

Advanced AI Conditions


First, thank you so much for the script. It is awesome, and does 90% of what I was hoping I could accomplish. Very easy to use, and extremely useful.

I did have one question, and was wondering if I'm just missing an option. In my game, many enemies have skills which apply a state to them (such as "attack boost"). I was hoping there would be a way to set it up so that if the enemy already had the state applied, they would not use the skill again.

The "states" option under Enemy AI Config, seems to do the opposite: when a state(s) is active, the enemy will use a specific skill. Is there a way to achieve the opposite? A way to set enemies to not recast a buff if they already have that buff applied--something like a "state_not"?

Thanks so much! And, if this is not in the script, I completely understand that this script is most likely as-is. I could always take the switch/variable route to achieve this.


Luchi-chan's Lighting Tutorial.


Thanks for the tutorial. I was wondering what water and waterfall tiles are you using the the "cool caves" picture? The rest of it looks like Mack's tilesets, but his tileset does not have water like that. I ask because I am trying to put together a map currently, and having trouble getting a good looking waterfall.


RMN Music Pack

Awesome work, thanks a ton for this.
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