

Americana Dawn

How did I managed to miss this game? This is.... awesome

World's Dawn

Aaw, pretty graphics. Really looking forward to it :)

EVERNA FireHeart Legacy VX

Or, another way: u can press F9 and set the switches: "robert is gone" to off and after going out from the inn set the switch "robert is found" to on.

This is only possible if you run the game from the RPG Maker itself.

EVERNA FireHeart Legacy VX

I thought the game has no downloads at first. You should put a link in the download section, instead of putting it in the game details, which is unnecessarily too long. Just cut the unimportant parts. And the game itself looks promising, considering that this is your very first game.

Valthirian Arc : Daybreak

Ha, just wondered when you are going to post this game.
I usually dislike flash games, but I guess I'll have to check out this game

Vanilla Villain

Same as Mary and Ness, I didn't hear any music at all...

Night of Marian

Just how many games are you working on? O_o
Awesome as usual, really looking forward this game.


Where do you get those chipsets?

Chronology of the Last Era

What's the point of the save points if you can save anywhere? Well not really, but I remember lot of the maps allow you to save. Also there are several passability error, mostly with crates, and in the rooftop in the upper left area of the city.

Great game btw, I haven't get far in the game, but so far it's good and very well presented. Looking for the completed version!

The Reconstruction

I don't know if this is because of my crappy computer, but I often get the "Script is hanging" error when using keys like F12, Alt + Enter, or Alt + Tab. I wonder why?
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