While I've used RPG Maker for maybe 4 or 5 years now, I've never completed or published any RPGs. Hopefully, I'll be able to soon. If I ever do, feel free to say whatever you want about them. Note that I don't make them namely for a fanbase but more of for my own self-enjoyment, however, constructive criticism is always welcome.

Right now I have absolutely no inspiration for any future projects. I've juggled a few ideas for either new things for my current project (which is borderline hiatus right now) and new ideas but nothing is satisfying me -_-




Well said, Yoshio.

Everyday's an RPG

Shame this game is cancelled, I would've loved to play it.
Mary 4D's awesome by herself, so an RPG by her would've rocked.


Virtual Quest

That's Mama Luigi to you, Mario!

Arnold Caufe

When I said what "could be accomplished," I meant things like graphics, systems, events, etc.
If you thought I meant story, then yes, DA's was crap (but still a classic game.)

Chrono Trigger

The more I look at this game I begin to see why people like it so much. I think it's interesting. A game meant to be terrible ends up becoming a favorite of many of the members of this site; that I think is incredible. Still, I stand by my review. While it is actually funny to play, I still couldn't stand gross humor of it. I love retarded humor, but there was just so much it hurt the game for me.

Eternity's Point

Uh, when I get to the barracks, Edgar continuously says the same thing about the sign over and over again. You probably want to fix that.

Arnold Caufe

I didn't consider Don's Adventure total crap. It was a good example of what could be accomplished on RPGMaker 2k.

Reminiscence: The WTF Saga

The idea kinda sounds like Jay's Journey. Maybe this will be better though.

Eternity's Point

One more thing,
when describing Edgar, do you mean PROTAGONIST? Because you called him an antagonist, as in a villain\antihero who's job is to pose a conflict to the main character. Being that this is "Edgar's Journey," shouldn't Edgar be the protagonist?

Eternity's Point

Well, I don't think it looks too bad right now. Just have a compelling story and a good cast of characters and you should be fine (scripts are fine but I come for the drama, not the bread&circuses.)