i'm preety good at making brid's-eye 2D adventure games with game maker 8. i also once shot a bear in my pajamas! how it got in my pajamas i'll never know....



ok, did i waste 3 days of my life?

it's a figure of speech.

ok, did i waste 3 days of my life?

every project i submit keeps being rejected, i can't figure out how to use winRAR to play games, should i just friggin' quit while i'm ahead???

i'm sorry for posting so much but is there any way to play games WITHOUT winRAR

i really need to know =,(

man i suck. is there a free way to unzip RAR files so i can play games?

winRAR isn't free and money doesn't grow on trees.

HP Recovery... after every battle? MADNESS! (Resource Management)

if you're a hardcore gamer, then it'll probably drive you mad. MAD!
only a few people will get that joke. and if you do, yes. i am talking about that pointy-eared ANNOYANCE.

me again. how do you play games after you download them?

calling me incopetent is an understatement. i need to know how to play games after you down load them.

AARRGH! how the heck do you take screen shots?!?!

i finally finished compileing my demo for "The Arena" but then i find out that i have to upload at least 3 images. i put the cover art on it, but i can't find out how to take screen shots. could someone please help me? thanks.