

Pokémon Dusk

i need help im getting a error that wont let me play cause the oldharmony.dll file is missing

Ningyo Heart

i am stuck i got the lettuce used it and got the status sharp what do i do now?
Make sure to go directly to the hole on the outside of the mansion once you get the lettuce before you talk to anyone, check the hole and you will get the black rabbit. Then take it, put it on the chair beside the white one and put the tea party dolls together to get the needle and thread. Then you can fix the bear doll in the repair room. Hope this helps!
i might have to start all over i used the lettuce inside the house and it disappeared

Ningyo Heart

i am stuck i got the lettuce used it and got the status sharp what do i do now?
Did you used the lettuce on the hole outside the house? you supposed to get a black rabbit after that. or do you means it appear to be an error, please reply as soon as possible.
no i accidently used it inside the house

Ningyo Heart

i am stuck i got the lettuce used it and got the status sharp what do i do now?


im stuck i think im stupid lol
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