I am a fine artist, composer, and wordsmith. Interested in the intersection of interactive media and narrative exposition.

Currently I am working on writing and designing two games:

Suspension of the Mundane: An alternative slice of life Action Adventure that explores modern times with a bit of surreal influence of robots, zombies, living statues, and cute waitresses.(Unity)

Figments: Surreal narrative featuring a protagonist exploring a dreampunk and metaphorical world. Visually influenced from my experience as a constructive photographer.

Play List :: a playlist on rpgmaker.net

Default Playlist

Azure Waves
Release something 2013 Action RPG
I'm Scared of Girls
Surreal Action Game
Finding Eden
A microgame about friendship after the end of the world
Intertwining storylines in a land of steam and broken dreams
You Are Not The Hero!
Legendary hero off to save the world? BOOORING. Feel what it's like to play as an NPC behind the scenes!
Homework Salesman
A life simulation dungeon crawler / crafting / resource hoarding game