

Okay, I'm done with my rest so I'll start clearing my backlog now. *sees list* *jaw drops*

Well first, there's my somewhat failed game revamp; then I have two games under production, with one of them having an overhaul; I haven't done anything for the MOGs; after re-reading my novel, I also now want to get back on it; Some minor stuff; And the overdue review of mine -.-

These aren't really that much, but since I am crazy, I want to do all of them at the same time. >.<

It seems controversy is a quick and easy way to get attention...

This thread is kinda ironic, just so you guys know ;D

Damn, so many names and people to keep track of. This'll be the tenth time someone greeted me, but I forgot their name >.<

Well... I do that, but it's difficult. It's because my language and theirs is so obscenely different that a word meaning 'hello' can be 'I kill you' or something.

I'm better at memorising faces than names...

Someone quick recommend a short game(1-2 hours) to LP

Please forgive me for this...

Shameless self-promotion: how about my game? :D
Not sure if you've heard of it, but the title is "Lyra".

Damn, so many names and people to keep track of. This'll be the tenth time someone greeted me, but I forgot their name >.<

School, wildwes. And it's kinda awkward that they know me, but not the other way around

Getting shipped off to college tomorrow. Summer, where did you go?

Thank you guys!

Though making friends is going to be tough...
See, I'm a 'background' person. If life was a movie, I'd most likely be an extra character on my own story. Something like that...

Oh well. If any of these guys could survive for five months with me, then I'll have to commend them for their perseverance XD

@Ratty, my longest class is 1.5hrs long, and only happens once a week (wednesday); so I got that going for me, which is nice ;P

Oh, I'm taking Computer Science. I think I'll major in either software development or marketing and management. I'm fine with either of them, but not both at the same time of course.

Started training at a Taco Bell.

Cock-a-doodle doo, it's time for chicken.
Cock-a-doodle doo, it's time for a feast.
Eat a ninety-piece bucket, ain't it swell...
Come down to cluckin' bell :D

Sorry about that. Congratulations on the job!

Getting shipped off to college tomorrow. Summer, where did you go?

I'll just keep with my mantra to stay sane while I'm there :)

Four years. Just four years. It's just four years. Four years more.......

why can't I motivate myself anymore?

Wow, I'm tied with third place with SnowOwl for that mapping contest over at RMW. XD Guess we can choose a resource pack of our liking, whoopee!

I agree with Unity.
Your mapping has always been a huge inspiration for me! XD