as -worth
σως (sōs) -safe, whole, intact
μυρκος (myrkos) -dumb
ρις (ris) -projecting spur of land, brow of a hill, nose
βαινω (bainō) -walk
βαναυσος (banausos) -artisan, vulgar, in bad taste, unworthily, meanly, fastidious
mirare -suprised, admire, be amazed, revere
il -able to, -able, -ble
δεος (deos) -fear
Alodos tower
a, ante -in front of, before
lodos -strong south-western wind
lodo -arbitrator's award
ludus -play, entertainment
lodix -rug
Novon Ball
novus -new, unusual, extraordinary
Syris Leseto
Syris, Syrus -Syrian, of Syria
syrtis -sandbank, quicksand
lesionato, lesionare -to damage
無碍 (muge) -free from obstacles
jus -law (j is pronunced as y in Latin)
ira -anger, wrath, rage
蛭 (hiru) -leech
干る (hiru) -to dry
Odium -hate
家庭 (katei) -home, family, household
過程 (katei) -process
仮定 (katei) -assumption, supposition, hypothesis
calda -warm water
ur -use of
ala -wing
κυρος (kuros) -supreme power, authority
curro -hurry, hasten, run
curium, curia -grievous, full of sorrow
curo -take care of, heal, cure
-ian -of, belonging to

Everlong etymology
Gerovitus guerra -war (Spanish) + Lat. vita -life
Veneficus Lat. venenum -poison, venom + facere -make
Propugnaculum Lat. pro -for, forward + pugna -fight
Prodigium nidus Lat. prodigy, monster (pro, prod -forward + agere, actus -to do, make, drive) + nidus -nest
Cirigoth Gr. kirios -lord + Goth -Germanic tribe
Eridwell Lat. aridus -dry + well
Vetu Lat. veto -I forbid
Beherit Heb. berith -covenant
Lixandru Lat. lux, lucis -light + Gr. aner, andros -man
Coriolis Lat. cor, cordis -heart + ol -little, small
Nemus aevum Lat. nemus -grove, forest + aevum -age
Katana soul 刀 (katana) -sword (片 kata -one, piece + 刃 na -blade) Japanese

Laxius Power etymology
Dagayel'rr dagger + to yell
Orghandi Lat. urgere -press hard, squeeze Gerund urgendi
Indinera India + nera -black (Italian)
Orfuls could also be from or -gold (French) + foul
Dogura dog + ur -of, related to
Korago Lat. cor -heart + ago, agere -to do, make

Exit Fate etymology
Kirgard Gr. kirios -supreme authority, lord + guard
Zelmony Gr. zelos -zeal, eager rivalry + Lat. munis -service

Master of the wind etymology
Cyneric Gr. kyon -dog + rikr -ruler (Old Norse)

Last scenario etymology
Entalar en, in + tal -valley, dale (German) + Lat. -arium -place

Dark age etymology
Varda ward, to ward
Celena Lat. caelum -sky + in -of, related to

Quintessence etymology
Korbin village Lat. cor, cordis -heart + bin -two villa -country house + agere -make
Lunair Lat. luna -moon + aer -air
Neryns nero -black (Italian) + in -of, related to
Alden alt -old (German) + in -of, related to
Petal Gr. petalon -leaf
Kardian Gr. kardia -heart + an -of, related to

Elder Scrolls etymology:
Ayleid ayle -grandfather from ayel (Old English) from Lat. avus - grandfather + id -of, related to
Ilunibi Lat. luna -moon, lunatic + ibi -there
Mannimarco maniac + Mark, Marco
Sul Senipul Lat. senex -old man + pullus -black
dremora dream + or -gold (French)
Indoril India + or -gold (French) + il -of, related to
Nerevar nero, nere -black (Italian) + war
Sotha sil soothe silently

Laxius Force 3 etymology:
Skohar scorch + hard

Exit Fate etymology:
Avalon Lat. avere -to wish, to long for + al -of, related to

Morrowind etymology:
Aedra Gr. a -not + dead
Daedra dead (not our ancestors)
Akatosh Gr. a -not + kata -down (he was dragon)
Dunmer dunn -brown, black colored (Old English) + Lat. maritus -husband, man
Dwemer dwe (deep + dwell) + Lat. maritus -husband, man
Falmer fallen + Lat. maritus -husband, man
Altmer Lat. altus -high + maritus -husband, man
Arkay Lat. arcere -to defend, to protect + eye
Morag Thong Lat. mors, mortis -death + agere, actus -to do, to make
Alinor Lat. alere -to nourish, to maintain, to develop + in -of, related to
Valenwood Lat. valere -to be strong + en -of, related to + wood
Dagoth -dreaming god from Conan the barbarian film from Heb. Dagon from dag -fish + -oth -plural suffix + Ur -ancient (German)
Suran Fr. sur, super -above + an -of, related to or surya -sun (Sanskrit)
Mudan grotto mud + an -of, related to

Oblivion etymology:
Moranda Lat. mors, mortis -death + -andus, -anda -ing suffix
S'krivva skriva -she hides from skrivati -to hide (Slavic)

Smurf etymology
Gargamel gargantuan -gigantic, enormous + Lat. malus, mala -evil or Gr. melas -black
Smurf from Fr. Les schtroumpfs from Ger. strumpf -large socks, stocking
Azrael -angel of death from Heb. azar -to help + el -god

Last scenario:
Ortas Lat. oriri, ortus -to rise up

Phantom legacy:
azoth Heb. azar -to help + -oth -plural suffix
Gerent Lat. gerere, gestus -to bear to carry
Thanatos Gr. thanatos -death
Ragan Lat. rex, regis -king + an -of, related to
Proteus Gr. protos -first
Incisor Lat. in + caedere, caesus -to cut
Averron Avalon or Lat. avis -bird + errare -to wander, to go astray
Deimos Gr. deimos -dread
Narik Lat. narrare -to tell, describe + ic -of, related to

Final fantasy:
Galbadia Gallia + to be bad
Rabanastre rabid + Gr. aster -star
Zanarkand Gr. za -very + narke -numb + Lat. andus, anda -ing suffix
Balamb garden Lat. ballare -to dance + ambi -around
Daigoro Jp. 大 (ダイ) dai -large, big + 餓 (ガ) ga -hungry + 狼 (ロウ) -rou, ro -wolf

Starless umbra:
badal to be bad + al -of, related to

Lord of the rings etymology:
Gandalf gandr -wand + alfr, alf -elf (Old Norse)

Romancing walker:
Factoria continent Lat. facere, factus -to make
Lavas ville Lat. lava from lavare -to wash (in sense hot)
Preshes precious
Shisho 師匠 (ししょう) shisho -master, teacher 師 shi -teacher + 匠 sho -workman
Baka 馬鹿 (ばか) baka -stupid, folly, fool 馬 ba, uma -horse + 鹿 ka, shika -deer
Orubia aquary Lat. orbis -sphere, world + aqua -water
Latyss Grynwind Lat. latus, lata -wide, broad + green + wind
Kah mana shrine Gr. kakos -bad + mana
Lai Lai town 来 (ライ) lai, rai -to come, next
Fina Delstar fine + delete, destroy + star
Yaroh 野郎 (やろう) yaro -rascal 野 ya -plains, field + 郎 ro -son
Ki 気 キ ki -spirit, mind 气 -steam
Hakurai 舶来 (はくらい) hakurai -imported, foreign made 舶 -ship + 来 (ライ) lai, rai -to come, next
Huku 服 (ふく) huku -clothes
Zukin 頭巾 (ずきん) zukin -hood 頭 -head + 巾 -cloth, towel
Kunoichi くの一 (くのいち) -female ninja
Hayami 早見 (はやみ) -chart, table
Raienji 来援 (らいえん) raien -assistance, support
Sessha 拙者 (せっしゃ) -I (obsolete) 拙 -clumsy + 者 sha -person
Shinobi 忍び (しのび) shinobi -sneak thief 忍 nin, shino -endure, spy, sneak
Ninja 忍者 (にんじゃ) -ninja 忍 nin, shino -endure, spy, sneak + 者 sha -person
Makoto de gozaru 実の心 (まことのこころ) -one's real intention 実 -truth + 心 -heart, mind, 御座る (ござる) gozaru -to be (polite)
Sashimi 刺身 (さしみ) -sliced raw fish
Shiori 栞 (しおり) -bookmark, guidebook
Iwa Kiri Maru 岩 (いわ) iwa -rock + 切り (きり) kiri -to cut + 丸 (まる) maru -circle
Ano あのう -say, um, well
Dono 殿 (どの) dono -mister, palace
Raiden 雷電 (らいでん) -thunder and lightning
Torahdo 虎 (とら) tora -tiger + 道 do -way
Mahzok 魔 (ま) ma -demon
Dracoheim dragon + Ger. heim -home
Gaiares Gr. ge, gaia -earth
Torahzan Jp. tora -tiger + zan -cut
Raymah ray + Jp. ma -demon
Sateria shrine Gr. soter -saviour
Zestrum Gr. za -very + Lat. struere -to build
Meldia melt or Lat. mel, mellis - honey or Gr. melas -black + id -of, related to

Skyrim etymology:
Helgen hell + Lat. generare -to born
Morthal Lat. mors, mortis -death + hall
Alftand alf, alfr -elf (Old Norse) + tand -tooth (Swedish)
Halldir hallucination + dire (he split himself into images)
Avanchzel avalanche + zeal
Bthalft Heb. beth -house + alf, alfr -elf (Old Norse)
Mzark Jp. mizu -water + Lat. arcere -to defend, to protect
Fort Amol Lat. amare -to love + ol -little, small
Fort Dunstad dunn -brown, black colored (Old English) + stead -place
Fort Neugrad Ger. neu -new + grad -town (Slavic)
Fort Sungard sun + guard
Nilheim nil -nothing, zero + Ger. heim -home
Miraak Lat. mirare -to admire, to gaze + ac -of, related to
Morvayn more or Lat. mors, mortis -death + vain
Zahkriisos Gr. za -very + krystallos -ice
Brina Merilis brine + Lat. mare -sea + il -of, related to
Nazir Lat. nasus -nose + ire
Uraccen Lat. urere, ustus -to burn + ac, in -of, related to
Anton Virane Lat. virus -poison + an -of, related to
Calcelmo Lat. calx, calcis -limestone + elm
Agni agni -fire (Sanskrit)
Taurinus Duilis Gr. taurus -bull + dull
Benor Lat. bene -to be well
Niluva Lat. nil -nothing + uva -grape
Viarmo Lat. via -way + arma -weapon
Una Lat. unus, una -one
Aventus Aretino Lat. a, ab -off, away + venire, ventus -to come + arete -ram
Dagur dagr -day (Old Norse)
Malur Seloth Lat. malus, mala -evil + ur -of, related to + to sell
Penitus Oculatus Lat. penitus -inner, inward + oculus -eye
Celann Lat. celare, cultus -to hide or caelum -sky + an -of, related to
Durak Lat. durus -hard + ac -of, related to
Rexus Lat. rex, regis -king
Morven Lat. mors, mortis -death + venire, ventus -to come
Malyn Lat. malus, mala -evil + in -of, related to
Draugr draugr -ghost, undead (Old Norse)
Auriel Lat. aurum -gold + Heb. el -god
Clavicus Vile Lat. clavis -key + ic -of, related to + vile
Morihaus Lat. mors, mortis -death + haus -house, home (German).
Dovahkiin dove + kin

Lord of the rings etymology:
Mithril mith -grey + ril -brilliance (Sindarin)
Balrog bal -power + raug -demon (Sindarin)

Laxius power:
Laxius Lat. laxus -slack, not tight, lax, relaxed, inert power, power that can't be used
Maleena femme de Sariis Lat. malus, mala -bad, evil + in -of, related to
Krieger Ger. krieg -war
Maneata -with hands Lat. manus -hand
Saint Trondor throne + Lat. dare, datus -to give
Djugan Lat. jugare, jugatus -to join, to marry + an -of, related to
Varna Deij Varna -town in Bulgaria + Lat. deus -god, divine Varna
Amlunn Lat. ambi -around or amo, amare -to love + luna -moon
Zoran zora -dawn + an -of, related to (Slavic)
Serpentor from serpent from Lat. serpere -crawl, creep on + tor -person suffix

Exit fate:
Alfheim Ger. alfr, alf -elf + heim -home
Ljusalf ljos -light + alfr, alf -elf (Old Norse)
Shiro 白 (しろ) shiro -white
Hugin huge + in -of, related to
Munin Lat. munis -service + in -of, related to
Matrech Lat. mater -mother
Madrigal Sp. madre -mother + Lat. agere, actus -to do, to make + al -of, related to
Seraphim Heb. saraf to burn + im -plural suffix
Almenga all + men + Lat. agere, actus -to do, to make
Vanaheim vinr -friend + heim -home (Old Norse)

Gothic 1

Martana kingdom Lat. Mars, Martis -god of war + an -of, related to
King Rhobar Lat. robur -strength, firmness, robust
Innos in, inside + Lat. nos -we, us
Khorinis Lat. cor, cordis -heart + in -of, related to
Beliar, Belial Heb. beli -without + ya'al -profit, use
Baal Cadar baal -lord (Phoenician) + Lat. cadere -to fall
Cor Angar Lat. cor, cordis -heart + anger
Cor Calom Lat. cor, cordis -heart + callus -hard, callus
Harpy Gr. harpazein -to snatch
Vatras vatra -fire (Slavic)

Gothic 2

Coragon Lat. cor, cordis -heart + agere -to do, make
Adanos Lat. ad -to, toward + Gr. ana -up, above + Lat. nos -we, us (above us, near us)
Neoras Lat. ne -not + orare -to pray, ask for, beg
Hyglas Gr. hydor -water + glass

Master of the Wind:
Rana Amnis Lat. rana -frog + amnis -river
Terr mountains Lat. terra -earth, land
Solest Lat. solum -soil, ground + est -is or solo
Richter Richter -judge from recht -right (German)
Teriyaki pudding teri -sunshine, dry weather + yaki -grilled, toasted (Japanese)
Arcadius Arcadia -district in Greece whose people were distinguished for contentment and rural happiness
Perditia Lat. perdere, perditus -to ruin, destroy (per -through + dare, datus -to give)
Dican Lat.dicare, dicatus -dedicate, devote + an -of, related to
Solik Lat. solum -soil, ground + ic -of, related to
Danika variant of Danica -morning star from dan -day (Slavic)
Ketsu ketsu -hero or blood (Japanese)
Tyranda Lat. tiro -recruit, beginner, novice + ando -gerund suffix
Artagel Lat. artus, arta -scarce + gelu -frost, ice
Andau perhaps from Andy, Andrew from Greek aner, andros -man
Lysander Barca Gr. lysis -release + aner, andros -man + barca -boat (Italian)
Lodite Lat. ludere, lusus -play, mock, tease, trick + ire, itus -to go

Laxius power etymology

laxus, -a, -um (positive) laxior, -or, laxius (comparative) laxissimus, -a, -um (superlative) -wide, unrestricted
laxe, laxius (comparative), laxissime (superlative) -without restraint, over a wide area, on a large scale
laxius -wider (comparative, word of neuter gender)
power -from old French povoir -to be able, from Latin potere, from potis -able, capable
force -from Latin fortis -strong
Laxius power -wider power (in sense that is more powerful than physical or magic power) or it could mean unlimited,
unrestricted power
altor -nourisher
lea -lioness

Laxius power 1

Random -spontaneous from randon rush, force (Old French) from randir to run fast
Sara -lady, princess
lux -light

corulus -hazel tree

hera -mistress
vendere -sell
diro, dirus -skillful, dire
guanidine -crystalline compound of strong alkalinity
βατας (batas) -stammerer
βουγενης (bougenēs) -born of an ox
βους (bous) -ox, bull, cow
γενος (genos) -birth, origin

Leanda, Linda
linde -soft, tender (germanic)

from Yves from Germanic element iv -yew (Old English iw -yew (from Indo-European eiwo- from ei- reddish, colorful (because has red arils (berry like structure surrounding seeds), Old High German iwa -yew, German eibe -yew) also could be from Welsh ywen -yew tree.Other names derived from Yves: Yvon, Yvonne, Yvette.
dispute in middle english, originally given to a quarrelsome person

aqua -water
pangere -compose
de -down, off, away
portus -refuge, haven, port, harbor
in -at (space), on, in
dinus, dina, divinus -divine, godlike
era -mistress, lady
Δαμιανος (Damianos) -Damian
δαμαω (damaō) -to tame
ze -the

χραντος (khrantos) -stained, defiled
no, nare - swim, float
magus -magic

Sankt leona
sanctus -sacred, venerable, divine, holy
λεων (leōn) -lion, lioness
Anti of geryus
αντι (anti) -against
gerere -bear, carry
jus -law, justice
βομβαξ (bombax) -prodigious

γωνια (gōnia) -corner, angle, leader, chief
durus -hard
Cockatrix, Cockatrice
corruption of calcatrix -she who treads/tramples on something
calcare -to tread, trample upon
calx -heel (also limestone, lime, chalk)
Pierrick, Pierre, Peter
πετρος (petros) -stone
Μινως -Minos
ταυρος (tauros) -bull
Capool, Capul
capulus -lasso, sword hilt/handle

αλθος (althos) -healing, medicine
impe, impa -young shoot, graft (old English)
palum -stake, pile, pole, prop
al -of, pertaining to, in a condition of, in a state of

merum -wine (unmixed with water)

Thaumaturgist -miracle worker
θαυμα (thauma) -wonder
εργον (ergon) -work
Balthus cave
balteus -belt, baldric

It. guidare -to lead

βαρυς (barys) -heavy
ανδρος (andros) -man
Anthastyr melobee
ανθος (anthos) -flower
τυρος (tyros) -cheese
μελος (melos) -song, melody, tone

Sp. dorado -gilt
dorar -to gild
Lat. deaurare -gild, cover with gold
de -down, off, away
aurare -gild, overlay with gold

orfe -small fresh-water fish colored like goldfish
ul -diminutive, little

δαιμων (daimōn) -evil spirit, divine power, god, godess
Dahlos de loo
δαλος (dalos) -meteor, fire-brand
λουω (louō) -wash
Νηρηις (nērēis) -daughter of Nereus, sea-nymph
νηρος (nēros) -water
tangere -touch, border on

Δρυας (dryas) -dryad, nymph whose life was bound up with tree
δρυς (drys) -tree
Mirmillic robe
μυρμηξ (myrmēx) -ant
pellere -drive out, banish, defeat

νυμφη (nymphē) - a godess of mountains, forests, meadows or waters, young woman
δαρθανω (darthanō) -sleep, fall asleep

Mont Zulle
sulum -everything
μυζω (myzō) -moan, mutter, murmur

γαργαριζω (gargarizō) -to gargle
μητροπολις (mētropolis) -capital city
μητηρ (mētēr) -mother
πολις (polis) -city

Kaleidos walls
καλος (kalos) -beautiful
ειδος (eidos) -form, shape, sight, vision

millies -thousand times
Carix Xarisman
χαραξ (kharax) -full of thorns, thorny, pole, palisade
ξηρος (xēros) -dry land, dry
μανος (manos) -rare, infrequent
Κερβερος (kerberos) -Cerberus, many-headed dog of Hades
κηρ (kēr) -doom
ερεβος (erebos) -darkness of the deep, place of neather darkness, Erebos
mith -grey (Sindarin)
ril -glitter (Sindarin)
τη (tē) -take
'ανδανω (handanō) -delight
ζαπυρος (zapyros) -very fiery
ζα (za) -very
πυρ (pyr) -fire

urere, ustus -burn

osor -hater
odisse, osus -to hate

quire -be able
do -grant, offer, give

arcus -bow, arch, anything arched or curved
γη (gē) -earth, land
εργον (ergon) -work
Argolithia lake
αργος (argos) -shining, glistering
λιθος (lithos) -stone

Carmancia river
carus -dear, costly, precious, expensive
mantum -cloak
cors, cortis -court, yard
ol -little, small
λυκος (lykos) -wolf, a kind of spider
φανταζω (phantazō) -imagine, fancy, make visible
Erkol lake
erus -master, owner
eris -hedgehog
col -denotes one who inhabits

Phospho dwarf
φωσφορεω (phōsphoreō) -bear or bring light, shine
φως (phōs) -light
φορεω (phoreō) -bear, carry, hold
Lanthal falls
λανθανω (lanthanō) -escape notice, unseen
al -of, pertaining to, in a condition of, in a state of
τυρος (tyros) -cheese
tiro -recruit, beginner, novice

Aurora land
aurora -dawn
Γοργω (gorgō) -Gorgon, grim one
γοργος (gorgos) -grim, fierce, terrible
Valtarneer ship
valere, valitus -be powerful, prevail
t -try to do
neer -nearer

ad -towards, to
ζηλος (zēlos) -ambition, passion, zeal
θαλος (thalos) -scion, child
βους (bous) -bull, ox, cow
Aeglyth monolith
αιξ (aex), αιγος (aigos) -goat
λιθος (lithos) -stone
παππος (pappos) -ancestor, grandfather
ur -pertaining to, use of

κρανιον (kranion) -skull
ταξις (taxis) -arranging
Lord Azkard
αζα (aza) -heat, unsatisfied desire
καρδια (kardia) -heart
λαζομαι (lazomai) -seize, grasp
ανηρ (anēr), ανδρος (andros) -man
arco, arcere -keep away, protect
Oudes giuli
ουδος (oudos) -entrance, threshold, way
It. giulivo -jolly, merry
βρωμος (brōmos) -stink, noisome smell
κυραι (kyrai), κυρεω (kyreō) -find, obtain, reach
doga, dogae -vat, vessel
ur -pertaining to, use of
μογος (mogos) -trouble, distress, toil
ol -little, small, diminutive

Laxius power 2

γαοργεω (gaorgeō), γεωργια (geōrgia) -land labor
γη (gē) -earth, land
εργον (ergon) -work
gabii, γαμφη (gamphē) -jaw
Drakon Belt
δρακων (drakōn) -dragon, serpent
αγαμος (agamos) -unmarried, single, widower
ανθος (anthos) -flower
Undine, Ondine
unda -wave
νικη (nikē) -victory
ζαν (zan), ζην (zēn) -rain
quire -be able
ur -pertaining to, use of

Laxius power 3

lubere -it pleases, is pleasing, agreeable, please, want

ζοω (zoō), ζω (zō) -live, living power, to be in full vigor, pass one's life, long live
Gonda Tower
γονος (gonos) -offspring
da, dare -give

vara, varus -bent outwards, bandy
culare -drive, thrust, shove
ussi, urere -burn
vania -falseness, emptiness
vanus, vana - empty, false
i -makes abstract noun
δησα (dēsa) -bind, tie (Ionic)
δεω (deō) -bind
δεσμος (desmos) -bond, chain, imprisonment
Yen Karis
ιεν (ien), ιε (ie) -go
καρις (karis) -shrimp
anxi, angere -choke, cause pain, trouble
sarire -hoe, weed (crops), dig over i -makes abstract noun of the verb
merula -blackbird, a dark-colored fish, wrasse
cenum -mud, filth, dirt, uncleanness (of persons), scum
δαιμων (daimōn) -evil spirit, divine power, god, godess
Pyro Ring
πυρ (pyr) -fire
Lord of the Dance spell might be from नटराज (naTarāja) -king (or lord) of dance (नट (naTa) -dancer from नाट
(nāTa) -dance + राज (rāja) -king) is depiction of Hindu god Shiva as cosmic dancer who creates or destroys the world with dance.
ama, amo, amare -love, like
It. branda -camp bed, hammock
Xanthou axe
ξανθος (xanthos) -yellow, golden
silus -snub-nosed, pug-nosed
noxa -hurt, injury, punishment
δοξα (doxa) -idea, opinion, expectation, illustrious persons
Endemon Parambo
εν (en) -in, within
δαιμων (daimōn) -evil spirit, demon
παραμειβω (parameibō) -change, alter, pass by/over, divert
तारा (tārā) -star
Evander (Greek, Roman mythology)
ευ (eu) -good
ανδρος (andros) -man
Evander (English, Scottish)
Anglicized form of Iomhar from Ivor from Old Norse Ivarr
yr -yew, bow
arr -warrior
jurgo, jurgare -quarrel, scold
αρκεω (arkeō) -ward off, defend
αρκος (arkos) -defence
Chloreon shield
χλωρος (chlōros) -greenish-yellow, pale green
donn -brown (Gaelic)
cath -warrior (Gaelic)
Anglicized form of Gaelic name Donnchadh
Woods of Shiron
συρων (syrōn), συρω (syrō) -sweep, sweep away

screo -clear the throat, hem
φιλος (philos) -loving, pleases, friend
grallae -stilt
μασχαλη (maschalē) -branch, twig
σημα (sēma) -sign, mark, token, omen, portent
φορος (phoros) -bearing
serpere -crawl, creep
-tor is suffix for masculine agent noun
serpens -snake
Kryon helmet
κρυος (kryos) -icy cold, frost
urbs -city
al -of a, pertaining to
ango, angere -choke
'ολος (holos) -entirely, wholly
metus -fear, anxiety
ul -little, small
αργωδης (argōdēs) -lazy
ελδωρ (eldōr) -wish, longing, desire
Baron Infernodon
infernus -hell, lower world, underground, lower, under
infra -below, lower, under
οδων (odōn) -tooth
ξαινω (xainō) -scratch
δωρεω (dōreō) -give
am, ambi -around
luna -moon

ornare -decorate, equip

urgere -press hard, squeeze Gerund urgendi
luna -moon
fari -speak
te -you
andare -go

vazanka -tie, necktie (Czech)
nenia -magic song, incantation, mournful song
ul -little, small, diminutive
αμαραντος (amarantos) -never fading flower
α (a) -not
μαρ (mar) -wither
ανθος (anthos) -flower
αγλαε (aglae), αγλαος (aglaos) -brilliant
terra -earth, land, ground
palam -openly, publicly, plainly
bus -ox, bull, cow
Muura gem
murra -fluorspar, agate, highly prized mineral used for making vases
κορος (koros) -pure
αγος (agos) -leader, religious awe
an -around
vir -person of courage, honor and nobility, hero, man, husband
rigare -moisten, wet, water
lues -plague
panda -spreading round in a wide curve arched
τρωμα (trōma), τραυμα (trauma) -wound
δωρεω (dōreō) -give
εμβα (emba) -advance
εμβαινω (embainō) -get in, step in
μεγαλος (megalos), μεγας (megas) -big
οδων (odōn) -tooth
sadra -gypsum
nisus -resting upon, pressing upon
πυραμις (pyramis), πυραμιδος (pyramidos) -pyramid
πυρ (pyr) -fire (because pointed)
ullus, ulla, ullum -any
bacca -berry, olive, pearl
ovo, ovum -egg, oval
pomus -fruit
Kerikera's Orb
κειρια (keiria) -girth of a bedstead
κεραω (keraō) -mix (especially with water)

Dabaki Pepper
da -give
βακκαρις (bakkaris) -unguent
mas -brave, man
ur -pertaining to, use of
ζα (za), δια (dia) -through (ζα Aeolic for δια)
γυιον (gyion) -limb, hand, whole body
οδων (odōn) -tooth

Ulm warrior
ulmus -elm tree
Munola d'Albeyn
munus -service, duty
ol -little, small, diminutive
albus, alba -white, pale
ζα (za) -very
ιρος (iros), 'ιερος (hieros) -filled with or manifesting divine power, supernatural, holy
no -swim, float
janus -covered passage, arched passageway
rixa -violent or noisy quarrel, brawl

Blades of heaven

benedictus, benedicere -speak well of, bless, praise
bene -well, good
dicere -say, talk, speak
laurus -laurel
grumus -little heap (of soil), hillock of earth
Ωριων (ōriōn) -Orion (from 'οριον (horion) -boundary, limit or Uru-anna -heaven's light (Akkadian)
βουμυκοι (boumykoi) -loud bellowings
caiare -beat, thrash, cudgel
παν (pan) -all
γεα (gea), γαια (gaia), γη (gē) -earth
καρχαριας (karkharias) -a kind of shark
οδων (odōn) -tooth
calor -heat, warmth
'ωρα (hōra) -season, time, hour

παδαω (padaō) -leap, spring, stamp
ago -act
ζακρυοεις (zakryoeis) -very numbing, freezing
ζα (za) -very
κρυοεις (kryoeis) -chilling, icy cold
falx -sickle, scythe
agua -water (Spanish)
नाथ (nātha) -lord (Sanskrit)

Laxius force etymology

Laxius force 1

κρατυς (kratys) -strong

mare -sea, sea water
il -of, pertaining to, in a condition of

vana, vanus -empty, false, untrustworthy
Λαμια (lamia) -lamia, a fabulous monster
λαιμος (laimos) -throat
ad -towards, to, near
rete -net, snare

'υδρα (hydra) -water snake
'υδωρ (hydōr) -water
Gaia dust
γαια (gaia) -earth
Salcerium ore
sal -salt
cerium -growth characterized by honeycomb pattern
Emerald Drakon
δρακων (drakōn) -dragon, serpent
Aldai ring
altae, altus -high, deep, profound, noble, deep rooted
δεινος (deinos) -terrible
σαυρος (sauros) -lizard
Rapawii dagger
rapa -turnip
avium -wild waste, wilderness, pathless region
Arachne sword
αραχνη (arachnē) -spider
ramus -branch, bough
Gazo Gazoher
γαζα (gaza) -treasure
herus -owner, master, lord

βαλις (balis), αγριος (agrios) -living in fields, wild, savage
νοος (noos), νοον (noon) -mind, sense

madui, madere -be wet, be dripping
γαισος (gaisos) -javelin
αρις (aris) -shrine
vendo, vendere -sell, praise a thing (as if offering it for sale)

νοον (noon) -mind, sense
mirare -revere, admire
mirus -amazing, remarkable, suprising
senex -aged, old

Cantal flower
cantus -wheel, song, chant
al -of a, pertaining to, in condition of
sidor, sidere -settle, sit down, run aground

Laxius force 2

ταρασσω (tarassō) -throw into disorder, disturb, upset
bulla -bubble, waterbubble

paetula, paetulus -squinting
αζυγος (azygos), αζυξ (azyx) -unpaired, isolated, single
α (a) -not
ζυγος (zygos) -pair, rank, even, balance
μεδεουσα (medeousa) -guardian
μεδω (medō) -protect
τατος (tatos) -that can be stretched
ξοος (xoos), ξυσμος (xysmos) -irritation
curare -attend to, take care of, arrange, heal
bas -foundation, base, pedestal
ονυξ (onyx) -talon, claw, nail, gem

3 Stars of destiny

οξυς (oxys) -sharp
folium -leaf
mantum -cloak
al -of a, pertaining to, in a condition of
noxa -hurt, injury, punishment
δοξα (doxa) -idea, opinion, expectation, illustrious persons
ramus -branch, bough
Garo fists
garav -sooty, swarthy, very black
χαμαι (chamai) -on the ground
λεων (leōn) -lion
Aldorlea ring
altor -nourisher
lea -lioness
ξενος (xenos) -foreigner, stranger, guest
Zelyus ring
ζηλος (zēlos) -eager rivalry
jus -law, justice
aquifolius -holly tree, having pointed leaves
acus -needle
folium -leaf

Used software:
Whitaker's Words free latin dictionary
Kalos free classic greek dictionary
Diogenes free greek and latin dictionary

Morrowind etymology

χαος (chaos) -infinite space, unformed matter, nether abyss
γραω (graō) -gnaw, eat
δυη (duē) -misery
μερος (meros) -part, share, destiny
δαιος (daios) -hostile, destructive, enemy, unhappy, wretched (αι (ai) becomes in Latin ae)
δραω (draō) -do, accomplish, perform mystical rites
अजिर (ajira) -agile, quick, rapid (Sanskrit)
विवेक (viveka) -distinction, discussion, true knowledge, right judgment, faculty of distinguishing
and classifying things according to their real properties, power of separating the invisible
spirit from the visible world (Sanskrit)
alma, almus -nourishing, providing nurture
lex -law
Pania Cadiusus
pane -bread
cadium -small jar
cadus -jar
usus -use
hortari -encourage, cheer, incite
hortator -inciter, encourager, exhorter
αιος (aios), αιων (aiōn) -perpetually, for ever, eternity (αι (ai) becomes in Latin ae)
δραω (draō) -do, accomplish, perform mystical rites
Bacola Closcius
baca -berry
ol -little, small
clodere, closus -shut, close, block

Oblivion etymology

αυλη (aylē) -chamber, hall, any dwelling, courtyard
ειδος (eidos) -form, shape, to be or become like
bruma -winter, winter cold/weather, winter solstice, shortest day
bravere -gamble
il -able to, having the passive quality
Lake Rumare
rumare, ruminare -chew over again
na, nare -swim, float
mira, mirus -wonderful, strange, extraordinary
Hieronymus Lex
'ιερος (hieros) -holy
unire -unite
lex -law
umbra -shadow, shade, ghost
umbo -boss (of a shield)
canus -white, gray, aged, old
volare -fly
nare -swim
θαλος (thalos) -scion, child
ταλως (talōs) -sun (Cretan) 'ηλιος (hēlios) -sun
Viator Accius
viator -traveler
via -way, road
accire -send for, summon, invite
सूर्य (sūrya) -sun (Sanskrit)
Gaiar Alata
γαια (gaia) -earth, land, country
alata, alatus -winged, furnished with wings
ruma, rumen -throat
Mankar Camoran
manceps -a purchaser of any thing, owner, master, chief
manus -hand
capere -take hold, seize, grasp
camur -curved, bent, crocked
bae -palm branch
ur -pertaining to, use of
ungula -hoof, bird claw/talon, toe nail
serum -late hour
durus -hard, cruel
umerus -shoulder, bearing a burden
il -of a, pertaining to, in a condition of
νιρνος (nirnos) -seed of a kind of pine (Achaean)
Carac Agaialor
carus -dear, beloved, costly, precious, valued
ac -having a tendency
αγαιομαι (agaiomai) -(in good sense) admire,(in bad sense) look on with jealousy or envy
(Ionic for αγαμαι (agamai)
αγαιος (agaios) -enviable
lorica -leather cuirass, enclosure, defence of any kind
ungere -anoint/rub with oil, smear with oil/grease

Everlong etymology

gleann -valley (Gaelic)
meredydd -great lord or sea lord (Welsh)
Bradley -broad clearing (Old English)
niveus -snowy, nix snow
Caeruleus Silex
caeruleus -blue, greenish-blue
silex -flint, stone, boulder
Illac salus
illac -that way
salus -health, prosperity, good wish, greeting
Occultus gaza
occultus -hidden, secret
γαζα (gaza) -treasure
gaza -treasure (royal)
सिंह (simha) -lion (Sanskrit)
पुर (pura) -city (Sanskrit)
borealis -northern
argentum -silver
metus -fear, anxiety, dread
aurora -dawn, daybreak, sunrise
periculum -danger, peril
lacuna -pit, hollow, cavity, pool
Silva vicus
silva -wood, forest
vicus -village, hamlet
propugnaculum -bulwark, rampart, defense
veneficus -sorcerer, wizard, enchanter, rogue
providere -foresee
pro-before, in front of
videre -see, look at
asper -rough, harsh, sharp, hard
syrtis -sandbank, quicksand
arboreus -of tree, resembling a tree, branching, wooden
arbor -tree
Tenebrosus specus
tenebrosus -dark, gloomy
tenebra -darkness
specus -cave, chasm, hole, pit, hollow, grotto
alveus -cavity, hollow, channel, bed (river), trench
Ora domus
ora -shore, coast
domus -house, building, home
carbunculus -live coal, red tophus, precious stone, vine blight, carbuncle
Incultus regnum
incultus -uncultivated (land), rough
regnum -kingdom
leo -lion
tinus - laurustinus, (bay laurel), evergreen winter-flowering shrub
Ianua salum
ianua -door, entrance
salum -open sea, high sea, ocean, sea in motion
sal -salt
re -again
virere -be green, be lively or vigorous
Cruor pistris
cruor -blood, gore
pistris -sea monster, whale
Sepulcrum profundus
sepulcrum -grave, tomb
profundus -deep, profound, boundless
Tiro amicus
tiro -recruit, beginner, novice
amicus -friend, friendly
castrens -soldier in camp
castrensis -of/connected with camp
cire -move, set in motion, stir up
rigo -moisten, wet, water
Reus proditor
reus -guilty, plaintiff
proditor -traitor
navalis - of ships
navale -dock, shipway
murus -wall, city wall
Effluo pagus
effluo -flow out, disappear, vanish, escape, be forgotten
pagus -district, canton, province
senium - condition of old age, melancholy, gloom
situs -position, site, laid up, situated
Terra cavus
terra -earth, land, ground, country, region
cavus -cave, hole, cavity, opening, burrow, aperture
auctus -growth, increase
Fons moenia
fons -spring, fountain, well, source
moene -defensive/town walls, bulwarks, fortifications, fortified town
Pullus unda
pullus -blackish, dark colored
unda -wave
aditus -approach, access, entrance
Antiquus fanum
antiquus -old, ancient, ancients
fanum -sanctuary, temple
Erus caminus
erus -master, owner
caminus -smelting/foundry furnace, forge
Viridis mons
viridis -green, fresh, blooming
mons -mountain
Nemus aveum
nemus -wood, forest
avis -bird, sign, omen, portent
Nex cacumen
nex -death
cacumen -peak, summit, top
aetherius -ethereal, heavenly, divine, aloft, lofty
Solus insula
solus -only, single, lonely, alone
insula -island
Prodigium nidus
prodigium - portent, prodigy, wonder, monster
nidus -nest
occiduus -westerly
Silentium tumulus
silens -silent, still
tumulus -mound, hillock
Khaer magnus
χειρ (kheir) -hand, paw of animals
χερος (kheros) -hand, paw of animals (Ionic)
magnus -big, great, huge, powerful, mighty
fulgor -brightness, brilliance, radiance, splendor
expirare -breathe out, exhale, expire, die, cease
gero -bear, carry, wear
vitus -rim
devus -god
Ignis castrum
ignis -fire
castrum -fort, castle, fortress
quercetum -oak forest
Internus vorago
internus -inward, internal
vorago -deep hole, chasm, watery hollow
Pons pontus
pons -bridge
pontus -sea
Furvus equester
furvus -dark colored, black
equester -mounted on horse, horseman
magus -magician, magic
armum -weapon, equipment
dolus -trick, deceit, treachery
aries -ram (sheep), battering ram, the Ram (zodiac)
somnifer -inducing sleep
inertia -inactivity, laziness, idleness, sloth
ve -not, without, very
ratus -established, authorative, fixed, certain
mantum -Spanish cloak
ultima -last, latest, farthest, highest, greatest

Elder scrolls:
Nerevar nero -black (Italian) + war (because was tricked in war)
Indoril India + or -gold (French) + il -of, related to
Almalexia alma, almus -nourishing, providing nurture + lex -law
Mount Kand candere -shine, gleam, be hot, glow, sparkle
Pelagiad πελαγιος (pelagios) -of the sea, near the sea + ad -toward, to
Dahrk Mezalf dark + mezzo -half, middle (Italian) + alf from alfr -elf, supernatural being (Old Norse)
Tel Naga tel -hill (Hebrew) + नाग (nāga) -snake
Divayth Fyr divinus -divine + fyr -guy (Danish) or fyr -fire (Norwegian)
Yagrum Bagarn bagarre -heated discussion, turmoil, bustle (Italian)
Tel Aruhn tel -hill (Hebrew) + अरुण (aruNa) -dawn, ruddy
Coda Flower coda -tail (Italian), Lat. cauda -tail
Trama Root Lat. trama, tramae -warp (it was coiled plant)
Hircine Lat. hircus -he goat, goat + in -related to
Malacath Lat. mala, malus -bad, evil, wicked + cath -battle (Scottish Gaelic)
Argonian αργος (argos) -lazy, inactive + in -related to
Ama Nin Lat. ama, amare -to love + 您 (nín) -honorific for you (Chinese) (she is apparition of Mara goddess of love)
Dibella di -prefix signifying twofold, double, twice + bella -beauty, beautiful woman (Italian) (she was goddess of beauty)
Solstheim sollst (2 person singular present) from sollen -should, to be recommended, to be obliged, to be intended (German) + heim -home (Old Norse, German)
Stalhrim stål -steel (Swedish) from Old Norse stál, in German stahl -steel + hrím -frost (Old Norse)
Hvitkald Peak hvítr -white (Old Norse) + kaldr -cold (Old Norse)
Fargoth far (away) + Goth -germanic tribe
Tel Mora tel -hill (Hebrew) + mori -forest (Japanese)
Redoran Lat. re -back, again + Dorian -ancient greek warlike tribe
Mar gan Lat. mare -sea + Gr. ganos -joy
Carahil cara, carus -dear, beloved + hilaris -cheerful, lively
Calindil calando Gerund of calo, calare -announce, proclaim, loosen, slacken + il -of
Bravil bravilis -of gamble from bravere -gamble + il -of, related to
Uriel Septim ur -light, flame + el -god (Hebrew) Lat. septimus -seventh
Seridur serum -late hour + durus -hard, cruel
Bruma bruma -winter, winter cold/weather, winter solstice, shortest day
Volanaro volare -fly + nare -swim
Welkynd welkin -sky (archaic) + Kind -child (German)
Skyrim sky + hrim -hoarfrost (Old Norse), icy sky for cold climate
Tamriel tamar -palm tree + i -my + el -god (Hebrew)
Pelinal Lat. pellere -to thrust, to push + in + al -of, related to
Veloth velo, velar -to watch, to guard (Spanish)
Lorkhan lore + khan -lord (Turkic, Mongolian)
Tel Branora tel -hill (Hebrew) + brine + Lat. ora -coast
Therana Gr. ther -beast + an -of, related to

Final Fantasy 1 etymology

αστος (astos) -townsman, citizen
Marilith from मार (māra) -the destroyer, Mara demon who tempted Buddha and Lilith Mesopotamian storm demon derived from either proto Semitic root l-y-l meaning night or from Sumerian lil -air, nin lil -lady air
Tiamat -either from Sumerian ti -life and ama -mother or Akkadian tâmtu, ti'amtum -sea.Tiamat is sea godess and embodiment of primordial chaos.Tiamat created first generation of gods
Kraken -from krake Norwegian word for unhealthy animal or something twisted.Cognate with English crook and crank, in modern German krake -octopus
centum -hundred
pes, pedis -foot
σαυρος (sauros) -lizard
πυρ (pyr) -fire
αγαμαι (agamai) -wonder, be jealous, angry
Geist -spirit, ghost (German)
骨片 (koppen) -bone fragment
βασιλευς (basileus) -king, basilisk was the king of snakes and most poisonous creature on earth
بهموت , giant fish creature from Arabian mythology, word is derived from בהמות (Behēmôth) plural of בְּהֵמָה (behemāh) -animal (Hebrew).Hebrew method of expressing greatness by pluralizing a noun; it thus indicates that Behemoth is the largest and most powerful animal
cornu -horn
μεδεουσα (medeousa) -guardian
μεδω (medō) -protect
gargouille -original meaning was throat (French), Lat. gurgulio -gullet
γαργαριζω (gargarizō) -to gargle
Ryukahn desert
流汗 (ryūkan) -sweat
αλλος (allos) -another
σαυρος (sauros) -lizard
Ορθρος (orthros) -mythical dog
ορθρος (orthros) -time just before daybreak, dawn
hyena -from Lat. hyaena, from 'υαινα (hyaina), from 'υς (hys) -pig, swine and -αινα (aina) -feminine suffix
οδων (odōn) -tooth
χιμαιρα (chimaira) from χειμα (cheima) -winter season
μινωταυρος (minōtauros) from Μινως (minōs) -Minos king of Crete + ταυρος (tauros) -bull
καταβλεπω (katablepō) -look down at
κατα (kata) -down
βλεπω (blepō) -look
'υδρα (hydra) -water serpent
'υδωρ (hydōr) -water
piscis -fish
δαιμων (daimōn) -evil spirit, demon, ghost, divine power
नाग (nāga) -snake, cobra, class of beings associated with waters, rivers, lakes, seas, wells and are generally regarded as
guardians of treasure
πυρ (pyr) -fire
रक्षस् (rakshas) -guarding
Σφιγξ (sphinx) from σφιγγω (sphingō) -to draw tight
varg -wolf (Norse)
Yamatano Orochi
大和 (yamato) -ancient Japan
和 -harmony, peace, Japan
大蛇 (orochi) -mythical eight headed serpent
大 -large, big
蛇 -snake
Garland -from surname meaning triangle land from Old English gara and land.The surname originally belonged to a person who owned a triangle-shaped piece of land, not to be confused with word garland
ορειχαλκος (oreichalkos) -yellow copper ore, orichalcum
ορος (oros) -mountain
χαλκος (chalkos) -copper
mith -grey (Sindarin)
ril -glitter (Sindarin)
阿修羅 (ashura) -Asura
असुर (asura) -evil spirit, demon, opponent of gods
村雨 (murasame) -passing shower
村 (mura) -village
雨 (same) -rain
正 (masa) -correct, justice
宗 (mune) -origin, essence, religion
Genji armor
源氏 (genji) -Genji, character from Genji Monogatari
源 -source, origin
氏 -clan, surname

Final Fantasy 2 etymology

φυρω (phyrō) -speak confusedly, confused
Phirun -rain (Khmer)
λεων (leōn) -lion
μυσιδδω (mysiddō) Lacon for μυθεομαι (mytheomai) -speak
μυθος (mythos) -story, tale
malus -bad, evil, wicked
βορος (boros) -devouring, swallow
βορειος (boreios) -north wind
'εκατον (hekaton) -hundred
Λαμια (lamia) -lamia, a fabulous monster
λαιμος (laimos) -throat
Mezzo -semi, half (Italian)
Eyemoeba, eyemeba
amoeba from αμοιβη (amoibē) -change
φορος (phoros) -bearing
ρακος (rakos) -rag
γοργος (gorgos) -grim, fierce, terrible
πυρ (pyr) -fire
βορος (boros) -devouring, swallow
Beelzebub -lord of flies
baal -lord, master
zebub -fly

Final Fantasy 3 etymology

Lunete variant of Luned -from Welsh mythology, eilun -image (Welsh) or luna -moon
土竜 (mogura) -mole
蝙蝠 (kōmori) -bat
Abtu, Anet -two identical fish that according to Egyptian legend swam in front of sun god's ship on lookout for danger
αδαμας (adamas) -unconquerable, diamond
bos, bovis -ox, bull
Balor -in Irish mythology Balor of the Evil Eye was a king of Fomorians, a race of giants
carbunculus -little coal (literal meaning from Latin)
carbo -coal
ul -little, small
dira -curses, bad omens
Garm, Garmr -dog in Norse mythology
Parademon (similar to demon)
παρα (para) -beside, beyond, against, similar
δαιμων (daimōn) -evil spirit, divine power
βορος (boros) -gluttonous, in compounds: devouring, swallow
影 (kage) -shade, shadow
μυρμηξ (myrmēx) -ant
λεων (leōn) -lion
ουρα (oura) -tail
βορος (boros) -devouring, swallow
忍び (shinobi) -spy, sneak thief
valeo, valere -be strong, powerful
φορος (phoros) -bearing
Amon -the hidden one (Ancient Egyptian)
'εκατον (hekaton) -hundred
χειρ (cheir) -hand
Rukh, Roc -from Persian رخ (rokh) is a mythical bird
くの一 (kunoichi) -female ninja
忍者 (ninja) -ninja, Japanese secret agent of old
忍 -endure, conceal, secret, sneak (刃-blade + 心 -heart, mind, spirit)
者 -person
चक्र (cakra) -wheel
手裏剣 (shuriken) -throwing star, small throwing blade
手 (shu) -hand
裏 (ri) -palm, back, reverse, rear
剣 (ken) -sword
Simurgh -from Persian سيمرغ from Avestan mərəγō Saēnō -the bird Saena
Sleipnir -smooth or gliding, is related to English word slippery.Is Odin's magical eight-legged steed, and greatest of all horses
Madhura harp
मधुर (madhura) -sweet
κηρ (kēr) -doom
ερεβος (erebos) -darkness of the deep, Erebos
εχιδναιος (echidnaios) -like a viper

Final Fantasy 4 etymology

ρυδια (rydia), ροα (roa) -pomegranate tree
ζημια (zēmia) -damage, penalty, loss
κυανος (kyanos) -blue
Tower of Babil
bab -door (Akkadian)
ilum -god (Akkadian)
Kary -from Cary from Irish surname which was derived from O Ciardha meaning "descendent of Ciardha"
Ciardha -dark (Gaelic)
Roc -from Persian رخ (rokh) is a mythical bird
αραχνης (arachnēs) -spider
Domovoi -a slavic guardian spirit
Γοργω (gorgō) from γοργος (gorgos) -terrible
火口 (higuchi) -burner, origin of fire
Ging Ryu
銀竜 (ginryū) -silver dragon
銀 (gin) -silver
竜 (ryū) -dragon
στρατος (stratos) -army
avis -bird
ζουον (zouon), ζωον (zōon) -living being, animal or from Ziz זיז giant griffin-like bird in Jewish mythology, Ziz was created to protect all of the birds and is also believed to be a simple metaphor for air and space, along with the Behemoth as land and Leviathan as the seas and oceans
Barbariccia -curly beard (Italian)
valva -double or folding door
al -of, in a condition of
Calbrena, Calcabrina
calco, calcare -tread, trample upon, crush, ram down
brina -hoarfrost, frost
γερυνος (gerynos) -tadpole
Cagnazzo -bad dog (Italian)
לִוְיָתָן -twisted; coiled (Hebrew), in modern Hebrew it means whale
शिव (shiva) -benign, kind, auspicious.Shiva is Hindu god of destruction his aspect is usually terrifying but can also be gentle
πωγων (pōgōn) -tail
ruber -red
cantus -song, (since responses of oracles were given in verse to prophesy, foretell, predict)
scarmigliare -ruffle, rumple
Ahriman -modern Persian form of Angra Mainyu -evil spirit in Avestan.In Persian mythology was god of darkness and destruction
Excalibur -from caliburnus latinized form of caledfwlch (Welsh) wich combines elements caled -battle, hard and bwlch -breach, gap, notch
בהמות (Behēmôth) plural of בְּהֵמָה (behemāh) -animal (Hebrew).Hebrew method of expressing greatness by pluralizing a noun; it thus indicates that Behemoth is the largest and most powerful animal
Soma drop
सोम (soma) -drink of gods, moon
Ragnarok -from Old Norse ragnarök from regin -gods + rök -fate, development
Gungnir -swaying one (Old Norse) is Odin's magical spear
苦無 (kunai) -ninja throwing knives
निर्वाण (nirvāna) -blown or put out, extinguished
斬鉄剣 (zantetsuken) -sword that cuts iron
斬 (zan) -to cut, to slash
鉄 (tetsu) -iron
剣 (ken) -sword
雷電 (raiden) -thunder and lightning
雷 (rai) -thunder
電 (den) -electricity, before was thunder
Odin -from Old Norse Óðinn from Proto-Germanic Wōdinaz derived from Proto-Germanic wōþuz -rage
esse -be, exist
una -together
unare, unire -unite, make into one, to join

Final Fantasy 5 etymology

Lenna -short of Helena from 'Ελενη (helenē) probably from 'ελενη (helenē) -torch or σεληνη (selēnē) -moon
fari -speak, talk, say
Αχελωος (achelōos) -Achelous, name of several rivers, in poets any stream, generally water
ακρος (akros) -highest, topmost, farthest point, top
ασπις (aspis) -shield
Vishnu vest
विष्णु (vishnu) - all-pervasive, worker from विष् (vish) -to work, pervasion.Vishnu is Hindu god assotiated with protection and preservation of universe
garrulus -chattering, talkative
Enkidu -Enki's creation
en -lord (Sumerian)
ki -earth (Sumerian)
Druid - dru-wid -oak knower, dryw -seer
Ushabti -from Egyptian wšbty -answerer, ancient Egyptian figurine
Ziggurat -from Akkadian ziqqurratu, from zaqaru -to build high
Νηρηις (nērēis) -daughter of Nereus, sea-nymph
νηρος (nēros) -wet, water
αρχαιος (archaios) -ancient
aevis, aevum -time
avis -bird
Hiryuu flower
飛 (hi) -fly
竜 (ryū) -dragon
φοβος (phobos) -fear
神竜 -divine dragon
神 (shin) -god, divine
竜 (ryū) -dragon
刀背打ち (mineuchi) -striking with the back of sword

Final Fantasy 6 etymology

στρατηγος (stratēgos) -leader, commander, general
'εσπερος (hesperos) -evening, god of darkness
Abaddon -destruction, abyss, destroyer
ακτις (aktis), ακτιν (aktin) -ray, beam
αποκρυφος (apokryphos) -hidden, concealed, secret, unknown
απο (apo) -from, away from
κρυφος (kryphos) -lurking place
ασπις (aspis), ασπιδος (aspidos) -shield
Borghese -middle class, civilian (Italian)
βραχιων (brachiōn) -arm
σαυρος (sauros) -lizard
Βριαρεως (briareōs) -Briareus hundred handed giant
callus -hard, tough
atrius, ater -deadly, terrible, poisonous
Κλυμενος (klymenos) -god of nether world
κλυμενος -famous or infamous
Δαιδαλος (daidalos) -cunning
ενυον (enuon) -guardian, overseer
ταγγιζω (tangizō) -to be or become rancid
महादेव (mahādeva) -great god
महा (mahā), महत् (mahat) -large, big
देव (deva) -god
三闘神 (santōshin) -three war, fighting gods (Japanese name of Warring triad, statues)
闘 (tō) -struggle, fight
鬼神 (kishin) -fierce god (literary ghost god) (Japanese name of Poltergeist boss)
魔神 (majin) -devil, evil spirit, genie (Japanese name of Doom boss)
女神 (megami) -godess (Japanese name of Godess boss)
ursa - she-bear
侍 (samurai) -warrior, samurai
συρια (suria) -garment
ανηρ (anēr), ανδρος (andros) -man
Trillium -kind of plant
ερεβος (erebos) -darkness of the deep, Erebos
δαδοομαι (dadoomai) -become afflicted with resin-glut
λυμα (luma) -moral filth, defilement, water used in washing
ne, nere -spin
ne -not
lappa -bur
आत्म (ātma), आत्मन् (ātman) -soul, self, essence
vargus -vagabond

Final Fantasy 7

神羅 (shinra) -soul collecting (Shinra collected Mako)
神 -god, mind, soul, divine
羅 -to collect, to gather, to catch, gauze, thin silk
魔晄 (makō) -magic light
魔 (ma) -magic, demon (麻 -hemp + 鬼 -ghost)
晄 (kō) -bright, dazzling (日 -sun + 光 -light)
τιφος (tiphos) -standing water, pond, marsh
كيوثاء (kuyūthā), is bull from Arabian mythology which is atop Bahamut
aer, aeris -air, sky, cloud, mist, breeze
eris, era -lady, mistress
eris -hedgehog
ερις (eris) -strife
aeris, aera -darnel
Sephiroth -plural form of sephirah סְפִירָה -counting, enumeration (Hebrew).Each of the ten attributes that God created, through which he can project himself to the universe and man
rufus -red
宝条 (hōjō)
宝 (hō) -treasure, valuables (宀 -roof + 玉 -jade)
条 (jō) -item, article
Miðgarðr -middle earth/enclosure (Old Norse)
Niflheim -nifl (Old Norse), nebel -mist (German) + heim -home (German)
cetra -small light shield
בהמות (Behēmôth) plural of בְּהֵמָה (behemāh) -animal (Hebrew).Hebrew method of expressing greatness by pluralizing a noun; it thus indicates that Behemoth is the largest and most powerful animal
bagnare -irrigate, water, to wet
διαβολος (diabolos) -slanderer, accuser, enemy
διαβαλλω (diaballō) -throw across, slander, blame, accuse, deceive
δια (dia) -through, across
βαλλω (ballō) -throw
गरुड (garuda) -devourer, mythical bird Garuda
Pepio nut
pepo -watermelon
zimzelen -evergreen (Slavic)
Zeio nut
ζειω (zeiō) late Ep. for ζεω (zeō) -boil, be fiery hot
ghiro -dormouse, loir (Italian)
felgo from felo -suck, felio -roar + go -act of or result of action of verb
'ιππος (hippos) -horse
γρυψ (gryps) -griffin
捕虫網 (hochūami) -insect net
捕 (ho) -catch, capture
虫 (chū) -insect
stilus, στυλος (stylos) -pillar
varus -bent outwards
vas -vessel, utensil, instrument, tool

Piazzo shower
piazzo, piazzare -to land (a punch), to place or put (Italian)
πυραμις (pyramis), πυραμιδος (pyramidos) -pyramid
πυρ (pyr) -fire (because pointed)

Final Fantasy 8

quire -be able
εδεατρος (edeatros) -steward
κυρος (kyros) -authority
風神 (fūjin) -wind god
風 -wind (虫 -insect (carried by wind) + 凡 -all)
神 -god (示 -omen, show + 申 -extend)
雷神 (raijin) -god of lightning
雷 -thunder (雨 -rain + 田 -field)
神 -god
βαλαιον (balaion) -large
αμβων (ambōn) -crest of hill, edge
galbanum -resinous sap of plant in Syria
galbanatus -delicately clothed
badius -bay, reddish-brown, chestnut
trabea -white state mantle, equites uniform
probably from Esther -star in Persian.Queen Esther, the Jewish wife of the king of Persia who saved the Jews
虎間 (torama) -in sense close to, similar to tiger
虎 (tora) -tiger
間 (ma) -between, space, time
Propagator -increaser, enlarger
連続剣 (renzokuken) -serial, consecutive sword
連続 (renzoku) -serial, consecutive, continuing
連 (ren) -join
続 (zoku) -continue, series
剣 (ken) -sword

Final Fantasy 9 etymology

Vivi Orunitia
vivi, vivere -be alive, live
probably from Orinthia from ορινω (orinō) -to excite, to agitate
Αλεξανδρος (alexandros) -defending men from αλεξω (alexō) -to defend, help and ανηρ (anēr), ανδρος (andros) -man
कुज (kuja) -born from earth, name of planet Mars (it can also mean bad born कु (ku) can be prefix for earth and bad ज (ja) suffix born)
कुजन (kujana) -a bad or wicked man
कु (ku) -bad
जन (jana) -man
जन् (jan) -to be born (as suffix ज (ja)
βραχνος (brachnos) -husky, raucous, hoarse
laudo, laudare -praise
चक्र (cakra) -wheel
δενδρον (dendron) -tree
Freya -from Old Norse Freyja -lady.This is the name of goddess of love and beauty in Norse mythology
οδων (odōn) -tooth
τα (ta) τις (tis) -any one, any thing
χαρκευς (charkeus), χαλκευω (chalkeuō) -make of copper or generally of metal
Valia Pira
valia, valere -be strong, powerful
πυρ (pyr) -fire
Fenrir -from Old Norse fen, marsh-dweller

Final Fantasy 10 etymology

太陽 (tida) -sun
決まり (kimari) -rule, custom, conclusion, settlement
Rikku, リュック
リュック (ryukku) -backpack (abbreviated from リュックサック -rucksack), (based on Japanese name)
It. guado -woad (kind of plant from which blue paint was obtained)
Yu Yevon, エボン ジュ
Yu is probably from 寿 (ju) -longevity
Yevon -from Germanic element iv -yew (Old English iw -yew (from Indo-European eiwo- from ei- reddish, colorful (because has red arils (berry like structure surrounding seeds), Old High German iwa -yew, German eibe -yew) also could be from Welsh ywen -yew tree.Other names derived from iv:Yves, Yvon, Yvonne, Yvette.Yew can live up to thousand years and is highly poisonous, Yu Yevon also existed as Sin for thousand years and caused destruction and harm.
エボン (ebon)
衛 (e) -defence, protection
徊 (e) -wandering
犯 (bon) -crime, sin, offense
煩 (bon) -nuisance, trouble, pain, annoy
万寿 (banju) -longevity
ジュ (ju)
寿 (ju) -longevity
余薫 (yokun) -lingering odor
It. gatta -cat
ζα (za) -very
ναρκη (narkē) -numbness, deadness
Αχελωος (achelōos) -Achelous, name of several rivers, in poets any stream, generally water
δαιμων (daimōn) -evil spirit, demon, ghost, divine power
λιθος (lithos) -stone
गन्धर्व (gandharva) -Gandharva
γα (ga) Doric for γη (gē) -earth
γαζα (gaza) -treasure
μαχη (machē) -battle, combat
ραγωδης (ragōdēs) -like berries
raptare -drag violently off, ravage
raptor -robber, plunderer
ξιφος (xiphos) -sword
Baaj temple
बाज (bāj) -eagle, falcon, hawk (Hindi)
武神 (bushin) -god of military arts
斬 (zan) -to cut, to slash
大 (dai) -large, big
虎 (ko), (tora) -tiger (ko changes to go in compounds)
路 (ro) -path, route, distance (足 -foot + 各 -each, every)
狼 (rō) -wolf

कर्म (karma), कर्मन् (karman) -act, action
小柄 (kozuka)
小 -small, little
柄 -handle, knob, pattern
脇差 (wakizashi) -short sword
κοτος (kotos) -grudge, rancour
πτερυξ (pteryx) -wing
ορνις (ornis), ορνιθος (ornithos) -bird
ληστης (lēstēs) -robber, pirate
斬馬刀 (zanbatō) -type of long sword
斬 (zan) -to cut, to slash
馬 (ba), (ma) -horse
刀 (tō) -saber, sword
Ιξιων (ixiōn) -Ixion
valeo, valere -be strong, powerful
φορος (phoros) -bearing
用心棒 (yōjinbō) -bodyguard
用心 (yōjin) -guarding, caution
棒 (bō) -rod, stick, cane, pole, club
Evrae Altana
evre, eurus -east (or south east) wind
altanus -land breeze
すべて を 超えし者 (Japanese name of Nemesis)
全て (subete) -all, whole, complete
超え (koe) -transcend, exceed
者 (mono) -person, someone
πτερυξ (pteryx) -wing
ευχιλος (euchilos) -rich in fodder, feeding well
σπαθη (spathē) -flat wooden blade, blade of an oar
野太刀 (nodachi) -large war sword
刀 (katana) -saber, sword, blade
निर्वाण (nirvāna) -blown or put out, extinguished
Nimbus rod
nimbus -cloud

Final Fantasy 11 etymology

पुरुषमृग (purushamrga)
पुरुष (purusha) -man, male, person
मृग (mrga) -deer, wild beast
नरसिंह (narasimha) - man-lion
नर (nara) -man
सिंह (simha) -lion, powerful one
Ογμιος (ogmios) -name of Heracles among Celts
ογμος (ogmos) -furrow, row
யாளி (yāli) (Tamil), व्याल (vyāla) -fierce, cruel.Yali is mythical lion.
κερκος (kerkos) -tail of a beast (not a bird)
πης (pēs), παις (pais) -child
महाराज (mahārāja) -great king
महा (mahā), महत् (mahat) -large, big
राज (rāja) -king
राहु (rāhu) -seizer, name of demon who is supposed to seize the sun and moon causing eclipse
αλαστορια (alastoria) -vengeance of heaven
arbor -tree
colere -inhabit
Vulkodlac -werewolf (Slavic)
麒麟 (kirin) -Chinese mythical animal
Zlatorog -golden horn (Slavic)
baum -tree
esel -donkey
Ziz -זיז giant griffin-like bird in Jewish mythology
Arrapago crab
αρα (ara) -impatience, curse
παγος (pagos) -that which is fixed, crag, rock, frost
παγουρος (pagouros) -crab
μεγας (megas) -large, big
πους (pous), ποδος (podos) -foot
अप्सरस् (apsaras) -between waters and clouds, class of female divinities that inhabit sky but often visit earth
मकर (makara) -a kind of sea monster
οδων (odōn) -tooth
τυραννος (tyrannos) -absolute ruler
μονος (monos) -single, only, alone
κερας (keras) -horn
ουρα (oura) -tail
βορος (boros) -devouring, swallow
αμφι (amphi) -on both sides
πτερυξ (pteryx) -wing
πτερον (pteron) -feather
ακρος (akros) -highest, topmost, farthest point, top
λιθος (lithos) -stone
朱雀 (suzaku) -red sparrow, constellation
चिति (citi) -pile, layer, heap
पति (pati) -lord, master
भूत (bhūta) -gone, past, spirit, ghost
Ignis Fatuus
ignis -fire
fatuus -foolish, silly
fatum -fate, destiny
Olla Paquena
olla -pot, jar
वृत्र (vrtra) -enveloper, snake Asura
餓鬼 (gaki) -ghoul
ευρυτος (eurytos) - full-flowing
ροικος (rhoikos) -crooked, fluid, flabby
अवतार (avatāra) -descent, appearance of any deity on earth
αναποσις (anaposis) -swallowing up

Final Fantasy 12 etymology

ιχθυς (ichthys) -fish
Urstrix pterix
ursus -bear
πτερυξ (pteryx) -wing
θαλασσιος (thalassios) -from the sea
τερας (teras) -monster, sign, portent
occuro, occurare -come about, happen, occur
ορθρος (orthros) -the time just before or about daybreak, dawn, mythical dog
ardor -fire, flame, heat, brightness, ardor, intensity

Laxius Force 1 etymology (continued)

धर्म (dharma) -law, practice, duty (that which upholds or supports from धा (dhā) -hold, support)
Ademia Powder
ad -to, towards
e -out, away from, completely
mia from miare -make water
vanacum from vanus, vana, vanum -empty, vain, false, untrustworthy and ac -ing, having a tendency
cano, canere -sing, celebrate, chant, recite, foretell
ruga, rugae -wrinkle, crease
bubulus -of/connected with cattle, consisting of cattle, of ox-hide
Tabuca Pond
tabum -viscous fluid
jurdo (juro, jurare -swear, call to witness + do -act or result of the action of verb) + al -of, pertaining to
culmus -stalk, stem
damos from dar -to give (Spanish)
χωμα (khōma) -mound
urbs -city
voro, vorare -swallow, devour
orbis -circle, sphere, world
ullus, ulla, ullum -any
deamo, deamare -love dearly, be delighted with
bonus, bona -good, kind, pleasant
φωνη (phōne) -sound, tone, voice
carus, cara -dear, beloved
il -little, small
panina from panis -bread, loaf and in -of, belonging to, connected with
calcinis from calcus -small weight
Turango Corsage
tus, turis -frankincense
ango, angere -press tight, choke
rana, ranae -frog
rex, regis -king
Pacomoca River
paco, pacare -pacify, subdue
Pappalis Powder
pappalis from pappus -wooly seed of certain plants and al -of
Ferox Orc
ferox -wild, bold
φως (phōs) -light
φερω (pherō) -bear, carry
鬼 (oni) -ghost (ogre, demon in games)
tu -you, thou, thee
garda -wardship, guardianship
Kirin Herb
麒麟 (kirin) -mythical animal in China (Qilin) and Japan
Namii Purvi
नामन् (nāman) -name, characteristic mark or sign, nature, manner
पूर्व (pūrva) -former, previous
δωρον (dōron) -gift, present
tal -valley (German)
χρυσος (khrysos) -gold
κρισις (krisis) -separating, distinguishing
sarum -himself
barkal (to bark + al -of)
νηφω (nēphō) -to be sober
latus -bring, bear, carry
camus -necklace
harum, hari -plants of genus arum
melis, melus -song, tune, melody
re -again
vania from vanus, vana -empty, vain
fabula, fabulae -story, tale, fable
camur, camura, camurum -curved, bent, crocked
ordo, ordinis -row, order, rank
sordalis from sordes -filth, dirt and al -of
fallo, fallere -deceive, cheat
crude + ar
valens, valentis -strong, vigorous, powerful
Fort Go'hor
go + horror
stax from sto, stare -stand and ax -ing, having tendency, ability
Haak Bow
haak -hook (Dutch)
φαινω (phainō) -appear, reveal
ξαινω(xainō) -scratch
αργυρος (argyros) -silver
ala -wing
via -way, road
garda -wardship, guardianship
ol -little, small
ara, arae -altar
ul -little, small
degas from dego, degere -spend/pass time, wait
canus, cana -grey, aged, old
lis, litis -quarrel
valens -strong, vigorous, powerful
φερω (pherō) -bear, carry
聖人 (seijin) -saint, sage
聖 -holy
人 -person
azar -luck, misfortune, obstacle (Spanish)
from aro, arare -plow, till
emereo, emerere -earn, merit
bella -beautiful (Italian)
donna -lady (Italian)
wander + or -makes nouns from verbs
callus, calli -hard, tough
fanda, fandus -proper, lawful
as, assis -copper coin
fero, ferre -bring, bear, carry
Arari Bow
arare -to plow, furrow
invernale -of winter from inverno -winter (Italian)

Laxius Force 2 etymology (continued)

nasus -nose, sense of smelling
lea -lioness
acus -needle
halo, halare -emit vapor, be fragrant
hondo -deep, profound (Spanish) + er
guidare -to lead, to guide (Italian)
iba (first person singular imperfect indicative) form of ir -to go (Spanish)
γοργος (gorgos) -grim, fierce, terrible
Iro Shark
iro, irare -get angry from ira -anger, wrath
canalis -channel, canal, ditch
silva -forest
candere -be of brilliant whiteness, shine, gleam, glow
λαβρος (labros) -furious, mighty
उष (uSha) -dawn
στρεπτος (streptos) -bent, curved
flos, floris -flower, blossom
staccato -separated
Floralis Falls
flos, floris -flower, blossom
Gazza Ladra
gazza -magpie (Italian)
ladra -thief, burglar (female)
fallacia -deception, deceit
halo, halare -emit vapor
halitus -vapor, steam, breath
al -of, pertaining to, in condition of

bracalis from braca -trousers, breechers and al -of
αιολος (aiolos) -quick moving, nimble, name of wind god
rasti -to grow (Slavic)
着 (chaku) -arrive, wear
春 (haru) -spring
sagas from sagus, saga -prophetic

Morrowind etymology (continued)

Inanius Egg Mine
inanis -void, empty, hollow
skum -dark, shady, immoral (Swedish)
Ano Andaram
andare -to go (Italian)
खजित् (khajit) -conquering heaven (ख (kha) -heaven, air, sky + जित् (jit) -winning, conquering)
Arvama Rathri
अर्व (arva), अर्वन् (arvan) -quick (Sanskrit)
रात्रि (ratri) -night (Sanskrit)
Mevil Molor
molor from molere -to grind
Ascadian Isles
ascendo -to rise, to spring, grow up (ad - to + scandō -climb)
Frinnius Posuceius
frinire -to chirp (Italian)
Arano Plantation
arano from arare -to plough, plow (Italian)
Durus Marius
durus -hard, harsh, rough, cruel
Lake Amaya
अमाय (amāya) -free from deceit, guileless, sincerity (अ (a) -not + माया (māyā) -illusion, deception, trick)
Arvyn Llerayn
from Indian name Arvind from Aravind from अरविन्द (aravinda) -lotus (Sanskrit)
νιρνος (nirnos) -seed of a kind of pine (Achaean)
Audenian Valius
audeo, audere -be prepared, dare, act boldly, venture
valere, valitus -be strong, powerful
अजिर (ajira) -agile, quick, rapid (Sanskrit)
विवेक (viveka) -distinction, discussion, true knowledge, right judgment, faculty of distinguishing
and classifying things according to their real properties, power of separating the invisible
spirit from the visible world (Sanskrit)
alma, almus -nourishing, providing nurture
lex -law
Endul Rothandus
rotundus -round, circular
Femer Veralor
veralis -of truth (verum -truth + al -of a, pertaining to) and -or in Latin makes nouns from verbs
calor -heat
Deras Girando
girando Gerund of girare -to turn, stir, to travel, to spin, revolve (Italian)
Vivyne Andrano
andranno 3 plural future tense of andare -to go (Italian)
Arvela Falas
falas from falar -to speak (Galician)
fulgor -brightness, splendor, glory
Nalosi Alari
alarius -auxiliary troops posted on the wings of army (ala -wing)
Elam Andas
andas (informal 2 person singular present) from andar -to walk, to travel (Spanish)
Mehra Milo
mehra -of the sun from mehr -sun (Middle Persian)
Angoril (angor -choking, anxiety, anguish + il -of)
mirando -admirable (Italian)
hortari -encourage, cheer, incite
hortator -inciter, encourager, exhorter
Vorar Helas
vorare -swallow, devour
hélas -alas (French)
Conoon Chodala
canon -law or rule from κανων (kanon) -rod, bar, rule
chode -old imp. of chide -to scold, to blame
Apographa (απο (apo) -off, away from + γραφειν (graphein) -to write)
sitis -thirst
Menta Na
menta -mint (plant) (Italian)
odi, odisse -hate, dislike
baal -master (Semitic)
Mount Kand
candere -shine, gleam, be hot, glow, sparkle
Sirollus Saccus
sirolus (sirus -corn pit, underground granary + ol -little, small)
saccus -sack, bag
Asciene Rane
ascius -shadowless
rana, ranae -frog
Apelles Matius
appelles (subjunctive present 2 singular) from appellare -call upon, address, appeal to
Nebia Amphia
nebbia -fog, mist (Italian)
αμφι (amphi) -on both sides
πελαγιος (pelagios) -of the sea, near the sea
Manat's Farmhouse
manare, manatus -flow, pour, be wet
Velanda Omani
velanda from velare -veil, cover, hide, conceal
Omani -person from Oman (country in middle east)
Nevena Ules
Nevena from neven -marigold (South Slavic)
ulex -a shrub resembling rosemary
Lake Hairan
haereo -stick, cleave, be fixed
ad -to, towards
anum -ring, circle
muran from murar -to surround with a wall (Spanish)
Ansi -from ansio -anxious, anguished (Italian)
Unjara (un + जर (jara) -becoming old)
Dirara Drom
δρομος (dromos) -road
Galos Farethi
γαλοως (galoōs) -husband's sister
Orvas Dren
orbas, orbus -bereft, deprived, childless
drenar -to drain (Spanish) or dren -pulp (Czech)
Velsa Salaron
salaron from salar -to salt (Spanish)
Lunia Menanius
luna -moon
maenanus from maena -small sea-fish
audax -bold, daring
Selvia Famalius
fama -rumor, reputation, fame
Nammu -Sumerian godess of the primeval sea that gave birth to An (heaven) and Ki (earth) and the first gods later in Babylon is known as Tiamat
Mudan Grotto
mudan from mudar -to change, to vary (Spanish)
Idonea Munia
munia, munium -duties, functions
Taros Dral
taro, tarare -to tare, calibrate
Maesa Gabinia
mesa -table (Spanish)
Manara Othan
manar -gush forth (Spanish)
Salora Salobar
salor from salere -to salt
salebaris (Imperfect passive 2 S) from salere -to salt
Lalatia Varian
Latia -of Latium (central Italy including Rome)
varianus -diverse colored, variegated
Sauleius Cullian
saule -willow, willow tree (French)
cullianus from cullus -type of windlass using leather
Shargon Odin-Ahhe
Sargon (Šarru-kin -true king or king is legitimate)
ahhē -brother (Akkadian, Assyrian)
χαος (chaos) -infinite space, unformed matter, nether abyss
γραω (graō) -gnaw, eat
δυη (duē) -misery
μερος (meros) -part, share, destiny
δαιος (daios) -hostile, destructive, enemy, unhappy, wretched (αι (ai) becomes in Latin ae)
δραω (draō) -do, accomplish, perform mystical rites
Pania Cadiusus
pane -bread
cadium -small jar
cadus -jar
usus -use
αιος (aios), αιων (aiōn) -perpetually, for ever, eternity (αι (ai) becomes in Latin ae)
δραω (draō) -do, accomplish, perform mystical rites
Bacola Closcius
baca -berry
ol -little, small
clodere, closus -shut, close, block
ald -old (Old English, Anglian form of West Saxon eald)
rūn -secret, writing, rune (Old Norse) or ruina, ruinae -ruins, fall, catastrophe, collapse
Dandera Selaro
dander -passion, temper, anger (slang)
sellar -to stamp, to seal (Spanish)
Pellecia Aurrus
pelliccia -fur (of an animal), fur coat (Italian)
aurum -gold
Ano Vando
ano -member (of a society or group) (Esperanto)
vando -wall (Esperanto)
Codus Callonus
coda -tail
callosus -tough, hard
Arobar Manor
arrobar -to enrapture (Spanish)
Vala Catraso
vala -ditch, trench (Portuguese)
Vevul Alver
vevulis (ve -not + vis -strength + ul -little)
Viatrix Petilia
viatrix -a female traveller, viator -traveler from via -way, road
petilius -thin, slender (archaic)
Aldaril (altare -to raise, make high, elevate + il -of)
Raesa Pullia
res -thing, event, affair, buisiness
pullia from pullus -blackish, dark colored
sultis -be willing, wish
matula -a vessel, pot, simpleton
cogo, cogere -collect, gather, restrict, confine, force, compel
Valenvaryon (valens -strong, powerful + varius -changing, various)
tuando from tuari -to see, look, protect, watch
Aššur, Ashur, Assur -god, head of Assyrian pantheon, name of Assyria (an -god + šar -all)
pal -heir (Akkadian, Assyrian)
ignis -fire, brightness, passion
Kjeld -name derived from Kjell -kettle (Norwegian)
tangor from tangere -to touch, strike, border on
Halit Mine
'αλς (hals), 'αλος (halos) -salt
λιθος (lithos) -stone
Undil (unda -wave + il -of a, pertaining to)
Tel Naga
नाग (nāga) -snake, cobra, class of beings associated with waters, rivers, lakes, seas, wells and are generally regarded as guardians of treasure
Divayth Fyr
divinus -divine
fyr -guy (Danish) or fyr -fire (Norwegian)
Yagrum Bagarn
bagarre -heated discussion, turmoil, bustle (Italian)
Tel Aruhn
अरुण (aruNa) -dawn, ruddy
Vos (Lat. vos -you plural)
vanni -(poetic) wing feathers (Italian)
Ranis Athrys
rana -frog
Aššur, Ashur, Assur -god, head of Assyrian pantheon, name of Assyria (an -god + šar -all)
ahhē -brother (Akkadian, Assyrian)
Erabenimsun (erība -replace (Akkadian, Assyrian) + sun)
Lake Nabia
Nabia -Celtic goddess of rivers and water on territory of modern Galicia (Spain) and Portugal
Fields of Kummu
κυμινον (kuminon) -cumin, written also cummin
Coda Flower
coda -tail
Pyroil Tar (πυρ (pyr) -fire + oil)
dur -fortress (Akkadian, Assyrian)
sollst (2 person singular present) from sollen -should, to be recommended, to be obliged, to be intended (German)
heim -home (German)
skal -shell, skull (Danish)
Lake Fjalding
fjall -mountain (Old Norse)
stahl -steel (German)
hrím -frost (Old Norse)
Felsaad Coast
fels -rock (German)
Himmelhost Barrow
himmel -sky, heaven (German)
höst -autumn, figuratively time towards the end of life (Swedish)
Kolbjorn Barrow
Kolbjørn -Norwegian name from Old Norse kol -coal and bjorn -bear
Skogsdrake Barrow
skógr -wood, forest (Old Norse)
drake -dragon (Norwegian)
Korst Wind-Eye
korst -crust, scab (Dutch)
Lukesturm Barrow
luke -hatch, porthole (German)
sturm -storm, gustiness (German)
Valbrandr Barrow
valr -dead (Old Norse)
brandr -sword (Old Norse)
björn -bear (Old Norse)
Hvitkald Peak
hvítr -white (Old Norse)
kaldr -cold (Old Norse)
gräl -quarrel (Swedish)
brynja -coat of mail, armour, protection (Old Norse)
-olfr from ulfr -wolf (Old Norse)
Skjoldr Wolf-Runner
skjoldr -shield (Old Norse)
vig -battle, fight (Old Norse)
unna -to love (Old Norse)

Oblivion etymology (continued)

Raminus Polus
raminus -of branch from ramus -branch
polus -little, small or polus -pole, heaven, sky
Corvus Umbranox
corvus -raven
umbra -shade, shadow
nox -night
quetschen -crush, press (German) from which is also derived kvetch -person who endlessly whines or complains, person who finds fault with anything from
cara, carus -dear, beloved
hilaris -cheerful, lively
κυρος (kyros) -supreme power, authority (Greek κυ is transcribed in Latin and English as cy Κυπρος Cyprus) + il -of
ταυρος (tauros) -bull
Velwyn Benirus
beni -bless (Esperanto)
rus -country, estate
calando Gerund of calo, calare -announce, proclaim, loosen, slacken + il -of
Varla Stone
varla -hardly, barely (Icelandic).In sense hard to find, get again, there was only set amount of Varla stones
angor -anxiety
almo Dative and Ablative of almus, alma -nourishing, cherishing
ský -cloud (Old Norse) + rim -hoarfrost (Danish) from Old Norse hrím for frosty and cloudy climate
Brena River
breña -scrub, rough ground
Corbolo River
corbolo -small basket (corbis -basket + -ol -little, small) in Italian corbello -basket
fanacum from fanum -sanctuary, temple and ac -ing, having a tendency
seculis -secular, earthly, worldly, pagan
नाग (nāga) -snake, cobra, class of beings associated with waters, rivers, lakes, seas, wells and are generally regarded as guardians of treasure
-stan -home (suffix) from Persian stān -place of
villa -a country house, villa
verinus -of truth, verum -truth
Valus Mountains
vallus -palisade, point, post (mountain on border, like palisade between two countries)
cingor from cingere -surround, encircle, ring, accompany
शूर (shūra) -brave + विर (vira) -hero (Sanskrit)
Latinized form of Greek name Αγαθη (Agathē) derived from αγαθος -good
caltha -marigold
Lerexus Callidus
callidus -crafty, sly, cunning, wise
Augusta Calidia
augustus, augusta -venerable, majestic, dignified, worthy of honor
calidia from calidus -warm, hot, fiery, eager, rash
faelianus from faeles -cat
Gemellus Axius
gemellus -twin
Axius -Roman nomen
जीर (jīra) -quick, speedy, active
ऊर्ज (ūrja) -power, strength, vigour, life
Selene -name from σεληνη (selēnē) -moon
Lat. rana -frog
varando Gerund of varare -to launch, to pass, to approve (Italian)
उशिज् (ushij) -wishing, desiring, striving earnestly, zealous (Sanskrit)
Fort Ontus
οντως (ontōs) -really, actually
Fort Dirich
dìrich -to climb (Scottish Gaelic)
orere -to burn (later Latin)
Contumeliorus Florius
contumēlia -insult, humiliation
flos, floris -flower
angaria -service of angarius -public courier, messenger, service to a lord from αγγαρος (angaros) -mounted courier for carrying royal dispatches (γγ in Greek is read as ng)
λιγδος (lindos) -mortar, clay mould (γδ in Greek is read as nd)
moranda Gerund of morari -delay, stay, devote attention to
vendere -to sell (one of Ayleid statues is there)
High Chancellor Ocato
occato from occo, occare -to harrow
Servatius Quintilius
servatius from servo, servare -watch over, protect, keep, guard
Quintilius -Roman gens name or quintus from quinque -fifth
करण (karaNa) -clever, skillful, doing, making (Sanskrit)
Herminia Cinna
cinnus -a mixed drink of spelt-grain and wine
Tertius Favonius
tertius -third from tres -three
favonius -west wind
Delos Fandas
fandus, fanda -that may be spoken, proper, lawful
Velus Hosidius
vellus -fleece
Hosidius or Hosidia -nomen from Ancient Rome
Vinicia Melissaeia
melissa, melissae -balm
Agar -Norwegian name variant of Hagar -flight + mir -peace (Slavic)
Collatinus Vedius
collatus -bring together, discuss, debate, oppose
Vedius -name of Roman gens
Astinia Atius
astina from astus -craft, cunning, guile, trick
Atius -name of Roman gens
Puny Ancus
ancus -group of musical notes (Medieval Latin)
Trenus Duronius
threnus -song of mourning, lamentation, dirge, elegy from θρηνος (thrēnos) -dirge, lament, complaint
durus -hard, stern, harsh, rough, cruel
Narina Carvain
narina -of nose from naris -nostril, nose
Carius Runellius
carius from carus -dear, beloved
Selena Orania
σεληνη (selēnē) -moon
oranis from os, oris -mouth, speech, expression
Arentus Falvius
arens, arentis -dry parched, waterless, dried, parching (thirst)
skjorta -shirt (Swedish)
Arnora Auria
arno Dative and Ablative of arnus -lamb
aurum -gold
nova, novus -new, fresh, unusual, extraordinary
Roma -Rome or from aroma
sedor from sedo, sedare -settle, allay, restrain, calm down
Sancre Tor
sancire, sanxi, sanctum -to make or appoint as sacred, devote, dedicate
tor -tower (Old French) from Lat. turris -tower
αναξ (anax) -master, lord
Mankar Camoran
manceps -owner, master, chief (manus -hand + capere -take hold, seize, grasp)
camur, camura, camurum -curved, bent, crocked
miscere -mix, mingle, embroil, confound, stir up
candeo, candere -be of brilliant whiteness, shine, gleam, glow, sparkle (probably because of white exterior reflecting sunlight)
दित्सा (ditsā) -desire or intention of giving (Sanskrit)
falcar from falx, falcis -sickle, scythe -ar suffix for instrument, place for special purpose
Lat. mala, malus -bad, evil, wicked + da (Imperative 2 person singular) from dare -to give or from मल (mala) -filth, dirt, dust, sin, impurity + द (da) -giving, granting, producing (Sanskrit)
Fort Aurus
aurum -gold
Fort Cuptor
cupere -wish, long, be eager for, desire, want + -tor masculine agent noun suffix
αυλη (aylē) -chamber, hall, any dwelling, courtyard
ειδος (eidos) -form, shape, to be or become like
Fort Facian
facianus from facies -shape, face. look, appearance, beauty, achievement
Fort Sejanus
Seianus from Seius -Roman gens name
bravilis -of gamble from bravere -gamble + il -able to, having the passive quality
fanacum from fanum -sanctuary, temple + -ac -ing, having tendency
Gaiar Alata
γαια (gaia) -earth, land, country
alata, alatus -winged, furnished with wings, ala -wing
kemen -earth (Quenya)
Uriel Septim
אוּרִיאֵל ('Uri'el) -god is my light, also Hebrew name (Hebrew).Uriel was one of the seven archangels in Hebrew tradition. He is mentioned only in the Apocrypha
septimus -seventh
Regulus Terentius
regulus -petty king, prince (rex, regis -king + ul -little, small)
Viera Lerus
vis -strength, force, power, might + era -mistress, lady
ungula -hoof, bird claw/talon, toe nail
skin -shine, shimmer, brightness (Icelandic) from skína -to shine (Old Norse)
grad -city (Slavic)
Mercator Hosidus
mercator -trader, merchant
Erthor (earth + -or Latin suffix that makes nouns from verbs)
Sulinus Vassinus
sulinus from sulum -everything
Valandrus Abor
abor from absum, abesse -be away, absent, distant
sinder -cinder, ashes (Old English), he was alchemist
Toutius Sextius
tutius -without risk, danger, safely, securely
Sextius -Roman gens name, sextus -sixth
serum -late hour
durus -hard, cruel
fanacum from fanum -sanctuary, temple + -ac -ing, having a tendency
mora -nightmare (Slavic)
hamme -home (Middle Low German)
horst -the nest of a bird of prey, thicket (German)
bruma -winter, winter cold/weather, winter solstice, shortest day
Sacellum Arden-Sul
sacellum -shrine
ardens, ardentis -burning, glowing, shining, brilliant
sulum, suli -everything
umerus -shoulder, bearing a burden
il -of a, pertaining to, in a condition of
Hieronymus Lex
'ιερος (hieros) -holy
unire -unite
lex -law
Flame of Agnon
αγνως (agnōs) -unknown, dark, obscure
umbo -boss (of a shield)
canus -white, gray, aged, old
sons, sontis -guilty
Haskell -an English patronymic surname derived from Old Norse name Áskell (áss, óss -god + ketill -(sacrificial ) cauldron, helmet)
na, nare -swim, float
mira, mirus -wonderful, strange, extraordinary
सूर्य (sūrya) -sun (Sanskrit) + tan
Viator Accius
viator -traveler from via -way, road
accire -send for, summon, invite
भीषा (bhīShā) -act of frightening, intimidation
volare -fly
nare -swim
elytron -sheath or outer covering over the hindwings of certain insects (Coleoptera), plural is elytra from ελυτρον (elytron) -sheath
ruma, rumen -throat
Carac Agaialor
carus -dear, beloved, costly, precious, valued
ac -having a tendency
αγαιομαι (agaiomai) -(in good sense) admire,(in bad sense) look on with jealousy or envy
(Ionic for αγαμαι (agamai)
αγαιος (agaios) -enviable
lorica -leather cuirass, enclosure, defence of any kind
Caldana Monrius
caldanus from caldus, calda -warm, hot, fiery, rash
munire -fortify, strengthen, protect, defend (on her key name is spelled monirus)
Lake Rumare
rumare form of ruminare -chew over again, ruminate (figuratively to think again and again, to meditate, reflect)
ungere -anoint/rub with oil, smear with oil/grease
murinus, murina -gray mouse (NeoLatin)
θαλος (thalos) -scion, child
ταλως (talōs) -sun (Cretan) 'ηλιος (hēlios) -sun (name of metal construct around Crete from Greek mythology)
umbra -shadow, shade, ghost
उष्ण (uShNa) -hot, warm, ardent, passionate
Una Armina
una -one (used for feminine nouns) or una -together, along with
armina from armum -arms, weapons, armor, equipment

Last Scenario etymology

Hilbert -variant of Hildebert from hild -battle and beracht -bright (Germanic)
Sylvia -variant of Silvia from Latin silva -wood, forest
Eugene -from Ευγενιος (Eugenios) from ευ (eu) -good, well and γενης (genēs) -born
Cathy -diminutive of Catherine from καθαρος (katharos) -pure
Anna -form of Hannah from Channah -favour, grace (Hebrew)
Pargon Island
paragon -model of excellence or perfection.Obsolete meanings:companion, an equal, rivalry, competition derived from paragone -choice (Italian) from παρακοναω (parakonaō) -sharpen, whet (παρα (para) -beside + ακονη (akonē) -whetstone)
Griffin -from γρυψ (gryps) -griffin, from γρυπος (grypos) - hook-nosed
Alexander -from Αλεξανδρος (alexandros) from αλεξω (alexō) -to defend, help and ανηρ (anēr), ανδρος (andros) -man
Farin Island
farina -ground corn, flour, dust, powder from far -sort of grain, husked wheat (hinting on its small size)
Selia, Celia -from caelum -heaven
Edmund -from Old English ead -rich, blessed and mund -protector
Susan -variant of Susanna, Σουσαννα (Sousanna) Greek form of Hebrew name Shoshannah derived from shoshan -lily
Echo -Ηχω (Echō) -was a nymph given speech impediment by Hera so that she could repeat what others said, from ηχη (ēchē) -sound
Valentin -from Latin valens, valentis -strong, vigourous
Theodore -from Greek name Θεοδωρος (Theodoros) from θεος (theos) -god and δωρον (dōron) -gift
Vivian -from Latin name Vivianus derived from vivus -alive
tasar -to appraise (Spanish)
Matilda -from Germanic name Mahthildis (maht -might, strength + hild -battle)
Selene -from σεληνη (selēnē) -moon
Joord (Dutch), Jordão (Portuguese) -form of Jordan -name of river, in Hebrew Yarden derived from yarad -descend, flow down
Hex game
'εξ (hex) -six (tiles had six edges)
Luigi -Italian form of Louis French form of Ludovicus Latinized form of Ludwig (hlud -fame + wig -warrior)
havere -be eager, anxious, desire, wish for, crave
al -of a, pertaining to, in a condition of, in state of
Drakovic -Slavic surname from drak -dragon (Polish from δρακων (drakōn) -dragon), drakov -of dragon and -ić -son (used in surnames)
stein -stone (German)
सरस्वती (sarasvatī) -Hindu godess of knowledge, music and art, originally name of river and river godess from सरस्वत् (sarasvat) -abounding in pools and lakes, सरस् (saras) -pond, pool and वत् (vat) -like, as (Sanskrit)
Gunther -from Germanic name Gundahar (gund -war + hari -army, warrior)
βασιλισκος (basiliskos) -diminutive of βασιλευς (basileus) -king.Was name of fabulous serpent
αμφισβαινα (amphisbaina) -a fabled serpent with a head on each end
αμφι (amphi) -on both sides
βαινω (bainō) -to go
Voldon Mountains
voldoen -to satisfy, suffice (Dutch) from vol -full and doen -to do
Lorenza -Italian form of Laurentius from Latin laurus -laurel
luna -moon
Fiona -from Irish fionn -fair
Luther -from Germanic name Leuthar (leud -people + hari -army)
Augustus -great, venerable derived from augere -to increase
Leopold -from Germanic elements leud -people and bald -bold, the spelling was altered due to association with Latin leo -lion
unda -wave
επιφανεια (epiphaneia) -appearance, manifestation (επι (epi) -on, upon + φαινω (phainō) -to show, reveal)
Kelpie -from Scottish Gaelic cailpeach or colpach -heifer, colt.Kelpie is supernatural water horse from Celtic folklore that is believed to haunt rivers and lochs (lakes)
Helga -from Old Norse name Helgi derived from heilagr -holy, blessed
Otto -later German form of Audo from Germanic element od -wealth, fortune
Herzog -duke (German) from Old High German herizogo (heri -army + zogo -puller)
Petra -from πετρος (petros) -stone
Schultz -variant of Schultheiß derived from Middle High German schultheiße -mayor, judge
Hermann -derived from Germanic elements hari -army + man -man
'ηλιος (hēlios) -sun
Helmut -derived from Germanic elements helm -helmet, protection + muot -spirit, mind
neu -new (German)
berg -mountain, hill (German)
Gertrude -derived from Germanic elements ger -spear + þruþ -strength
Ulrich -from Germanic uodal -heritage + ric -power
Hilda -from Germanic hild -battle
orta -middle, central (Turkish)
Nolan -from Irish surname derived from Ó Nualláin -descendent of Nuallán -champion
Kurat Vol
curatus -anxious
vol -full (Dutch)
meo, meare -go along, pass, travel or meo, meus -my, mine
dare -to give, dedicate, grant, devote
陰 (simplified Chinese 阴) -shade, hidden, moon, female principle yin (阝(阜) -mound, hill + 侌 -ancient word for cloudy )
陽 (simplified Chinese 阳) -sun, light, male principle yang (阝(阜) -mound, hill + 昜 -bright (hinting on sunrise)
Sylph -from sylva, silva -wood, forest and nymph (νυμφη (nymphē) -bride, nymph)
Ethan -from Hebrew word meaning solid, enduring
Castor -from Καστωρ (Kastōr) from κεκασμαι (kekasmai) -to shine, to excel
Pollux -Roman form of Greek Πολυδευκης (Polydeukēs) -very sweet (πολυς (polys) -much + δευκης (deukēs) -sweet) in Greek mythology he was the twin brother of Castor and a son of Zeus. The constellation Gemini, which represents the two brothers, contains a star by this name
braun -brown (German)
wald -wood, forest (German)
Wilhelm -from Germanic name Willahelm (wil -will, desire + helm -helmet, protection)
dorf -village (German)
Heinrich -from Germanic name Heimrich (heim -home + ric -power, ruler)
Flora -from Lat. flos, floris -flower
Rupert -Low German form of Robert, from Germanic name Hrodebert (hrod -fame + beraht -bright)
Bertha -from beraht -bright, famous
Schwarz -black (German)
Randolph -from Germanic elements rand -rim (of a shield) and wulf -wolf
Wolfram -from Germanic wulf -wolf and hramn -raven
Walter -from Germanic name composed of wald -rule and hari -army, Old English cognate is Wealdhere
Konrad -from kuoni -brave and rad -counsel (Germanic)
Ectoplasm -from εκτος (ektos) -outside + πλασμα (plasma) -anything formed, image
Grauss -perhaps from grau -grey (German)
Dieter -from þeud -people and hari -army (Germanic)
Esmeralda -means emerald in Spanish
Kohlen -coals (German)
Leonard -from leon -lion and hard -brave, hardy (Germanic)
Fritz -diminutive of Friedrich form of Frederick (frid -peace + ric -power, ruler)
Rutger -Dutch form of Roger (hrod -fame + ger -spear)
Rudolph -from Germanic name Hrodulf (hrod -fame + wulf -wolf)
λαβρυς (labrys) -axe (Lydian word)
Patrick -from Latin name Patricius -nobleman
Erick, Eric -from Old Norse name Eiríkr (ei -ever + ríkr -ruler)
Gerbert -from ger -spear and beraht -bright (Germanic)
Antar Woods, Camp
अन्तर् (antar) -between, in the middle (Sanskrit).Latin cognate is inter
Albert -from Germanic name Adalbert (adal -noble + beraht -bright)
Kaiser Pass
kaiser -emperor (German) derived from Caesar
Wolfgang -from Germanic elements wulf -wolf and gang -path
Moritz -German form of Maurice (Saint Maurice from Egypt) from maurus -inhabitant of North Africa
Alfred -from Old English Ælfræd (ælf -elf + ræd -counsel)
Brunhild -from Germanic elements brun -armour, protection and hild -battle
Tiamat -either from Sumerian ti -life and ama -mother or Akkadian tâmtu, ti'amtum -sea.Tiamat is sea godess and embodiment of primordial chaos.Tiamat created first generation of gods
valkyrie -chooser of the slain, derived from Old Norse valr -the slain and kyrja -chooser. In Norse myth the Valkyries were maidens who led heroes killed in battle to Valhalla (from Old Norse Valhöll, from valr -dead warriors, and höll -hall)
Schubert -variant of Schuchard from Middle High German schuochwürhte, schuochworhte, or schuchwarte -shoemaker
Vincent -from the Roman name Vincentius from Lat. vincere -to conquer
Stygian Woods
stygian -dark and gloomy from Στυξ (styx) -Styx, chief river of underworld
βιος (bios) -life
entallar -to tailor, fit (Spanish) in sense adapted, appropriate, adequate
Hypno Bug
'υπνος (hypnos) -sleep
erde -earth (German)
geist -spirit, ghost (German)
φοβος (phobos) -fear, panic
δειμος (deimos) -terror
berg -mountain, hill (German)
heim -home (German)
zeit -time (German)
geist -spirit, ghost (German)
Elvira -Spanish form of a Visigothic name composed of Germanic elements al -all and wer -true
Gilbert -from Germanic elements gisil -pledge, hostage and beraht -bright
Alison -Norman French diminutive of Aalis, Alice from Germanic name Adalheidis (adal -noble + heid -kind)
Flynn -from Irish surname which was derived from Ó Floinn meaning descendent of Flann -red
Lux Island
lux -light
luminare -illuminate, give light, light up, brighten
Leonias -from λεων (leōn) -lion
Galahad -In Arthurian legend Sir Galahad was the son of Lancelot and Elaine. He was the most pure of the knights of the Round Table, and he was the only one to succeed in finding the Holy Grail
γαια (gaia) -earth
Blue Ocul
oculus -eye
Vivione -from vivianus from vivus -alive
Ferdinand -From Ferdinando old Spanish form of Germanic name composed of farði -journey and nanð -daring
αρχαιος (archaios) -ancient, from the beginning or origin
αρχη (archē) -beginning, origin
πολις (polis) -city
θανατος (thanatos) -death
手裏剣 (shuriken)
手 (shu) -hand
裏 (ri) -palm
剣 (ken) -sword, blade
Roderick -from Germanic elements hrod -fame and ric -power
Ernest -derived from Germanic eornost -serious
feuer -fire (German)
'υπερ (hyper) -over, above, beyond
Lemuria -mythical lost continent proposed to explain the existence of lemurs (kind of monkeys from Lat. lemur -spirits of the night, because of animals nocturnal behavior) on two continents
Melissa -from μελισσα (melissa) -bee
Natasha -Russian diminutive of Natalya form of Natalie from Natalia from natale domini -Christmas day (natale -birth of and domini -lord)
Alphonse -from Visigothic name from adal -noble and funs -ready
Cocytus -river in Greek underworld from κωκυτος (kōkytos) -lamentation
ερεβος (erebos) -darkness of the deep, place of neather darkness, Erebos
Raka Mural
racemus -bunch, cluster
mural (murus -wall + al -of, pertaining to, in a state of)
Σφιγξ (sphinx) from σφιγγω (sphingō) -bind together, tie up in a bundle
Yad al-Jauza
يد الجوزاء (Yad al-Jauzā') -hand of the central one, name of Betelgeuse (Arabic)
يد (yad) -hand
جوز -middle
الجوزاء (al-Jauzā') -the central one (older name for Orion)
氣 (qì) -active principle forming part of any living thing, energy flow, life force
मार (māra) -the destroyer, Mara demon who tempted Buddha
Toltec -from Spanish tolteca, from Nahuatl toltecah plural of tōltēcatl -inhabitant of Tollan (Tōllān (tōlin -rushes + -tlān, -lān -place) + -catl -inhabitant)
Rashnu -Avestan name of Zoroastrian yazata of justice
Bhaneswar Island
from Bhubaneswar -once capital of ancient Kalinga today is capital of Orissa derived from भुवनेश्वर (bhuvaneshvara) -lord of the world, name of Shiva (भुवन (bhuvana) -world, place of being (भू (bhū) -to be, exist) + ईश्वर (īshvara) -lord) (Sanskrit)
पुर (pura) -city, town (Sanskrit)
विद्या (vidyā) -knowledge
सुधीर (sudhīr) from सु (su) -very and धीर (dhīra) -wise, considerate
Tarun -from तरुण (taruNa) -young, juvenile, new, youth
साड़ी (sāRī) -female garment in India
Shiva Flames
शिव (shiva) -benign, kind, auspicious.Shiva is the Hindu god of destruction and restoration, the husband of the mother goddess Parvati. His aspect is usually terrifying, but it can also be gentle
Indra Thunder
इन्द्र (indra) -Indra is the name of the ancient Hindu god of the sky and rain, he is the king of gods in Rigveda (इन्दु (indu) -a drop + र (ra) -possessing)
Durga Frost
दुर्गा (durgā) -Hindu godess and wife of Shiva, literally difficult to approach (दुर् (dur) -difficult + गा (gā) -come, approach, go towards)
उदय (udaya) -going up, rising (of the sun) from उद् (ud) -up, upwards and अय (aya) -going (Sanskrit)
अनुराध (anurādha) from अनूराध (anūrādha) -causing welfare, happiness (अनु (anu) -alongside, towards, to + राध (rādha) -gift, favour)
नवीन (navīna) -new (Sanskrit)
Donathan -from Lat. donatus -given
Balthasar -from Belshazzar Hebrew form of Akkadian name Bel-sarra-usur meaning baal (lord) protect the king
vinis, vinum -wine
requies -rest
al -of, pertaining to, in a state of
requietorium -resting place, sepulchre
अनुख्या (anukhyā) -reveal, descry
'υδρα (hydra) -water snake
'υδωρ (hydōr) -water
真清水 (mashimizu) -pure water, clear water
真 (ma) -true
清 (shi) -pure
水 (mizu) -water
Ragnarok -from Old Norse ragnarök from regin -gods + rök -fate, development
चक्र (cakra) -wheel, discus
Ηλυσιον πεδιον (ēlysion pedion) -Elysian fields (πεδιον (pedion) -plain), in Greek mythology final resting place of the souls of the heroic and the virtuous
Melchior -derived from Semitic roots meaning king city (מֶלֶךְ‏ (mélekh) -king (Hebrew), ملك (malik) -king (Arabic), עיר ('ir) -city (Hebrew)
Σολων (solōn) -name of Athenian statesman
Lucius -from Lat. lux, lucis -light
πανακεια (panakeia) -universal remedy
παν (pan) -all
ακεομαι (akeomai) -heal, cure
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