Liberté, égalité, fraternité
It's only a matter of time until my surname is followed by the word 'syndrome'.




It does...and now I want to see that sketch.

Thanks Red, I did kind of need that.


I'm getting a very, 'Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone is rightwise king born of all England.' vibe from this villain.

Then again, it's been a long and trying day, so I'm taking my giggles where I can get them.


Brevity is the soul of wit.


Looks like a parquetry floor to me.


The police are right.


Ah a stylistic choice. Not one that resonates with me, but I can see you chose it for a reason.


I'd agree with that, multi attacks seem to indicate it's an attack against multiple targets rather than a cooperative attack, though dual attack is usually understood to mean dual targets or two attacks on one target by a single opponent. Combined, cooperative or even team might carry the feeling better.


Ok, he'd be Sir Edward, titles get capitalised. He was dealing with an epidemic or he is dealing with it? You're mixing up your tenses there.

Also is this the first time they've met? Given the introduction I assume so, but it's an odd opening gambit for a conversation. Hi, we've just met but I'm going to lament this epidemic I am/have been dealing with to you without knowing if you are a sympathetic ear or not.

Unless, is there a scene before this one where the MC is told to go and see Sir Edward who is expecting him?


Then perhaps you should use vanquisher because the way it reads it's that she freed Vincent.

Noel, not 'of', from, freed us from would also work.

Also, is Hiemdal a naval nation? Stressing the great seas seems to indicate that they are ocean going people.