Liberté, égalité, fraternité
It's only a matter of time until my surname is followed by the word 'syndrome'.



But can she sing?

No this is not very good to maintenance of books!

Good LP though :).

Act II - Second Map!

It's a railing fence, posters wouldn't stick properly, they'd end up ripped in half by the wind or wrapped around one of the railings.

Also in the first shot, what is that on the left in the second alcove between the columns? Is it supposed to be a set of stairs, because the angle of ascent is excessively high if so.

Character Line-Up 2.0

They are not wearing the same coat. It may be the same design but given the colour difference it is not the same coat.

No comment on mittens/pants/boots etc since that is out of shot.

I like it all though, if that matters.

Character Line-Up 2.0

Scarf Patrol!

Prelude Preview

Unity, you're listed as one of the dev's shouldn't you already know the bird's name?

Though yes the repeated 'my bird' comment is clunky a name would make the narrative flow better.

Laine Fisher

I know, it just looks, well, wrong. I'm not saying it's bad, because hell it isn't, it's just every time I see it (not just in your work Yuna, in a LOT of work) my instinctual reaction is 'artist-person, don't you have eyes? Eyebrows are not depth defying!'

Yeah, it's a style, it's just not one that I can overlook with equanimity it seems.

Ignore me now.

Laine Fisher

Question, why do you draw eyebrows over hairlines? Logically the hair is over the face and therefore the eyebrow is obscured, why show it?

To my, non visual artist, eye it looks wrong.

Laine Expression Sheet

Ah, that's what fanfic is for, for us to re-imagine the story we want with the characters we adore. Trust me there are shows I could never have made it through without fanfic.

Laine Expression Sheet

Since when has official status ever stopped shippers?
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