

Mapping Tutorial - Meadow

It's a nicely illustrated tutorial, and those are some great instructions.

The only thing I would add is that people who are not familiar with their chips may want to include large objects earlier in the steps. I don't know how many times when first using a chip I over or underestimate the room my objects need and I have to go back and redo the basic skeleton of the map because things didn't fit quite right. This is especially true with chips like the one you're using that have huge trees with odd shapes. Sometimes, it can be best to plan around the big trees than to try to fit them into an already existing map.

All in all, very useful and well done!

The Optimal RM2k/3 Number Guide

I'm not entirely sure I agree with your choice of numbers for damage multipliers. I think you're making it sound way too cut and dried. The maker shouldn't just pick the numbers you have in the article. Instead, I feel like the maker should be spending a lot of time thinking carefully about what effect he wants out of his stats, and why. There's plenty of games where the base damage of skills is much more relevant than the stats of the user, and that's not necessarily bad. I feel like there's an entire range of numbers that could be used and lead to interesting balance. I wish you had discussed how to pick numbers a little better. I feel like there's a lot of important mathematical considerations there.

That being said, your numbers are in fact likely to be a good pick for a lot of people, so I don't mean to imply that they're bad. The general gist of the advice is definitely good. I don't know why more people don't use this method.
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