Recently got RPGXP on my Laptop (not first time) and haven't transfered files for old projects yet.

Working on game using Mod of Blizz party switcher and Stat distributor.




No, and its not really my computer to do with what I will. Plus, I doubt anything will undue a factory wipe.


ya, I know
It was that which made me realize to late I forget to back up the file before the factory restore :(

If you haven't check out Awesome Quest (original).

Aftermath is moving along greatly.

it don't bug me
it's just not how I role

Aftermath is moving along greatly.

wow...7 cusses in one short post

Sexy Sibyl: Warlock Characters that Work

that's not hilarious

seourisly tho, this sound SO COOL!!! Somebody's a genius!

coating your weapons

sounds almost like changing the color of your weapon in Skies of Arcadia. I liked that actually. It would be cool.
Also, I suggest you make sure that the appearance/attack animation changes for different coating.
And did you suggest class change was available in-battle??

The Dragon's Tear

pray, how does one start a new blog post?
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