

Protect, shell, and more in RM2K3

Okay wait....so what if you came into battle with a piece of armor that pure Fire Damage from C to D on resistance. But then you buffed up, would it then put it from D to E and thus absorb fire damage?
Yes, it would. Any given character's resistance to an element is considered as such:

actual resistance = character's base resistance + resistance given from armor*

*Note: I think armor resistances only apply once (e.g. if a character with C resistance to Fire wears two items that grant resistance to Fire, then the character's Fire resistance only goes from C to D.)

EDIT: So maybe this info may or may not actually be related to your question, but I hope it was still nice to know anyways.

The RMVX Database: Part II "A Class on Classes"

F- An actor in that class will take 200% of the normal damage when attacked with the selected element.

Still wrong, F means that the actor is healed by that element.

The RMVX Database: Part II "A Class on Classes"

Actually, elemental efficiency determines how much damage a class takes from that element, not how much damage they deal with it.

A = When an actor is hit by that element, it will deal 200% of its normal damage
B = When an actor is hit by that element, it will deal 150% of its normal damage
C = When an actor is hit by that element, it will deal 100% of its normal damage
D = When an actor is hit by that element, it will deal 50% of its normal damage
E = When an actor is hit by that element, it will deal 0% of its normal damage
F = When an actor is hit by that element, it will heal that class by 100% of its normal damage

Protect, shell, and more in RM2K3

It's been a while since I've posted here, but I also have found another problem with this method.
The fact that the magic stat only has half as big of an effect is designed to make up for the fact that it acts as both magical attack and magical defense.
No. Just no. The magic stat should be worth as much as the physical stats (Attack and Defense, if you were wondering). That way, the mages of any given game would actually be able to keep up with the physical fighters in terms of damage output.

HP/MP Swap

EDIT: Triple post

HP/MP Swap

Update: Made a slight change to this tutorial; now it says to subtract 1 from the variable that stores the character's HP because reducing that person's HP will only set it to 1.

HP/MP Swap

Did not test, but... Isn't this going to kill the character?

As long as you left the "Possible Death"/"HP Reduction can Kill Target" box unchecked, no, it shouldn't.

Protect, shell, and more in RM2K3

This is a pretty good tutorial, but all of this is assuming "normal" elemental damage is 100%. If you're using higher numbers (like 200% for attacks or 400% for magic), this probably wouldn't work.

EDIT: Also, with your elemental setup, you can only use Protect and Shell once; you can't use them to counter Deprotect/Deshell. And why, why, why do Protect and Deprotect not share the same element?


It's cute, but horribly inefficient if you want to have MP-draining skills and the like.

Having the branch check if the dummy MP variable is less than the current MP variable should prevent this. Since MP-draining skills increase MP, they will never trigger the skill effect.

Run Event Battle Animations Fast(er)

EDIT: Double post
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