Hello everyone!
I am Eleonora from Bulgaria!I love creepypasta!I wil make
creepypasta's!I am sorry for my bad anglish
but it's hard...



Dreaming Mary

Hey, sorry to bother you but I just wanted to ask you how did you make the gameplay be from that perspective? Thanks!

Dreaming Mary

Juuuuuuuuuuuuusta question...HOW did you make it that way?!?!Like seeing it from that way?


BUNIEEEES! I love bunniiiiiiies!


Ha ha it looks kinda like Minecraft on this picture!

Cry of the Fox

i can't see any foxes AT ALL!!! i want foxeeeeees!

Porcupine Princess

I want DOWNLOAD IT!!! Why i can't!?!?! :'(

Pom Gets Wi-Fi

To lightningstar22/b] -----> This is the real ending because i was looking for the ,,good ending" ( there is no good ending ) but i don;t find it.I was looking in youtube but there is no ,,good ending" too.

To Me-Patra -----> cool game but its realy sad...I don't like it...In the first look on the game i was tinking ,,This wil be so fun and happy!I like it! :3 But i found everything and i said ,,So sad game...I hate it!It was so fun in the begining...Why?[/b But...It's make...realy...good.I wil be so happy if you make HAPPY game...
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