
1 Game a Day / 365 Days

The title is not clickbait haha. After some discussion with a friend (shoutout to Z-sensei) and seeing the movie Branching Paths, I have decided I want to do this project.

Personal Specs:

- Writing since 11.
- Creating magic since 14.
- Majoring in Japanese, 1st year.
- Have started working in RPGMaker since 19th of July 2019.

Why this project?

I feel like it will increase my learning curve in RPGMaker considerably and also help me better understand myself as a game designer.

Also, I want to use all these games as part of my "Junkyard" Game :).

Can we talk about the games? What if they SUCK and we wanna call you out on it?

Please do. If critique makes me quit or demotivates me, then I was never cut out for this in the first place.

Where can I find the games?

All games can be downloaded and played from this shared google drive:


Can we contribute?

If you want me to use your artwork in a game, be it a sprite, a song, an animation - whatever, just PM me and I'll be more than happy to :)


The Games

Day 26 / 9.02.2019

A small engine which you can use to create pixel art through a point-and-click mechanism.

Day 25 / 9.01.2019

Learn how to say a couple of colors in Japanese as you find the exit to the game.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm.

Day 24 / 8.31.2019

A little game that tests your ability at finding the G-Spot.

Day 23 / 8.30.2019

Heaven, Hell or Purgatory? Your actions decide. Find the three possible endings.


Music by tomppabeats - summer festival
Asset Set by The Mighty Palm.

Day 22 / 8.29.2019

A maze where you are invisible and the purpose is not to find the exit, but rather to realize where your starting position is.

Credits: Music by Erikson - Night Music

Day 21 / 8.28.2019

Click and see what you get. Mwahahahahahahaha.

Credits: Shower SFX by BerlinAtmosphere.

Day 20 / 8.27.2019

A game that shows the different burying rituals a warrior performs on certain creatures.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm.

Day 19 / 8.26.2019

Sometimes, a smoke is all you need.

Day 18 / 8.25.2019

The hard reality that you are faced with in some circumstances (e.g. at work, home, with parents, and so on) can have you do certain things you wouldn't want to. This game is not about that, but it can be.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm.

Day 17 / 8.24.2019

You are an omnipotent being that can linger through people's minds.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm.

Day 16 / 8.23.2019

An easy game of "Can you see me?".

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm.

Day 15 / 8.22.2019

A story about not forgetting your friends.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm and Ashlands by finalbossblue

Day 14 / 8.21.2019

This game can be used as a magic trick. The aim of the game is to guess the spectators thought of number (a number between 1-10).

Here is how it works:

You have a parallel event with the following instructions:

First time you press:

Left Arrow = Numbers 1-3
Down Arrow = Numbers 4-6
Right Arrow = Numbers 7-9

Second time you press:

The numbers are placed on the arrows from left to right. So, if you press left first, you go in the 1-3 bracket, after which, if you press left = 1, down = 2 and right = 3. Same applies to the other brackets.

Wanted to make the system so it's easy to remember.

The game is made so you can press these buttons fast and it will register your commands.

Best moment to press the button is during dialogue. Your hand is naturally on the keyboard, pressing enter to forward the dialogue, and after your friend names the number, you can insert it as you are reading the text.

Replay function is installed.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm.

Day 13 / 8.20.2019

I wanted to make another game which you can use to fool your friends.

This time, you are a child faced with 3 doors. You friend names one of them and it turns out to be the only door that will open. The game restarts itself, in order to be able to repeat the feat in as many ways as you wish, so as to prove wrong all assumptions.

Here is how it works:

You have a parallel event with the following instructions:

Left Arrow = Left Gate
Up Arrow = Middle Gate
Right Arrow = Right Gate

The event registers the first arrow you push upon entering the gate room.

The way I did it to friends was I had them control the character and paid attention to which arrow they pressed first and then guessed the door that will be open. Another way I did it was have them name a door, which would turn out to be the only opened one (but I control the character).

Have fun with this, play around with the idea and even create your own games to fool others with :) !

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm.

Day 12 / 8.19.2019

You are a lost boy in search of another land.

Or... wait. What are you searching, again ?

A puzzle game where you have to use the obvious to uncover the hidden.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm and Ashlands by finalbossblue

Day 11 / 8.18.2019

A game where you burn sh*t in hell. Literally.

Ok, ok. There might be some philosophy in there as well.

It is a puzzle game, in the end :)

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm and Ashlands by finalbossblue

Day 10 / 8.17.2019

A puzzle game about resetting and how it's cool to start from scratch, in order to put together a piece of information.

Find the hidden sentence and get to know a very intimate moment from my life.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm.

Day 9 / 8.16.2019

With this one I was inspired by Pen and Teller's unreleased video-game, "Smoke and Mirrors". I wanted to make a game which you can use to fool your friends.

In this game, 4 colors appear on screen. Your friend chooses one of the colors and upon clicking on the switch (the lever), all of the colors except his chosen one will turn to black.

Here's how it works.

Down = Red
Up = Blue
Left = Green
Right = Purple

You secretly push one of these buttons when your friend names out which color he wants. Make it so he doesn't see you push it. A variable will be registered and when you click the switch, the magic will happen.

To reset the game, click on any of the black tiles (that were colored before). You can execute the game twice. I thought 2 times is enough before they catch unto what you are doing.

Have fun :) ! This sort of concept can be expanded upon. So, if any of you devs like the concept, play around with it and see what game you can come up with so you can fool your friends with it.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm.

Day 8 / 8.15.2019

Languages Used: Japanese, English and Romanian. You can complete the game as long as you know English.

A puzzle platformer where your mission is to find a villagers rat.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm.

Day 7 / 8.14.2019

You wake up in a cinema. There's a movie on screen. You catch the ending of it.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm.

Day 6 / 8.13.2019

To worry or not to worry?

That is the question.

A small little philosophical game about worrying, getting rejected and taking shrooms.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm. Music by Joey Pecoraro (Husky, Fairy Tale and Bishop)

Day 5 / 8.12.2019

You are a god named One_Word_Man. With the use of one appropriate word you can make people's wishes come true. Slight knowledge of N5 Japanese Vocab. required. For those of you that do not want to bother with the japanese part, here are the answers to the 4 doors

Door 1: mori
Door 2: te-buru and isu
Door 3: otokonohito
Door 4: bakushu

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm.

Day 4 / 8.11.2019

I feel like I've repeated this scenario so many times hahaha. The destination is so easy to get, but still, the universe has other "plans" for you. This game has come out of that event that always seems to occur when you want to do something.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm and my friends (for not letting me make my initial game - love you guys).

Day 3 / 8.10.2019

This game is called, "The Turkish Etiquette". I got inspired to create this game after talking with some of my friends. It felt so nice transforming something such as a hospitality custom into a game.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm and Piano song by Joey Pecoraro (Everything I could never tell you)

Day 2 / 8.9.2019

There's this game I love doing to people in real life and I wanted to transform in an actual playable game. It's short, but it'll give you some food for thought if you don't know it.

For those of you that have been a scout when they were a kid, you might know this.

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm

Day 1 / 8.8.2019

I tried to make something that hints at what you have to accomplish through subtle things, without having to explain what you have to do.

Slight knowledge of the Japanese Lang. is necessary to figure out how to choose the right answer (BUT, it's not essential to finishing the game).

Credits: Asset Set by The Mighty Palm

Eli from this side of the pancake

Much love to everyone out there in the world creating games, music, artwork, animation, sound effects, scripts, stories - you name it. I got nothing but respect and enthusiasm over this artform.

My name is Eli. People call me Chris. Friends know me as Biz. I'm a magician :) that just fell in love with game design. I like black and red. My favorite form of meditation is playing a song in my head repeatedly for hours - it's very relaxing not to have random thoughts in one's mind while you're engaged in something else (especially in tricky times).

I love questions, so I have a question for you: After you die, all artists have to perform, show something to god. If he is pleased of what he sees, likes what he plays, enjoys what you've created - he will allow you to choose what you want to do next (reincarnation, be trialed for heaven or hell, stay and work in the skies, etc.). Knowing this and that you have all the time in the world, what would you create? Remember, you are in the skies, so anything is possible.

That's me ₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
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