


Where the heck do I get the tomatoes?
Need fur coat for the old man.
Need axe to continue in forest.
Figuring they are all a string of events where one thing will get you the next.
Animal in the woods only out at night but it's always daytime?

Saratorus - Between Light and Shadow

Is there a run button to increase speed/If not then my pc is too slow. Zip around fine in the house but drags a bit in the tomb and I can't get across the retracting bridge quick enough.

Legend of Heroen

What is the deal with the ocarina????
I don't know how to play it and can't do anything until I do.

Legend of Heroen

Why can I not level up beyond L7 ???
Been in the mines for over an hour...shows that I'm earning exp
but only the money increases.
Also,I downloaded the game from this site and
all the saves are taken up with various stages in the game.
Someone else' game ???

Clouded Heart

Just finished the game.
Very nice job.
Lots of surprises.
Never found Volume 1 or 2 of the books
Only thing I really noticed was
the crystal ring didn't seem to improve
my attack power at all,although the stats read higher.
Game is on my "best" list.
Thanks for the game!

Chrono Alter

Finished the game.
A bit perplexed.
Didn't see a New Game+ anywhere.
Playing the game over,I step on the gate to the left and fight the last boss again with only Chrono and Marle,then I get to meet the contributors of the game.
Then,I can't go anywhere.or am I supposed to go up the hill toward Marle like the beginning?

I see no other choices.
There are supposed to be other endings?
Terrific game.
Battles were challenging at times but not ridiculously hard.
Money was reasonably easy to come by.
Would have liked to see some level 3 spells.
Definitely glad I played it.
Thanks Lance

Generica: The Next Generation

Finished this game and all I can say is Kentona has done it again.
Thanks fort the great game.
I see you can play Generica again when finished with the same ending levels to start??
Is the game harder this time?
Guess I'll find out.
Another Hero's Realm in the works??please,please,please,please,please!

Lunar Wish: Orbs of Fate

Thanks for the answers.
The image I saw on this site a few pages ago must be for another area.
It was on the same page as the Tanburn switch solution,so,I thought that was where it was.

Lunar Wish: Orbs of Fate

have a couple questions.
Got the chest and opened the stairs.
Beat the TREE.
Went to Tag's and saved.
Went back and trying to figure out where the %*&# the other room is with the three switches on the floor????
Other is : I seemed to have missed the GoGO Goggles somewhere?
Any help or hints would be appreciated.

Shattered Hourglass