

I'll compose you music

I may be interested in using your services for a midi or two. Guess I'll have to play through Last Legend this weekend.

Games you've been neglecting... (The Pile of Shame)

I'm currently (slowly) playing Odin Sphere.

The ol' backlog, in order of games I own and plan to play, is currently:

Grim Grimoire
Atelier Iris 3
Minish Cap*
Skies of Arcadia*
Hotel Dusk
Baten Kaitos 1
Baten Kaitos 2
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2*
Wild Arms 4*
Yggdra Union
Valkyrie Profile 2*
Golden Sun
Golden Sun 2

Backlog subject to change as I acquire even more games. This list does not cover Rm* games. Every now and then I can plow through a game pretty quick, so the list is very capable of being thinned out. (I beat DQ8 in 2 weeks and Rogue Galaxy in 9 days, as examples ...)

* - games I've seriously started

Game Length

Mewd: Given the popularity of the Laxius Power series, I'd say there are a lot of people who want very, very long games. The creator of the Laxius Power series won't even touch a Rm* game unless it's of a certain length.

Game Length

Everlong - 25 hours reportedly
Dragon Saga 4 - 40-60 hours
Laxius Power 1 - 50-100 hours
Laxius Power 2 - 25 hours
Laxius Power 3 - 150-200 hours reportedly
Blades of Heaven - 40 hours
Heaven and Hell episode 3 I'm guessing is quite long as well.

I think a game should be as long as it needs to be, whether it's 30 minutes long or 30 hours long. Artificially shortening the time is just as bad as artificially lengthening it.

Your Priorities

I play RPGs first and foremost for the characters, then plot. Since those happen to be my strong suits (by far), that's what I concentrate on primarily in my own games.

Game Titles

If I see any of these words in a RPG Maker game's title, it's a red flag about the game's quality:

Final, Fantasy, Dragon, Quest, Warrior, Chrono, Hero, Adventure, "Tales of {x}", Legend, Crystal, Dark, God, Goddess, Angel, Demon, Legacy, Destiny, Sword, Ultimate, Eternity, Omen, Chaos, Brave, Heart.

The following words make me pause a bit:

Saga, Epic, Any title of nobility, any land representing a fief belonging to a title of nobility, {x} of {y}.

I may have missed a word, but this is off the top of my head.

Oh, and the following characters appearing on the title screen of a game are red flags:

Goku, Kenshin, Cloud, Sephiroth.

We Did It First screenshot thread

Harmonic: It would be better if you can access the default menu normally, and then access the alternate menu using <shift>.

Odin Sphere

Starting this discussion.

My opinion: If you can find it, get it. It's great.