what even are games anyway
Dreaming Mary
The adventure through a girl's final dream.



I cosplayed for the first time yesterday... it was a lot of fun!



I once cosplayed as Gabe Newell, and my friend went as Half-Life 3.

Wearing a fat suit isn't as fun as people think it is.

Cosplay game is too weak. You needed to earn that weight for real accuracy.

I mean, if you're going to rip off someone's game, you can at least improve their shitty interior design.

Link, weren't you just talking about dishing out digital shame?
Yes, while at the same time asking for proof. I expected it to look identical. Like other cases where someone claims they're game was ripped off.

Blaagh, I wrote a long post in reply but realized I misread what you wrote.

Yeah, please don't confront these game creators about anything. Given that I haven't actually played the game I don't know if they actually did some cool stuff in it. If they did, good for them, hopefully they go on to make better games.

I specifically vented in this status because they're not highly visible. I have no intention of making them take down their game or even change anything about their work, and I hope no one else decides to do that for me or anything. =/

I think I did call their game a rip-off, which is cruel to say, but if the game creators find out what I say about it, well. They've shown they don't care that their game is compared to mine, and they certainly don't have to prove themselves to me anyway.

So, to recap (and to answer nhubi's question): The only thing to do is whine about it in my little corner of RMN, and you guys can sit back and enjoy the mild drama. The other game creators and I shall be an asymptote, almost meeting but never, ever touching. If I can help it, at least.

I mean, if you're going to rip off someone's game, you can at least improve their shitty interior design.

It says that game was made in Renpy and is a visual novel. It has maps? Isn't renpy all picture with text?

Nah, it doesn't have maps-- what I mean is that the background images for the rooms are replicas of the maps from my game, from the choice of furniture/objects to their placement. Which makes even less sense if they wanted to play it off as their original work, since my interior design sense is crap, and definitely isn't the type of thing you WANT in a VN... XD

As in, their screenshots:

My screenshots:
(You can't see it well in this small size, but the table next to the bed has a radio and a flower in a vase... and the door is to the right... yeah...)

And thanks for the support, slash XD

#1 reason to play new smash here:

that's pretty damn adorable, I must say

I mean, if you're going to rip off someone's game, you can at least improve their shitty interior design.

Stealing is a part of life. Maybe they stole that game to feed their starving family.

You should at least post a link to it so we can dish out some digital shame.

People tried! I figure it's not worth the trouble with that kind of person. They'll do anything to defend their stake on originality.

I mean, if you're going to rip off someone's game, you can at least improve their shitty interior design.

*ahem* spiritual successor

Now that's a nice way to put it!

Wow. Did they try to put it on RMN?

Sorry to hear about that. That's not cool at all. ;_;
I'd like to think that if they did try to put it on RMN, I'd notice the similarity and question what was going on.

It's not on the site is it? >.<;

Nah, it's a VN on lemmasoft. It would be pretty hilarious if it were to make it to RMN though XD

I mean, if you're going to rip off someone's game, you can at least improve their shitty interior design.

Bahaha nurvuss just informed me of a game "unconsciously influenced" by Dreaming Mary X''D

Mainly the thing that haunts me is how even the maps are completely identical, just in a different style. Like... please... no... those maps... You could have at least made them better, you know??

I'm actually half murderous and half amused, but I'm trying to focus on the amused part so I don't end up doing something I regret later.

Thank you for asking, unity :'''>

After hours of playtesting, I'm finally-- THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM?!?!

♪99 little bugs in the code
99 little bugs in the code
Take one down, patch it around
117 little bugs in the code♪

It's my birthday!

Happy birthday Gourd~!

Playing It Moves. The longer you sit in the pause screen listening to the terrifying ambience, the harder it gets to get back to playing :(


I just started chapter five and I'm regretting everything after what just happened with... with the babies :'''''(