

Bloodstained Hands

hi trie a new game but how i can get money since i cant get money in fight it that a bug and there to many fight in the zone is they a spray like in pokemon last observation in the dark zone before final boss the ennemy one shot me

- Update 2021

they gonna be a new version but i never play the original can anyone can gve me a old version of the game because i wan play the original 1er

Umbral Soul

i cant figure how do the puzzle in Forest the fairy. Each time i try i got lost or kill . how beat the puzzle and how beat the kyubbe it impossibe.

last question how recruit narssisa the last maid
great game sadly there not a guide

PS: marcus is the weakest membere i alway get him kill

Bloodstained Hands

hi im in vengence mission where i can find the letter to steel

Umbral Soul

I just played trough this game a second time, after first playing it a few months ago. Am actually replaying it so i can write a review. This game is one of those once in a life-time experiences, and it has a special pace in my heart. Im gonna write a review soon, as i feel this game absolutely deserves more praise. I also discovered you're working on a Ultimate Edition, and because i am DYING to know about it can we get at least a bit of details as to what the content is gonna be?? Like more enhanceable monsters (like the insect queen, i think she deserves one) or more side quests, maybe even another character (these are not expectations btw, im just wondering :) ). Anyways, just wanted to say that, and keep up the amazing work, this game and it's characters have become a part of me, and am so happy you have made this game!

im the same side of Kris great game.
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