Games developer veteran and hobbyist. Bit of programmming, lot of writing, loves debugging and writing games and mechanics of games.
Super Dungeon Master Ace...
1987 Dungeon Master, 1989 Chaos Strikes Back!


[RMVX ACE] [STEAM][ARTIST]Do I urgently need an artist? Could it be you?

I've been developing my RPG Maker VX Ace game for about a year now, and it is live on Steam:


From the feedback I get, it goes along the lines of a 'a love letter written in crayon'.

While I have received a lot of feedback and support from other communities, am finding it difficult to make this game attractive to the RPGM fans.

So here I am: looking for advice and potentially volunteers looking to get a credit on a released Steam game. Even if you cannot directly help, would love to hear what you think of the current art-style and happy to discuss why certain artistic choices were made.

Where should I go from here? Thanks for your time.
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