


What are you jamming to?

Let's work on your game descriptions!

@fearful: I... think you're talking about a tactics RPG. I'm still very sketchy on this, but, the best I can suggest would be something like...

Inside Nazarths deep internet rings, satanic cats and dogs fight to the death! Traps and spells (some of which may be beneficial) have been laid down! Which internet-team will you choose in this tactical RPG?


Hmmm I like your reworded desc Marrend.

sort of i guess yeah it's a tactical rpg. i played this one called "Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced" a long time ago. not sure what the draw is though.

how do you coax 10000 people to keep playing a vs game together on twitch... :/

Jo's 30 day drawing challenge

hey it's a banana!!!! HEY LIBERTY! IT'S A MOTHER @#&%$!@*u

for day 10: in my opinion. i just wish, i just really wish.
she was looking at me. also maybe just a tad more blood? like it's pooling into a drop and it's about the fall off the banana. I mean it already is I can see the physics happening on the image right now. but i just wish the physics was happening a bit more.

*just thoughts it doesn't matter

as for day9: I'm glad you gave that cat a nice home :( that looks like one mighty painful infection. yes all animals deserve love! unless your a centipede! then you just like being by your self underground and you would even eat another of your kind if you came across them.

What are you thinking about right now?

Damn, this thread is strangely addictive.

has anyone ever made a game about bananas?

the banana condition?
why do bananas exist?
why do bananas go to war?
why do bananas have to die?

is there? a banana heaven?
why are bananas, so tasty and yellow?
what are the implications of artificial robotic bananas?
cyborg bananas?
what if you transfered a bananas continuousness to the internet?

why do bananas, remind humans of penis?

Here's Warlund!

Ha. I was thinking of something else completely.

Welcome to RMN Warlund.

that's the power of the anti joke! i think???

Here's Warlund!


ok ugh.

What gets wetter the more it dries?
a towel

Here's Warlund!

welcome to RMN Warlund
could you please tell me the worst joke you got??


seiromem:i am timecube!
my wordyTimeRay shale break the other racers!
there bones will become brittle, as there skin wrinkles.


the air is dry but hot, suns fairly bright, ian keg was on a walk with his girlfriend at the time. however. now he was on a train. and was all alone, with one lady sitting on the opposite side of the car, facing towards him.

he sensed animosity in her eyes, something scared him about her.

ian keg, forgot though,
and decided to fall asleep. had about 40 min left till his stop!

when he woke up, things were different. now he was on a space ship.
"wait, what's going on!" ian cried. "where am i!"
the lady from before! she was there too!
"ian, i was sent here by triTech. They want you to find someone. There name is jon.
"JON?!" ian gasped!


"yes" said the lady.

What are you thinking about right now?

This gave me anxiety.

lots of radiation in the pacific ocean now.

What are you thinking about right now?

That is an odd gift haha.

All this talk about humans creating lemons is interesting.
Imagine what else we are going to make in our boredom.