

Astraeus - Path of the Chosen

Now the game is free to the public. The reason for this is that I appreciate more that people can and want to play the videogame than the 5 dollars it cost.

Thank you for keep playing!

Beyond the Star Review

Thank you very much RpgmakerAddict, you have already tried several of my games and you have taken the time to give me reviews.

I really read them and appreciate them.

I hope to continue bringing more games that offer a nice experience in the future.

Thank you,

Beyond the Star

An interesting enough game, but either drop rates or level cap could be increased.
Thanks, it's a short game, quite fun to make and play. I did it in a month for a game jam a few years ago.

Astraeus - Path of the Chosen

When trying to download the game, the user is redirected to the game's page, where it can only be bought for 5 bucks, which also means that the game is missing its "commercial" tag here.

Thanks, there is a free demo.

POC: Random Loot System

Really cool, thank you for doing this!

Don't go to sleep Review

Hey thank you very much for also playing this game after "Live again".

Yes, "Don't go to sleep" is a short game that I made in a month for the game jam. I also would have liked to make the player control the character, I didn't because it had to be specifically a visual novel, and I'm not sure at what point it would stop being.

As for the spelling errors, thank you very much for letting me know, I'm terrible at English, and as for the errors in Marco and Jimmy... I'll correct it.

All your comments I will take into account, I guess it's a good idea to add more save slots for a game like this.

As for the battle scenes, I take great pride in what I learned doing it, it's basically a single event, no scripts involved.

And yes, the combat can be very easy for people who are used to rpgs, but I also wanted to make it a little more enjoyable for a general public so that everyone had the opportunity to finish the game and not be frustrated in removing it for not being able to complete those scenes.

Live again Review

Thank you very much for playing it and for your review!

Talin - The adventure behind the story

help plse
en elcombate con los elementales, luego de mover las palancas para consehuir 10000 puntos de exp, bajo y me encuentro no con una columna sino on un circulo iluminado. Cuando lo pulso aparece el mensaje que dice :

Talin, F5 pantalla completa aventura despues de la historia map data 065 missing y el juego se cuelga.
ma quiero morir


Gracias a ti por tu comprensión y perseverancia por continuar con el juego a pesar de este bug. Ya publiqué una nueva versión del juego en el que he corregido este problema; para continuar con tu partida tienes que pasar el archivo de guardado "Save1.rvdata", "Save2.rvdata", "Save3.rvdata", y/o "Save4.rvdata" a la carpeta de la nueva versión del juego. Si esto no funciona lamentablemente tendrías que empezar una nueva partida.

Talin - The adventure behind the story

Started playing today and defeated the orc king am now at the second part of the game.
I do like the game with that many equipment and areas after the main story.
But i don't understand why some items i am not authorized to visit in Talin, like the door in the potion shop, mini chest walled in right after leaving the Talin town.
And i don't understand what is the deal with the dragon, is there something supposed to happen, the npc said i can have the dragon, but there wasn't any interaction with it or maybe i missed something.
The progression is nice for a mmo rpg inspired game but not like i ever played any such games properly.
Also the orc king was a decent boss, k.o. my healer but managed to defeat him by having enough potions and then before defeating him i revived the healer with my only revive item.
First of all well done by defeating the Orc King! I appreciate the observations that you reflect in your comment, as for the dragon I was afraid that some players would happen what to you, however it is not really a problem, to use it you have to press the key having the character a square under his belly . Also, as you touched on the point of unreachable chests, the purpose of the dragon apart from having fun flying through the town is to obtain two chests that allow you to go a little more prepared to what comes beyond the portal located in the main building. Thanks for playing Talin, if you or someone else have more questions about the game, you can let me know.

Talin - The adventure behind the story

This one have English language option?
The game is now available in English in case you are still interested
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