

5 Steps to Write Better Female Characters

These are really, really good thoughtful points to consider with writing female characters. Thanks for the article. Glad someone bumped it up so I came across it.

Using Status Effects Well

What about enemies who are thick, like Snorlax?

Should you let them have about 50,688 HP? and 35 defense?

uhhh... did you mean to post that here?

On VX, guessing other makers too, that depends on your actor's parameters curves, their growth, their maximum level, their equipment and anything that effect their stats. Then that should be very carefully considered when you create the stats for all your enemies and troops?

You can find the default calculations in the Game_Battler script. Ctrl+F calculation.

A lesson in life

Must be really annoying if the developer feels they've put a lot of effort into their project and it doesn't get accepted. Should get a reason why not. But if it's anything like those half-baked VX games, that's not really something worth anyone's time to try it.

I think it's more about skills than effort.

If A puts lot of effort into learning how RPG Maker works and gaining those skills, then little effort in a game they make it'll probably still be pretty good.

If B puts no effort into learning how RPG Maker works and does not gain those skills, then a huge amount of effort into their game it'll probably be like Aria.

A lesson in life

Must be really annoying if the developer feels they've put a lot of effort into their project and it doesn't get accepted. Should get a reason why not. But if it's anything like those half-baked VX games, that's not really something worth anyone's time to try it.

I think it's more about skills than effort.

If A puts lot of effort into learning how RPG Maker works and gaining those skills, then little effort in a game they make it'll probably still be pretty good.

If B puts no effort into learning how RPG Maker works and does not gain those skills, then a huge amount of effort into their game it'll probably be bad.

Using Status Effects Well

I have to disagree with the numbers for the poison status. I have never bothered to heal poison during battle if it does anything less than 20% max HP in damage. If I'm in a random encounter, it will be over soon enough anyway and I can cure afterwards. If it's a boss battle the boss is likely to just re-inflict the poison anyway, which makes curing it a temporary solution meaning I may as well just heal instead since that temporary solution will not only heal the damage the poison did, it will also heal damage from other sources as well. Unless the poison deals damage fast enough to actually threaten you, there's little to no reason to actually care about it. I'll just ignore it during battle and then open the menu once I've won, something that hardly adds anything to strategy.

Thank you for pointing that out! You are definitely right with the example you gave Crystalgate. In that case poison would be better placed at 20%. Sorry, I should never have said "the highest" at the end of the figure so it's been edited now.

At the time in my mind I was thinking about actors infecting poison on a boss or enemy, ones that don't have cure and heal spells to recover their own health. I was also thinking about an x number of turns and other factors which lead me to believe any higher than 15% may make some bosses a little to easy for the player.

Point 1 now ends saying play test it since it depends on what actors can do, what they can't do, the damage rate of their other skills and the recover rate for healing & items.

FUNdamentals of RPGs Part VI

This article makes developers think. Good article, thanks. =)

Dungeon Theory

More people should acknowledge this. Their games would become good following this article.

Thank you sir.

Five Strategies for Better Game-Making

Even in dungeon crawlers it's good to have some life put into the main characters. This can add more enjoyment to the game.

Good article, covers good ideas.

New to RMN?

This is a great read! Thanks a lot Solitayre! Very organised and useful information on all those links.

Now to work out how to make the font go <b>bold?whyisthisnotworkingx_x<\b>

...of course. Thanks kentona!
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