

I have a blue towel that is the same colour as Ernest's cloak and sometimes, after I shower, I like to wrap it around my shoulders and pretend I'm an RTP hero.

How does it feel to be a placeholder?

The year is 2032: "Does anyone remember rpgmaker.net?"

Either we don't have internet by 2032, or we've left this planet (for good or bad).

I called it first.

For every week of real life stuff, I need a week where I get to work on what I want

I've always wanted some kind of dimensional rift I could step into where time wouldn't pass while I was in it. That way I could finish Valor Emblem play frivolous video games and get nothing accomplished in Zero time.
Same, only I want it for sleeping in.

Scrambling your clocks and sleeping 24 hours at a time would achieve the same effect.

So, the year begins with the death of Mary Tyler Moore and continues with the death of John Hurt. RIP both of you.

Dammit 2016, we had enough of your shit already >_<;

The rate at which 'RMN is Dying' is directly proportional to how personally dissatisfied you are with RMN

who's dying again? it thought things were nice for a while

Aren't we all?

You see ____. You shiver in anticipation.

You see a snail half-way through the crosswalk, unwaveringly inching its way to the greener grass on other side. It fills you with ANTICIPATION.

After draining the pasta, be sure to add _____ to the dish for flavor? .....

Sugar and Chocolate! Oh, oh! And a little icing on the side.

So... I posted a dummy game page with a nonsense description, and context-less, identical screenshots; forgot to tick "Private", it went on queue, and got accepted?

That's saying something... :/

So... I posted a dummy game page with a nonsense description, and context-less, identical screenshots; forgot to tick "Private", it went on queue, and got accepted?

I must have hit the wrong button. Meant to press DENY.
That's understandable :)

Oh and your avatar's borken every now and then. Unless if you have a plain, black, horizontal line included in your shuffle list.

Edit: Poor other guy though. Glad it's rectified.

So... I posted a dummy game page with a nonsense description, and context-less, identical screenshots; forgot to tick "Private", it went on queue, and got accepted?

will i get 5 stars for this pls tell me i need to know