

I dream of making a game that will cause the servers of RMN to get even slower >:D

Then I'll do my best to make it worthy of the hype it is receiving! <^v^<

I'll make it a super-ultra-mega-impossibly-absurdly-filthy-awesome (with optional cherry on top). I mean, it *is* a dream, isn't it? ;D

I dream of making a game that will cause the servers of RMN to get even slower >:D

Heh, why not?

Went to a week's worth of a vacation; came back to see my home submerged by a 3-foot flood. Oh well, 'tleast my books were safe.

Erm actually, about sewage...
yeah, you get the idea

Went to a week's worth of a vacation; came back to see my home submerged by a 3-foot flood. Oh well, 'tleast my books were safe.

Pfff if we left the tap on long enough to cause that, we'd be drowning in debt not water XD

It was another typhoon by the way. Though come to think of it, it has never been this bad in the past. We only had the usual 1-foot deep flood every rainy(er) season. The winds were also notably fiercer, downing narra's in minutes. Climate change, I guess?

Any readers here? I'm reading Anna Karanina and loving it.

I saw that in the bookshop a few days ago, but I hesitated in buying it since I seriously detest romance (drama/lovey-dovey) novels (this is a result of reading a couple of Jane Austen's works).

~~ personal opinion only (that Austen sucks)

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Merry Christmas!

For the people up north: Enjoy the snow!
For everyone else: Enjoy the temporary relief from the blistering sun!

I just realized that I have an almost finished 2k3 RPG sitting on my old laptop, unreleased and forgotten. Hmm... What to do, what to do?

If you finish it yourself, I'm thinking that it will be quite a hassle. If you put it up for someone else to finish, you run the risk of having your idea being used terribly; which honestly isn't very nice.

Hm... do what feels natural, I guess.

Argh.. This is why I don't watch/read anything while I gam mak: If I do, the frustrated writer in me wakes up, and demands I write another novel! Now I can't gam mak... Great...

Nah when it comes to my writing, I accept all forms of critique.

Now that you say that, yeah it is (really) bare. I got that right after I read a manga, so it's not surprising that it turned out as unoriginal though ;p

And yes, I did try my hand at writing short stories. But the short stories I write tend to slowly add up and gain bulk, almost at an uncontrollable rate. Eventually, they all end up being monumental. I don't know. Maybe I just need more practice at restraining myself.

I understand what you're saying though. One of the stuff I wrote when I was 10, came *this* close to being finished. Then I looked back into what I did, reviewed it all, and ended up scrapping it. Turned out that it was an over-bloated cliche. And a couple of months' worth of work went down the drain just like that.

Argh.. This is why I don't watch/read anything while I gam mak: If I do, the frustrated writer in me wakes up, and demands I write another novel! Now I can't gam mak... Great...

Tell me about it (>.<;)

I have around 9 novels on indefinite hiatus(es), all products of sudden bursts of creativity / over-active imagining(s).
I scratched up the newest idea. Here:
List of random ideas for a new story

There is a world just adjacent to ours. The world of the Nox; beings that consume souls to survive. Though they repeatedly barge into our world and feed on helpless victims, no one notices -- no one remembers. It is up to the Sages, the safekeepers of balance, to keep the Nox at bay.

The sages are a group of benevolent Nox spirits that incorporates themselves into a human they come to agreement with. They grant the human with the ability to fight against the malevolent Nox, and maintain the delicate balance of the two worlds.

The story revolves around how MC's normal life crashed. He was attacked all of a sudden by Nox. He got a lucky strike and managed to severely wound attacker. The weakened Nox limped away from the scene. And now, MC's eyes are permanently opened to the reality around him. He had so many questions, but no one there could answer him.

I stopped there. Not sure if I could pull it through though...

Pardon me while I drown in manga feels over here... ;^;

I can relate to that :)
(Both manga and mango, that is..)