Fluffy. That's all I'm gonna say.


Pirating gone wrong, the story.

Pirating gone wrong

On December 19 1892, a pirating accident had gone all wrong when a pirate had gone pirating on 'Pirate-Bay' and caused a boat-sized disease to spread across the boating bay.

It all started out as an addiction to pirating when the pirate, Captain Pirat, found pirate-bay. He was busy strolling along the boating bay when he stumbled upon a store named, Pirate-Bay. Being a curious onlooker as he was, Captain Pirat had went into the store to stumble through the various goods in stored. After a long stumble, he had come across various knick-knacks which was soon bought after encountering a glowing purple potion with the words, 'Gentenenz'. It had costed a cannon to Captain Pirat as he was still a new-ish fool as he had just recently got his 'Captain' permit and his monthly loot from 'treasure island'(it is what he calls his parents as).

Being the poor new-ish fool he is, Captain Pirat had gone sailing through the sea with his apparently 'special' boat as he calls it. As he was sailing through the sea, he had stumbled across various islands and storms which had directed him from his original destination and towards a huge island that seems to always be covered in snow and ice. After boating his ship near an iceberg, Captain Pirat had gone on a journey to find the treasure from this new island.

While exploring the island, Captain Pirat had encountered many strange creatures, some were dressed in black while others were all white. These creatures were so strange that Captain Pirat had tried poking them with his, newly aquired from Pirate-Bay, hook. He poked a rather large and white creature with his hook, only to get chased around by it. After a long chase, Captain Pirat had finally got away the huge creature by running into a ice cave.

As he explored the ice cave, he had a strange feeling that someone or something was watching him from above but when he looked up, he saw nothing but ice. As he descends into a long stairway towards the bottom of the cave, he saw multiple status made from ice that displayed a person dressed in strange clothes that no other pirate would wear. Upon reaching the bottom, Captain Pirat was shocked to see a chamber filled with mighty-looking treasures from gold coins, gems, etc to large golden crowns and swords that were made with a strong metal that glistened in the light(the light was coming from lit torches placed around the chamber and for some inexplainable reason, the ice walls that carried the torches were not melting at all). With one huge huff, Captain Pirat pulled the large treasure chest up the stairs and out of the cave. Once he had pulled the treasure chest up onto the ship, he sailed all the way back to boating bay while going through the storms and sea monsters(that came out of nowhere).

Just as he was about to go into the store, he realised he had to get the gold coins for his payment. Thus, Captain Pirat went back on his ship and started to rummage through his loots for enough change. While searching through the treasure chest, Captain Pirat stumbled upon a potion with the words, 'Exploseases'. While looking at the contents of the potion, he stumbled upon a note saying, 'Warning do not use with Gentenenz'. Since Captain Pirat was not one to heed warnings, he had thought up of a great plan and brought the potion(and the gold coins) along to Pirate-Bay.

Upon reaching the store, Captain Pirat grabbed the 'Gentenenz' after paying for it and went back inside his ship. He mixed the 'Gentenenz' with 'Exploseases'. The next few moments happened so fast that all that could be seen was just a huge flash and then.. "BOOM!" A huge explosion had occurred and everything went black...

To be continued...

Author's message: Okay so.. This is the first part of my story, I will post a second part soon. Give me your thoughts about it.
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