Hey,I'm a big fan of JRPGs, and really got in the mood to make my own rpg.
So happy that rpg maker exist.



Game actor shoot fireball

Okikumay very well be what you're looking for, then. I don't necessarily recall all the details right now, but, I know the Wand of Blasting in that game was a mixture of Common Event calls, and scripts. If there is one thing I can remember, it was setting up an array of event IDs that kept track of what events the Wand could interact with.

*Edit: This snippet...
Marrend's Action_Event snippet

This little snippet is pretty darn self-explanitory. If somebody else uses
this, I don't particulary care if credit is given or not.

To allow this data to be saved, add into Data_Manager's
self.make_save_contents function...

contents[:actions] = $actions

...and the self.extract_save_contents(contents) function...

$actions = contents[:actions]

...where "$actions" is the name of the array that you're using. This
array is to be re-set with each map.

In the case that an event is to be actionable once per map visit (such as
on-touch encounters), or once ever (such as bosses or chessts), keep track
of what position in the array those event IDs fall. I highly suggest an in-line
comment after the array is defined for the map in question. Anyway, when an
event is not actionable, set the appropriate array position to "0".

# Determines if an event at (x, y) is actionable. If so, returns the ID of the
# event. 
def is_actionable?(x, y)
  i = 0
  while i < $actions.size
    # Cycles through the action array to see if an actionable event was 
    # activated.
    event_id = $actions[i]
    if event_id != 0
      # If the value of event_id is was set to 0 because an actionable event
      # was removed, the next check would throw an exception.
      puts($[event_id].pos?(x, y))
      if $[event_id].pos?(x, y) == true
        return event_id
    i += 1
  return 0

module DataManager
  def self.make_save_contents
    contents = {}
    contents[:system]        = $game_system
    contents[:timer]         = $game_timer
    contents[:message]       = $game_message
    contents[:switches]      = $game_switches
    contents[:variables]     = $game_variables
    contents[:self_switches] = $game_self_switches
    contents[:actors]        = $game_actors
    contents[:party]         = $game_party
    contents[:troop]         = $game_troop
    contents[:map]           = $game_map
    contents[:player]        = $game_player
    contents[:actions]       = $actions
  # * Extract Save Contents
  def self.extract_save_contents(contents)
    $game_system        = contents[:system]
    $game_timer         = contents[:timer]
    $game_message       = contents[:message]
    $game_switches      = contents[:switches]
    $game_variables     = contents[:variables]
    $game_self_switches = contents[:self_switches]
    $game_actors        = contents[:actors]
    $game_party         = contents[:party]
    $game_troop         = contents[:troop]
    $game_map           = contents[:map]
    $game_player        = contents[:player]
    $actions            = contents[:actions]
end actually from Dragon's Gate, which is the most recent application of the WoB that originated from Okiku, and may have had a few updates. I don't recall off the top of my head if that game is encrypted or not. Okiku absolutely is, though!
Okay, Thanks

Game actor shoot fireball

A script for which engine?

Game actor shoot fireball


I need to know where I can find a script or a way to allow a specific actor to shoot(fireball or ice ball) when on field. I am currently using RPG Maker VX ACE. Also,I bet such a script does not exist.


Zangia's Legend

lets see, saber, rider and ciel. is this about holy grail wars or something
I seriously hated that anime, but the characters are good.

Zangia's Legend

Zangia's Legend

Just started the game. Went in elder's house and you can walk on tops of walls?
Looking for the cellar. Only one door and it's locked.
The door and the top of the wall should not be on the same plane, unless it's meant to be a trap door imho.


Zangia's Legend

Nice, my game made it. Now can I get some feedback. Personally I do not want to use parallax mapping. I enjoy story and battle systems so most of my games will try to incorporate a great battle system. I'm new to this stuff but the more time I put in it, the better I can make it. with that being said I don't have to much time. Fit to get my second job. So is this game good enough or should I give up.

test inactive party member

Is the character physically in the party, but outside of the battle party? It makes a difference with the context of using Conditional Branch.

I'm not going to post the entire thing, but, if you use Conditional Branch, checking to see if a certain actor is in the party, it runs...

when 4  # Actor
  actor = $game_actors[@params[1]]
  if actor
    case @params[2]
    when 0  # in party
      result = ($game_party.members.include?(actor))

...this code. Digging a bit deeper...

class Game_Party < Game_Unit
  # * Get Members
  def members
    in_battle ? battle_members : all_members
  # * Get All Members
  def all_members
    @actors.collect {|id| $game_actors[id] }
  # * Get Battle Members
  def battle_members
    all_members[0, max_battle_members].select {|actor| actor.exist? }

...we can see that $game_party.members returns a different array, based on whither or not the party is in battle. That might be the issue. Going on the theory that you need to check if a person is in the party regardless of that factor...


...this should return the result desired, after replacing "actor_id" with the ID of the actor you want to check party-presence for.

Very good, Very good, exactly what I was looking for,thanks.

test inactive party member

So I am playing around with testing, and guess what, you cannot test an inactive actor with a conditional branch checking if actor is in party. So how do you check if an inactive actor is part of the group?

One actor for All members

The thought in my head was that one could use something to the effect of...

char = $game_actors[actor_id].clone

...that (note: this is VX Ace code) to insert a literal clone of an actor with a given ID into the party. However, that didn't seem to work the way I thought it would.

Actually, the actor_clone_script should work, but I'm still having problems with it.
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