

January 2018 Misao (im)Possibles

Oh there is a review section...

January 2018 Misao (im)Possibles

@manpaint, Frogge already reviewed Black Ritual earlier this month.
@manpaint, Frogge already reviewed Black Ritual earlier this month.

Yeah but I want him to elaborate, unless he did a an elaborated review somewhere that I missed.

January 2018 Misao (im)Possibles

Black Ritual
''I would say Black Ritual is a game with good visuals, but not much else. It's very unpolished, confusing, and frustrating. I did not enjoy my experience with the game, but I definetly think the developer could turn this into something good in the teased sequel at the end.''

Can you elaborate? I am curreently working on said sequel and would like to have some feedback as it is still early in the devloppement beside the story wich is already done.
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