

[RM2K3] Problems with "Wait for Key Input" Command

Wait for the key pressed freeze the game in battle.
Here you can find some info.

[RM2K3] DynRPG Compiling Error

Text plugin works in battle, if you use the patch named picsinbattle.

For the source code I have an older version of it(not the last one).

#include <DynRPG/DynRPG.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>

struct textObj
int x;
int y;
int color;
bool fixed;
std::string txt;
RPG::Image* img;

std::string parseText(std::string in);
typedef std::map<std::string, textObj> TextMap;

int picID;
TextMap drawList;

bool onDrawPicture(RPG::Picture* picture)
if(picture->id == picID)
TextMap::iterator itr = drawList.begin();
while(itr != drawList.end())
int x = itr->second.x;
int y = itr->second.y;
x -= RPG::map->getCameraX();
y -= RPG::map->getCameraY();
itr->second.img->alpha = 255 - picture->transparency/100.0 * 255;
RPG::screen->canvas->draw(x, y, itr->second.img);
//RPG::screen->canvas->drawStretched(x, y, itr->second.img->width*3, itr->second.img->height*3, itr->second.img);
return true;

void onInitTitleScreen()
TextMap::iterator itr = drawList.begin();
while(itr != drawList.end())
TextMap::iterator tmp = itr;

bool onStartup(char *pluginName)
std::map<std::string, std::string> configuration = RPG::loadConfiguration(pluginName);
std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator itr = configuration.find("PictureID");
if(itr != configuration.end())
picID = atoi(itr->second.c_str());
picID = 1;
return true;

void onSaveGame(int id, void __cdecl(*savePluginData)(char*data,int length))
std::string s;
TextMap::iterator itr = drawList.begin();
while(itr != drawList.end())
std::stringstream ss;
ss << itr->second.x << "," << itr->second.y << ",";
ss << itr->second.txt << "," << itr->second.color << ",";
ss << itr->second.fixed << "," << itr->first << ",";
s += ss.str();
savePluginData((char *)s.c_str(), s.size());

void onLoadGame(int id, char* data, int length)
char* buffer;
if(data == NULL) return;
buffer = strtok(data, ",");
while(buffer != NULL)
textObj obj;
obj.x = atoi(buffer);
buffer = strtok(NULL, ",");
obj.y = atoi(buffer);
buffer = strtok(NULL, ",");
obj.txt = buffer;
buffer = strtok(NULL, ",");
obj.color = atoi(buffer);
buffer = strtok(NULL, ",");
obj.fixed = atoi(buffer);
buffer = strtok(NULL, ",");
obj.img = RPG::Image::create(obj.txt.size()*6 + 8, 16);
obj.img->useMaskColor = true;
obj.img->drawText(0, 0, obj.txt, obj.color);
drawList.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, textObj >(buffer, obj));
buffer = strtok(NULL, ",");

std::string formatText(std::string s)
int size = 2;
while(size < s.size() && s!=']')size++;
size -= 2;
switch (s)
case 'x':
TextMap::iterator itr = drawList.find(s.substr(2, size));
if(itr != drawList.end())
return itr->second.txt;
return s;
case 'n':
int n = atoi(parseText(s.substr(2, size)).c_str());
return RPG::actors->getName();
case 'N':
int n = atoi(parseText(s.substr(2, size)).c_str());
return RPG::actors->getDegree();
case 'v':
int n = atoi(parseText(s.substr(2, size)).c_str());
std::stringstream ss;
ss << RPG::variables;
return ss.str();
case 'i':
int n = atoi(parseText(s.substr(2, size)).c_str());
return RPG::getItemName(n);
case 'I':
int n = atoi(parseText(s.substr(2, size)).c_str());
return RPG::getItemDescription(n);
case 't':
int n = atoi(parseText(s.substr(2, size)).c_str());
return RPG::getSkillName(n);
case 'T':
int n = atoi(parseText(s.substr(2, size)).c_str());
return RPG::getSkillDescription(n);
case 'a':
int n = atoi(parseText(s.substr(2, size)).c_str());
return RPG::getConditionName(n);
return s;

std::string parseText(std::string in)
std::string out;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < in.size(); i++)
if(in == '\\')
out += formatText(in.substr(i + 1, in.size()));
while(i < in.size() && in!=']')i++;
while(i + 1 < in.size() && in==']')i++;
out += in;
return out;

bool onComment( const char* text,
const RPG::ParsedCommentData* parsedData,
RPG::EventScriptLine* nextScriptLine,
RPG::EventScriptData* scriptData,
int eventId,
int pageId,
int lineId,
int* nextLineId )
std::string s = parsedData->command;

TextMap::iterator itr = drawList.find(parsedData->parameters.text);
if(itr == drawList.end())
textObj obj;
obj.x = parsedData->parameters.number;
obj.y = parsedData->parameters.number;
obj.color = (parsedData->parameters.type == RPG::PARAM_NUMBER && parsedData->parametersCount >= 6)?parsedData->parameters.number:0;
if(parsedData->parameters.type == RPG::PARAM_STRING)
std::string tmp = parsedData->parameters.text;
obj.fixed = (!tmp.compare("fixed"))?true:false;
obj.fixed = false;
if(parsedData->parameters.type == RPG::PARAM_NUMBER)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << parsedData->parameters.number;
obj.txt = ss.str();
obj.txt = parseText(parsedData->parameters.text);
obj.img = RPG::Image::create(obj.txt.size()*6 + 8, 16);
obj.img->useMaskColor = true;
obj.img->drawText(0, 0, obj.txt, obj.color);
drawList.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, textObj >(parseText(parsedData->parameters.text), obj));
return false;

TextMap::iterator itr = drawList.find(parseText(parsedData->parameters.text));
if(itr != drawList.end())
if(parsedData->parameters.type == RPG::PARAM_NUMBER)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << parsedData->parameters.number;
itr->second.txt = ss.str();
itr->second.txt = parseText(parsedData->parameters.text);
int width = itr->second.txt.size();
if(width < itr->second.img->width)width = itr->second.img->width;
RPG::Image* tmp = RPG::Image::create(width*6 + 8, 16 + itr->second.img->height);
tmp->drawText(0, itr->second.img->height, itr->second.txt, itr->second.color);
tmp->draw(0, 0, itr->second.img);
itr->second.img->init(width*6 + 8, 16 + itr->second.img->height);
memcpy(itr->second.img->pixels, tmp->pixels, tmp->width * tmp->height);
return false;

TextMap::iterator itr = drawList.find(parseText(parsedData->parameters.text));
if(itr != drawList.end())
if(parsedData->parameters.type == RPG::PARAM_NUMBER)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << parsedData->parameters.number;
itr->second.txt += ss.str();
itr->second.txt += parseText(parsedData->parameters.text);
itr->second.img->init(itr->second.txt.size()*6 + 8, 16);
itr->second.img->drawText(0, 0, itr->second.txt, itr->second.color);
return false;

TextMap::iterator itr = drawList.find(parseText(parsedData->parameters.text));
if(itr != drawList.end())
if(parsedData->parameters.type == RPG::PARAM_NUMBER)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << parsedData->parameters.number;
itr->second.txt = ss.str();
itr->second.txt = parseText(parsedData->parameters.text);
itr->second.color = (parsedData->parameters.type == RPG::PARAM_NUMBER)?parsedData->parameters.number:0;
itr->second.img->init(itr->second.txt.size()*6 + 8, 16);
itr->second.img->drawText(0, 0, itr->second.txt, itr->second.color);
return false;

TextMap::iterator itr = drawList.find(parseText(parsedData->parameters.text));
if(itr != drawList.end())
itr->second.x = parsedData->parameters.number;
itr->second.y = parsedData->parameters.number;
return false;

TextMap::iterator itr = drawList.find(parseText(parsedData->parameters.text));
if(itr != drawList.end())
return false;

TextMap::iterator itr = drawList.begin();
while(itr != drawList.end())
TextMap::iterator tmp = itr++;
return false;

TextMap::iterator itr = drawList.begin();
while(itr != drawList.end())
MessageBox(NULL, itr->first.c_str(), "textPlugin", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
return false;

return true;

[RM2K3] Dyntext error

do you use the text plugin elsewhere?
There may be some value saved in memory.

[RM2K3] Dyntext error

Change_text don't use coordinates and your write_text is totally wrong for what I see
This should work:
@Write_text "APShow",38,125, "\v(261)",,0<-(color of the text)

@change_text "APShow","\v(261)",0<-(color of the text)

change the round brackets with square brackets, in "\v(261)"
I don't know why but the forum deletes what is inside if I write them

[RM2K3] "Loading plugin "condition_icons.dll" failed! (1114)"

Try removing conditionicons.dll from the folder named Dynplugins.
Lollo forgot to remove that plugin, from the new version of theia(that uses DynbattleDisplay.dll to show the conditions icons)
Thanks for the advice. I'm now getting a "Not Implemented" Error

New game or a load file?
If it is the second case, try to restart a new game.
The save probably contains information from the old plugin and not finding it gives you an error

[RM2K3] "Loading plugin "condition_icons.dll" failed! (1114)"

Try removing conditionicons.dll from the folder named Dynplugins.
Lollo forgot to remove that plugin, from the new version of theia(that uses DynbattleDisplay.dll to show the conditions icons)


I tried to reproduce it and it is repeated in the plugin demo, present on the site here. Same thing on the one on github.
However, I use a skill that inflicts 6 statuses

ConditionYOffset= if >=15 works if<15 show the error after closing the game

This is the file I use for the conditions(the icons are 15X15 pixels):


After several tests with the size of the icons (to understand which one was more suitable visually in my game), I ran into a bug.
If the ConditionYOffset value is less than the icon height, this error occurs when exiting the game.


I should probably do what I did with the minimap, and just make all the info background transparencies controlled by the player using the + and - keys so they can adjust it to whatever is easiest for them to view.

Actually I wanted to use the system graphics to draw custom windows, but that would take significantly more time to figure out with DynRPG. This was the quick and dirty proof of concept.
I was just about to suggest you use system graphics, and reposition the data displayed in general, to better manage the screen space.

I almost forgot, instead of the 1 key, wouldn't it be more intuitive to use the I (info) or H (help) key?


So I hadn't skipped something in the readme