Indie game developer and amateur graphic artist working mainly on RPG Maker.
Heroic Tale VALUE!+
A collection featuring the first two games plus an exclusive new scenario.




I keep asking myself the same question! lol

Heroic Tale VALUE!+

Hi AnonR18!

Yeah! I remember that. Back then, it was a bit hard to implement that on Ruin Hacker in a meaningful way. I think it's a great idea on paper, though I much prefer to work on that on a different project, since Heroic Tale VALUE!+ is already completed and the game is basically "rooted" on the previous two scenarios.

But yeah, it's definitely something I would like to work on in the future! So really, thank you for suggesting it. ^^


It didn't occur to me... but the more I listen to it the more I like the idea, ^^

Ruin Hacker

Kinda the opposite to the Crusader (though I mostly see him as an "Anti-Vicar", lol), which means is more magic oriented, debuffs and things like that!

Yeah, I learned about that limit the hard way, which is funny because I wasn't expecting to fill up the whole item database! It probably could have been better thought out from my side, but I was afraid of breaking the drop system and such for a third time. I also found one strange glitch! Initially, after unequipping the Marauder - probably because of the number he occupies in the database - the game kept adding a different item to the inventory instead of the one it was removed. It was super hard to replicate and I lost so many hours only on that... It took me a while to realize it wasn't me doing something stupid so I just ended up assuming it was a bug with the engine (I did, however, manage to fix it by adding and reading the character once he joined it... super random!).

I guess I went a bit overboard with that stuff... I kinda wanted players to learn and discover most things by themselves... though by the time you learn about stuff like the *WISH*es they hardly matter anymore, lol! I guess this isn't an approach that everyone likes, and that's OK! I had other ideas in mind too... but I didn't want to make things more obtuse than they already were, perhaps! (and eventing on SimRPG isn't exactly a joy if you're aiming for some kind of... complexity, lol). But yeah, I understand its shortcomings! xD

Glad you did! Really, learning about people discovering all these little things feels like the biggest reward! ^^

I can easily fix that! Besides, I owe you for the excellent help file I believe you worked on (everything was amazingly explained) which really helped a lot. I usually package the games this way because a) I believe it looks kinda neat and b) some of them have have music from other people that I legally bought so it isn't so much like I absolutely don't want anyone to peek inside the project or anything, lol. I even imported a copy of the engine once I decided I wanted to use it... yeah, I'm a bit like that, ^^U.

Ruin Hacker

*** Oh! *_* Thank you, so SO much for persevering until the very end!! I'm beyond thrilled, honestly! ^^ ***

That's actually possible! If you bring him after/before that scene, you'll reach a different variant of the same map, similar to the rest the woods but with no enemies and just a few graves with some inscriptions on it. A bit of... foreshadowing! ^^ And about the Lesser Demons... I dare you to try it! Those last bits were more whimsical than anything really, lol

It's always interesting (and amusing!) to learn about the final parties of those who've played the game and their impressions of each member! So far, everyone seems to have their own end-game setup, which makes me really happy since that was the whole point. Balancing the classes was a very intense and draining ordeal and I took it very seriously, basically because I really wanted people to pick the group that fitted better their "style". I wasn't really sure how much they would enjoy swapping members around because *glitches* aside, it's a bit of an investment, so I hope experimentation was "rewarding"... to some extent... at least, lol!. The poor Gladiator ended up being a bit of a "poster boy trap"... people use him without really knowing why, lol. I'm relieved to finally learn about the Crusader, since I guess the "other one" proved to be more "popular", so I'm happy he was able to serve his role! (I personally have a soft spot for that character, for some reason).

Now! The weapon, armor and random loot system... I think I redid the whole of it at least 5 times. It was way harder to decide HOW to do it than actually doing it, lol. I was never entirely happy with one thing or another and there was a lot of "wrestling" with the engine (which is fantastic - you very well know that - specially IF you don't get overly ambitious) but one of the main "issues" was that I RAN OUT of items in the database (because I kept adding stuff like
that I don't know if anyone ever found out what it was for, lol). That limited A LOT of the scope I had initially in mind and influenced everything else with the game. It sucked at first, but you gotta make what you can with what you got... and I settled with that. ^^

Anyway, once again, thank you, so, so, much for playing it! Considering your experience with this stuff, your opinion really means a lot and if you found something to like I believe it was worth a little going through all that to put this out, lol. ^^

Version 1.0.1 (Small Fix)

You gotta make those people at the "Temple" work for their earnings, right, lol?

Ruin Hacker

Thanks Koff! That will be the FIRST feature to implement once I start working on the "Geneology" or "REawakening" DLC, LOL Happy late April Fool's day to you too! ^^

Version 1.0.1 (Small Fix)

Yes, it was! WEEKS of testing and I screwed up the first thing on screen! No wonder it seemed intentional. I hesitated a lot... but I think it's way too convenient and not like leveling up it's that hard, I think... Anyway, enjoy the perks of being an early bird! lol

Ruin Hacker

Random growths + random drops for even the most basic things are usually a mood killer for my hoarder/collectionist mentality

The non-masochist, non-OCD player in me agrees wholeheartedly! Look at the positive side, at least there's no achievements/trophies/whatever.

Ruin Hacker

My pleasure! I'm a nerd for this stuff, lol
And you did well, that was the point behind it (since controlling the random growth for all character isn't exactly fun) but hope it doesn't turn into a total overkill. lol