I can defiantly see where you’re coming from
Waring, content from this user my contain copious amounts of sarcasm. User should probably not be taken too seriously.
Journey's End: Alex vs E...
Climb the tower. Kill the bad guy. Save the world.



Screenshot Survival 20XX

Thanks guys. I'll add some rocks and such the the map, but I don't really think I need that meany.

@masterofmayhem: It may be the lack of context and a minor thing, but I think I see a wooden stool and table in the midst of all that lava? Convection is totally a thing, despite what some RPGs will tell you...maybe have them both be a dark stone so it looks like obsidian, or at least something that won't combust randomly in a lava cave? (Also, screw you spellcheck, combust is a word)

Oh, the furniture are placeholders for possible treasure chests that I haven't added yet. Just pretend there not there.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Since I'm already added some of my maps here already I might as well get some opinions on this one.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

"No swimming in the pool", but there isn't a pool to be seen.

"Prostitutes welcome", but certainly "No kissing" or (god forbid) "Low cut blouses".


It reminds me of one of the guards from secret of Evermore.

"Please adhere to the following rule of the city square: No swimming, No swearing, No laughing, No crying, No talking out of turn, No line dancing, No moose calling, No sword play, No pumpkin carving, No mummified cat juggling, No wallowing in your own self pity, No circumstantial evidence, No walking on the grass, No pancakes on Monday, No dessert until you eat your vegetables, No slapstick comedy, No balloon animals, And absolutely, positively, No barking like a seal. It upsets me." -Guard

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Thank you Corfaisus . That's advice I can actually use.

Fun fact, the reason I didn't use a ceiling autotile at first was because I'm using the 2003 chipsets, and they for some reason don't have one. I have discovered however that the 2000 chipsets do have them. Go figure.

Anyway, updates!

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Also notice how those homes are lower than the ground and wider than the ones in your map.

If you drop the height of the buildings 1 tile and extend the back of them 1 or 2 tiles it should be fine. Like this.

See the difference?

Screenshot Survival 20XX

So I just drop down a screenshot from my project and people tell me what they think of it?

Because that's what I'm doing if that's how thing work.

Do your worst internet.

[Review Request]

I've actually been working on my project in such a way that a review of it now would be unnecessary. So do you mind, Liberty, and take my my game off the list please?

So Jelly! Review Event (Week 5 Chokecherry)

Well I do have other things to do, but I might as well see if I can get a review in. With 5 weeks I should be able to do... something.

The official English 2k3 version is out!

Better late than never right?

[Review Request]

Don't mind me.