

Marvel Brothel on Electron Dance

Dream Class: Make up your own school

Id Replace The Skelleton In The Biology Lab w/ a Real Skelly :evil:

[IDEA] Halloween Contest Brainstorm Thread!

asfsahg you fucks!! you fuckers!! aaaaaa i am already involved in a (non-spooktacular (or is it??)) october contest entry buuuut my spirit (or should i say... my spook...) will be with you all..

pffft how about a real holiday

i have some friends who have a "bone" to pick with you geodude

bwa...bwahahahahaha >:^D

Am I crazy?

i am watching mr. smith goes to washington and it is stirring an unfamiliar feeling in my withered breast. the name of that feeling? a little thing called "patriotism".

admittedly it is patriotism for a country thousands of miles away which i have never set foot on but w/e i don't need your "facts" kid *peels out in vespa, clotheslines a blogger with just FURIOUS expression*

Am I crazy?

Why, why no, i-i-it's not crazy at all. Well I guess it must seem mighty strange to you, you bigcity forum posters *chuckles nervously, drops hat* b-but it's not crazy, no sir, it's... it's about freedom, that's what it's about, because freedom is... too precious to be kept in books, it's something you've gotta, gotta hold up in front of you all the time and say I'm free, I'm free to post whatever I want whenever I want, my ancestors couldn't post but I can and... and my children will, gosh darn it, and that's something we could all do to remember, all of us. Because that's what it's all about: freedom.

What are you jammin' too?

this is the soundtrack for the greatest boss battle to never exist

my goal in life is to remedy this situation

Lowering your standards and finishing your game

Sharks die when they stop moving forward and so do gamemakers!! Keep moving like shark!! Make games like shark!! BECOME SHARK glug glug glug

That's a really good article and I especially like the Venn Diagram (GAMES I WANT TO HAVE MADE or GAMES I WANT TO EXIST is probably the main reason I make things I guess?? the universe has inexplicably failed to produce a mary worth fangame with realistic crate physics, guass its up to me....). I'm probably the worst person to give advice here though because you can pretty much pinpoint the spot in most of my games where I suddenly realised I could finish the fucking thing in one night and get it out of my system forever. I guess the best example is The Astonishing Captain Skull where I had a whole ending thing thought out involving huge deserted ghost towns (aaaa aaaa living in a ghost town) made of plasticine and goo etc. Unfortunately I was stuck for cash, plasticine, paint, and patience, so I ended up just piling up my bedsheets into a little cave and sticking in cardboard cutout buildings and tinting the whole thing pink. Oy!! Most of my stuff is pretty crude and quickly put together anyway so when I put even less effort in it's generally very noticeable and there's definitely games that I thought had more potential than what they actually ended up as (veggie tales, billy the kid, captain skull etc) but this is something I'm working on I guess.

What are you thinking about right now?

actually i was thinking about messing with 3d! keep an eye out for my inevitable skulk back to the comfort zone once some contest starts though

What are you thinking about right now?

Catamites became a member of the Poppenkast! +1 Attack! +5 Unwarranted Ego! Learned "Ice Drill"!

welcome to post 9/11 world