No tears for the creatures of the night, bitch PLEASE. - TuxedoMane

I'm Nurvuss and I like making music and games and writing stuff. Sometimes it seems that I never have enough time to do any of these things. Let's be pals!
JB Hairboll in Murder Fl...
When a frog turns up cold in Flirty Bird Park, the fuzz can only call one cat for help...



1-900-Gary Review

Thanks so much for taking the time to play and review. I'm very glad that you enjoyed it.

1-900-Gary Review

Hey, thank you for taking the time to play and review! I'm very grateful and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope to craft a more well-rounded experience next time. ^^

Wither Review

You pretty much said what I wanted to say about this game. Some things just aren't easy to explain. Well done!

1-900-Gary Review

Thanks for playing and taking the time to review! Sorry to hear it wasn't your cup of tea. I hope you'll give my future projects a look when they are completed.
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