a confusing piece of a larger narrative

Linus: The Forgotten Day...
A coming-of-age tale set in a gritty, medieval world.



Screenshot Survival 20XX

Oh god, people remember Linus? Jeez lol. Thank you, regardless!

I'm actually working on it again after a long hiatus. Will probably be using this artstyle hopefully.

Also, Sunset Over Imdahl is a big inspiration for what I'm trying to do here! That and Saga Frontier 2. :p

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Trying out hand-drawn maps! This one is a WIP. Still not great at drawing these, but I think it's a decent start. Any thoughts?

[Event] RMN Mascot

EDIT: My drawing is terrible. Nevermind!

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Here's a tree cutting animation I've been working on for Adeline of the West.

We try to get every active RMN user to post in this topic.

it's me, dracula

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Here's a couple of screenshots for a small thing I'm working on that was originally meant for the RMN anniversary event. It's a spooky game about trying to fall asleep.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

@Punkitt oo that looks really pretty! is that the only way characters can communicate? like is there dialogue at all? would be interesting if so!

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Some screenshots of the text-based game I'm working on:

2015 "Official" Misao Predictions/Discussion Thread

I haven't played much of anything except The Amber Throne, which is by default my favorite RM game of the year.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

@Sated: The system I'm currently using is all variables and events-- kind of a jerry-rigged monstrosity of parallel events and conditional branches. It works okay for now but a script would make the process a lot easier and less complicated though. :p