

Should the last boss be super challenging?

I think the greatest final boss for me was Zeromus from Final Fantasy IV. He was quite challenging and came after a final dungeon that had all of the optional bosses/ultimate weapons in it. Even with the crystal sword, bahamut, etc he was still very challenging. And instead of grinding random mobs repeatedly for 10 levels, it was like grinding sidequests and superbosses. I have never found a last boss more epic. I remember seeing "Big Bang" for the first time and figuratively wetting myself.

And it was so epic seeing the two biggest badasses in the game (Golbez and FuSoYa) get their asses handed to him by the guy it is up to me to destroy. Someone who had been in the shadows for the entire game and only after going to the moon and grinding my way to its core did I even get to see him. The entire trip to fight him uncovered more and more plot points and weapons/treasures. And the music track really made a difference. If there were more Zemus/Zeromuses in the turn based rpg world, I would be one happy camper.

Legionwood 2: Rise of the Eternal's Realm

Just had a few end game questions

Is Kushan the last area? How do I get shaman class? I noticed there are rumors of airships

Hero's Realm

I would totally replay this if it had the fast ATB gauges.
But then I would feel obligated to fix the bugs and glaring balance issues, too, and I am not up for that which is fine because I'm completely revamping the game for another release



Oalston is secretly Wesley Snipes. What a twist!

Project Kobold VIP Access

By the way I never figured out how to enter the code sequence in the mine. I thought about it for probably 7 hours before I finally gave up and looked it up. It's the one where there are numbers tattoo'd on the back of the necks of npcs. I found the answer to the code but they didn't say how they came to that conclusion. Do you remember what the hell the solution to the pattern was? It continually confounds me.

Project Kobold VIP Access

Shut up and take my money.

But in all seriousness, I would like to access the private and if possible throw you some kickstarter money. I loved Master of the Wind, probably the only game on here that completely satisfied me in all respects of the game. The music selection and plot completely kicked ass. I hope you do as well on the second visit to Solest.

Gameplay Montage

I wish this montage was to eye of the tiger/push it to the limit/other generic 80s montage song, but other than that its great xD I bet it makes other devs mad how fast you work.

Also hoping one of the auction items is 1/10 of a mini airship that you can never actually win because an npc always bids 1,000,000 gp on it.

Minigame Plans

I can't read your posts anymore without reading them in Ron Swanson's voice. Mission accomplished? xD
Any VX Ace project under fifty megabytes is a flash game, and flash games are useless.


Minigame Plans

I can't read your posts anymore without reading them in Ron Swanson's voice. Mission accomplished? xD

Looking for a Tester for the Final Patch!

Damn I missed this >.>