

Situational Update

Just relax man, after surgeries it's best to build back the strength slowly to give the muscles chance to recover and prevent injuries or worse reopen the injuries. So, yeah, just relax and take your time.

I Vanquished the Empire as a Kid and Now the Economy is Crap

tried the demo and got failed to load img/tilesetsvx/tileA1_2.png error http://puu.sh/Dj6v5/d3eb36bc3a.jpg so changed the name of folder tilesets to tilesetsvx and it loads but the bg is a mess now lol (at least on the first scene) and at the first battle I got failed to load img/battlehud/layout lol http://puu.sh/Dj6xW/c1b2b5e916.png

I'm not sure what happened here.


I guess this is the first time I see non erect dick in a game. No homo.


So this is the customizable dwarf (Or the statue) lol better than what I imagined lol


A fully customizable dwarf

I am intrigued.

Mobile NPCs

That's a lot of things to do lol good luck, and IMO don't worry too much about bugs and glitches, there is no game without them, as long as it's not a game breaking bug.

I'm curious how the gameplay will be affected on the new area.

Umbral Soul




Screenshots of the events list if you need hints on how to get it cuz I don't remember at all how I got em lol (not sure if there is any spoiler or not in there)


Amazing chest ahead

A Spirit's Journey

Lots of typo and incorrect grammar. I might be able to help with typos and grammars if you want some help.
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