

Project Changed, Status Completed, New Project Update

Yo dope! Any chance you'll upload all games made so far in one single file so we don't have to download them seperately? It'd be super swell.

Just did. Thank you for the suggestion!


Excuse me, what did you just call me?

ALCO GENTLEMAN , if I am not wrong #cough #cough


Dude. Your jokes give me so many ideas holy fuck hahaha.


who diedis this entire game just gonna be a jumpscare

Ah. Wow. Good idea. I will think about sth like that. Mhmm.

Day 15 - 20: Second Job, Sickness and Movies


Branching Paths are a good one btw.

Dude, Branching Paths is what motivated me to go forward with this project! Really loved the entire movie and I hope to one day be there in Tokyo”

I was wondering how you would approach busy and sick days, but turns out you’re still releasing new games on them! Mad respect my dude. Hella rooting for you.

This fills my heart with joy. Hella love from this side of the world man.

As a side note, being sick gives me a different point of view on things. One that I don't have when I am healthy. So, in time, I taught myself to appreciate being sick. It's the busy days that are harder to deal with. Cause you gotta sleep in time so you can wake up, eat (do other human stuff for a bit) and go to work for another 12 hrs.


This looks sweet and sour


and of course


1 Game a Day / 1 Month

author=Runic Cipher
That's a highly admirable feat you got going for yourself. I've been into this for almost twenty years, yet I still can't finish one game (yet). ;_;

Good luck!

Much love man.

If there is one thing that I know works, is that being under pressure makes you finish stuff.

1 Game a Day / 365 Days

I wanted to make a post with today's game in hope that others seeing this concept might get inspired and create their own video-game magic-tricks :) ! Hope you enjoy ⊂((・▽・))⊃

Day 9 / 8.16.2019

With this one I was inspired by Pen and Teller's unreleased video-game, "Smoke and Mirrors". I wanted to make a game which you can use to fool your friends.

In this game, 4 colors appear on screen. Your friend chooses one of the colors and upon clicking on the switch (the lever), all of the colors except his chosen one will turn to black.

Here's how it works (press the button to find out!).

Down = Red
Up = Blue
Left = Green
Right = Purple

You secretly push one of these buttons when your friend names out which color he wants. Make it so he doesn't see you push it. A variable will be registered and when you click on the switch, the magic will happen.

To reset the game, click on any of the black tiles (that were colored before). You can execute the game twice. I thought 2 times is enough before they catch unto what you are doing.

Have fun :) ! This sort of concept can be expanded upon. So, if any of you devs like the concept, play around with it and see what game you can come up with so you can fool your friends with it.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm.

1 Game a Day / 1 Month

This is brilliant; creating one game a day is a surefire way to get the hang of RPGM!!

I do agree; it would have been pretty hilarious if you made 365 gamepages as well.

WOuld've been insane haha. Yeah, that's what I thought too. A good project to get the ropes of a program and of game-making.

Awwww snap, you're using Mighty Palm's 8-bit assets too. Good stuff! *fist bump* Is quite a tall order to make a game a day, but best of luck at it~

Stick around and root for me :D !

Looking forward to the results!
It sounds like an amazing cluster of things to be.

So hyped about it. Love projects that put you on your edge. So curious myself of every day and what game comes out of it!
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