

The last night

I suppose that. Note that it have a lot of work already but i cant improve it a lot more by myself. Maybe i can try to improve my english too but...

The last night

Cyber Factor

hello,was on a break from rpg maker games back to play more and this was next
but as it was made with the 2003(2000 also has this problem)
some of the letters painful to the eyes
and tho i swear i downloaded and installed a font that fixed it
i guess its not working for ? reason
any case heres a example

if someone knows and can give me a link to a font that will make this look better id appreciate it.thank you

You have tried to desactivate cleartype in your windows? is a smoothing of fonts that applies automatically news windows and dont work very well with old rpgmaker.

Exist a patch for this too.

The Most Stupidest Game Ever - Re-duh!

Don't want to sound silly here, but, em, could someone, please, help me through the
numbers puzzle? The one with 25 switches. I don't get it at all, not even after Violas tried to explain it. Thanks.

Its one of the bugs or design mistakes of the game, you have to try some numbers and then it starts to make that but also there is also a bug because the explanation is not repeated.

You have to get that number sumig each switch number, like 24 +10,34? and then go to the door and check.

the game ahve two more poitns like this when papa smurf combat there is a bug with scan skill and when contiung wiht the journey and a event that dint work well for me at least.

The game is in general nice but with the mistakes that already pointed... adn some others:

-The enemies are the same and no variety and challengue from that
-too easy and simple in combat
-you only discover that there exist endings different, but thats at the final part, and are little variatons, and you cant havee freedom ot chanue tat.xD you wont play the game 9 times to do it, minus if you dont have any clue of these things.
-Bosses are or too easy or too "i have 10000 hp and the combat get 10000 turns"-

For the rest is very fun and gme,

The Brief and Meaningless Adventure of Hero Man

I liked a lot this game man, i get 6 of 12 for now, good work. I dont any to add, but i will look for your other project-

Cyber Factor

I like to see that the game continue i liked it a lot. I suggest you to make a blog addition to make clear that the game is continued to people

Dragon Fantasy: Origins

What these games need is a quick save system where you save in any moment but when you load you lost that save too. And the normal save in other place. With that you can play in some day or other but maintaining the challenge. ff3ds had it, and others too, like unlimited saga ps2, that was challenging game.

In emulators you can use savestates for what you want, to save to cheat or not.

The right thing of quick save is that ti forces player to not make cheats.

Anyway in rpgmaker 2k you can make save always enable but putting some note on the save points that you have to save only in these and that each other save is for other purposes like if you have no time or whatever. The idea is to educate the player in the way you want he to play and how rules work. In theroy, this way had to be the best in esence because gives freedom to people too to do whateverthey want and people that want cheat iwll cheat or give up or whatever.


I cant watch trailer man, it says its a private youtube video.


Hombre erilex, aun sigues haciendo el juego en español? Porque no ha habido ni una noticia de la nueva direccion de Doble Filo por ahi, ni esta nueva demo traducida. Interesante aun sin duda, a nivel grafico pinta bien, veo que cumpliste con eso de hacer los graficos tu, y auqneu no me gusta mucho como queda el estilo(prefiero el dhux, tu juego tiene mucho en plan flash y ese look del xp que se ve horrible y que no aprovehca la resolucon), pero aun asi no esta mal y se agredece el trabajo.

Veo que has desechado los orbe RM, estaban majos en combate, no te creas. Sobre el tema comerical y de musica... habras aprovechado de conocer a alguein para ello y no me parece mal, la duda es si solo va ha haber una version a pagar o habra una gratis tb.

Juego a esta o espero a que saques una version en español? No se me da mal el ingles xo no tanto tampoco...

Dragon Fantasy

Hi im playing this but i have a problem. I have the ship for the first time but i cant remember what i needed to do or to go here.
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