RPG Maker 2k/2k3 for life, baby!!
I mainly use RPG Maker 2000/2003.

Been around the scene since early 2002.

Played and enjoyed many English, Spanish and Portuguese RPG Maker games.

I'm no longer here, you can read about it here:



ALEX III: A Three-Day Collaborative Game

Thanks for your input! I love hearing these stories.

Vampires Dawn - Reign of Blood [English]

Thank you for putting this on here I don't know if you are the one who made this game but I was planning on buying the 2 and 3 one but I will not be doing anymore this is one worst I have played all it a stupid grinding game if you didn't have to grind this game will be like 5 hours not 30 at this rate I might as well just buy a stupid game like street fighter and don't like those game that is how bad this game is
LOL you're really pissed!
Vampires Dawn isn't a bad game at all. The grind is part of a game of its time (and frankly not that bad).

Prayer of the Faithless

Congrats on the release! You gotta respect that much dedication to be able to finish a game you started 7 years ago! I still remember when you started this. Damn, has it been 7 years already!?

Also, this won't mean much to a lot of people, but I really appreciate any developer who is selling their game on Steam but actually provides an old-school demo you can download through RMN.

All the best Red_Nova!

ALEX III: A Three-Day Collaborative Game

Man, I remember reading those old forum posts some months ago.

I was filled with a mix of nostalgia and surprise at how harshly the game was received back then.

I don't think you'll ever see something like this ever again, a similar project (complete to boot!) or people willing to discuss it afterwards in a forum.

Cherish that it ever happened.

Then again, I may just be feeling especially down today.

Wizard apprentice Lya

I downloaded Lya and will try it out in a few days and let you know what I think in the gamepage, if that's OK with you.

Just wanted to let you know that I didn't forget about this! It's just that the "few days" turned into a "few months"!

RMN Holiday Calendar

Well you did it Frogge, I believe this is your best game yet!

I finally managed to play through the whole game. This is all I expected from this community game. It was a treat!

My feedback (there's spoilers in here, so I strongly suggest playing the game before reading on, oh random user who is not Frogge!):

- first of all, I played the "v1.0" of the game;

- beautiful graphics and maps filled with details, the light effects worked really well! I specially liked the Art Gallery teleport;

- the music fit the mood well;

- the Casino theme got kind of annoying after a while due to how short it is;

- it was fun reading everyone's messages, even if I don't personally know most of them, but there was something very genuine about the whole thing;

- the red and blue crystals were a great idea to help the player know when to speak with characters more than once OR who to speak with to progress;

- there's a lot of humorous dialogue and situations!;

- the writing for the main story was witty and funny to read;

- I never felt that I was lost and always had some idea of what I needed to do, so nice going with the game design!;

- there's a couple of affixed notes in walls around the game but you can't examine them (i.e.: the note next to Sol's wanted poster). Nothing wrong with that, but it just feels like a missed opportunity for some fun comments ;) ;

- Gourd_Clae's haunted place was awesome!;

- Had an error when entering the Art Room (error: Dividing a floating point number by 0), the cause was the Panorama "Dimension Rift.bmp", so I converted it to ".png" and now it works on my PC, FYI;

- When checking the "Pictures" folder I noticed that "Art7.png" goes unused, I'm just mentioning this since I'm not sure if that was on purpose or not;

- the detail of the hero slowing down when going through the exit doors is really nice;

- I think I found a typo, the "Shelter Master Key" description says "foor" instead of "door";

- I feel like the first boss (Edgy Sonic) takes too long and consequently becomes more frustrating than challenging or fun, a possible solution would be to reduce it's HP to make the battle faster;

- other than that, it's a pretty well thought battle! I enjoy the pattern and how it keeps you moving;

- my feedback for the second boss (whatever that thing is) is the same as the first: I feel like it could have less HP to make it faster and more manageable to beat;

- other than that, once again, it's a pretty clever boss pattern and it's enjoyable to play, although I feel the battle drags on;

- I'm just suggesting this for the Bosses since I think it's more fun to still beat them than skip them;

- Holy crap! I totally forgot about Valentines 2018! Pretty neat that you managed to include it here as a secret bonus! I didn't even remember participating, but I did! And was really surprised when I found myself!;

- nice approach with naming the villain , it's the sensible way to do things;

- I think all 3 of the Vortex puzzles are pretty good, it was also cool that the previous 2 puzzles teach the player how to solve them before you mix them up in the last one;

- Kloe's Dungeon is pretty cool, I love these small map puzzles;

- Found the secret room and felt really happy for it, it was cleverly hidden!;

- changing the hero faceset to match the part of the game is really neat and adds a uniqueness to the game;

- I have never used Discord so unfortunately a lot of the stuff in "A Tale of Discord" goes over my head... not your fault or anything. Just pointing that out. Despite that, I still thought it was pretty funny due to the wtf-ness of it all;

- the layout in Discord looks very sci-fi/VR-ish, I dig it. Very creative;

- the teleport animation looks really neat;

- that lever on #inspirationhell was well hidden!;

- For some reason the "Sci-Fi Set" didn't unlock for me despite the game saying it did;

- The ending and credits were imaginative, the perfect ending for the game. Very christmas-y too;

Congrats on finishing this project!


I'd like to play this but have issues unpacking the game for some reason, any advice..?

Thanks for taking an interest! If you can't unpack the file, I suggest googling for "unzip online" and use one of the several websites that allow you to unpack compacted files for free.

If you still can't unpack the file, then please let me know so that I can fix something up.

Also, thanks for the heads up, I'll have to look into changing the type of file I'm using since it won't work on everyone's computers. I should probably use ".rar" or ".zip".

Spider Trek

The error is "Spider Trek.exe is not a valid Win32 application".

I'm using an old computer with an old Windows version from way before Windows 10. So I'm pretty sure the issue stems from that.

Since these older OS's are no longer supported, you have nothing to worry about from your side ;)

Rome Protector

Sorry for the late reply, I only noticed this now!

Don't mention it!

That's a cool website, I should have paid more attention to the credits section in the readme file. My bad.

Ooh, cool, sounds like a dynamic difficulty. The better you are the more challenging it gets.

Even with reused code, it's really impressive that you managed all that in 2 weeks.

It's cool that you found a way to include this event in your melee experiments for another project. I think it worked well since Rome seems very much like it's own thing.

I played the event version.
I think the slimes were green.

I downloaded Lya and will try it out in a few days and let you know what I think in the gamepage, if that's OK with you.


Sorry, I still get the same errors. Thanks for trying!
I'll just wait until someone records a playthrough for me to see how the game looks like.