Grimm's Hollow
A spooky, freeware turn-based RPG where you reap the dead in search of your lost brother.



Grimm's Hollow Review

Thank you for the review todpole!
One of the obvious issues is that that an enemy might attack you as your going through you commands and it gets annoying after a while

This is an issue I'm struggling to fix, unfortunately. :( It seems difficult to be able to make RM2K3 stop showing the menu at the same time as the QTE.

Will work to fix the others bugs and balancing mentioned in this review :) (It's coming along slowly, though).

Thank you for playing, and thank you for leaving a detailed review!

Grimm's Hollow Review

Thank you so much for the positive review Gretgor!

The game's short length is mainly due to circumstance and the fact that I didn't want to do something too extensive for my first project: I concentrated on making a simple, short plot outline in between dungeon gameplay in the planning stages because I knew that other aspects of game development (graphics, testing, etc) would take up a load of time that was hard to predict. I wanted to finish my first game before I left for college (since I knew it would be difficult to continue to make games after that), and unfortunately that resulted in a load of the game's lack of polish and short length. I'm by no means dismissing the game's flaws and bugs though - I'm grateful to receive any feedback about it since I have a to learn and I'm working on fixing some of the bugs in an update!

Thank you again for playing and leaving a review Gretgor, and I am glad you enjoyed the game's world and story. :)

Grimm's Hollow Review

This is late, but thank you for the detailed review Kylaila! I'm sorry about all the bugs and mistakes in the third cave and the battle system - people have told me that cave is ridiculously hard, so I'm going to work on changing some of the encounters. (The update is coming along slowly though).

Thank you again. :)

Grimm's Hollow Review

Hello Frogge! This is late, but thank you so much for the detailed review - I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it overall.

After all, romanticizing death isn't necessarily the same thing as romanticizing suicide, which I think is what the developer was scared would be the issue people have here.

This is spot on. Yes, I was concerned before releasing the game that some would take the game's more lighthearted approaches to death (balloons, cake, Grimm's entire personality) in a harmful way, and I wasn't sure how to phrase it. Thankfully, so far that hasn't been the case, so I think a rewording is due in an update.

My only wish regarding battles was a harder final boss. Even without my stats maxed out, it was hilariously easy, and I thought maybe there's a much harder version if your spirit is complete, but it was kind of a shame that there wasn't. Heck, I had to intentionally die twice to see two endings, and that was harder than actually winning the battle.
I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of people who found this battle easy, lol. Definitely ramping up that boss fight a bit in a patch - thanks for the feedback!

Nothing gamebreaking or too major, though, but still a little surprising that some of them slipped past beta testers considering this game had a pretty large number of them and most of the bugs I encountered didn't really feel very hidden

This is 100% my fault for rushing release, since I was notified about some of these errors but didn't playtest properly. Now I'm working on fixing the game, but it's coming along slowly.

Thank you again for the review Frogge. :) It's very insightful, and I'll definitely work to patch up some of its mistakes.
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