
Subscribing to Games/Tagging

Great site; just some feedback/requests on a few things.

Manage Subscribed Games
It would really help if we were able to assign categories (perhaps multiple) to games that we have subbed to. As someone who is new to these forums, I use the sub function to make sure I don't lose track of a game that looks cool but is still being developed; or for that matter completed games that I'm not ready to play yet (too many).

On the subbed list we just see the name of the game and what appears to be date/time of last update, it doesn't reflect status. Categories could be user assigned - I'd do stuff like Demo/Beta/Completed as well as a genre classification.

Would like to be able to tag threads too.

:) Overall, the site is great and easy to use.

Oh, hey :)

Hi guys!
Recently stumbled onto this site when I was looking for some free games to play. I think I'm in heaven :)

I love old-school RPGs, grew up on the SNES so games like Earthbound, FF, Chrono Trigger, and the Lunar series are some of my faves.

I'm currently playing Hero's Realm and already played through the awesomeness of Space Funeral. And subbed a bunch more. :)

I'm not one for actual game development, but I am here as a fan and gamer.

This community seems pretty cool :) Thanks for such a neat site.

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