No tears for the creatures of the night, bitch PLEASE. - TuxedoMane
I'm Nurvuss and I like making music and games and writing stuff. Sometimes it seems that I never have enough time to do any of these things. Let's be pals!
I'm Nurvuss and I like making music and games and writing stuff. Sometimes it seems that I never have enough time to do any of these things. Let's be pals!
When did you figured it out that you were a gamer?
When I was a toddler in the mid-80s, my Grandma used to take me shopping at the mall with her. She wanted to go into Montgomery Ward, who had a Sega Master System demo unit on display, that allowed you to play something like 25 games from start to finish if you so desired. Every time we went back to the mall, I insisted we stop by Montgomery Ward so I could have a go on Outrun. I think I got the system for Christmas that year.
Many times I woke up in the middle of the night to find my parents playing Afterburner in my room together.
Many times I woke up in the middle of the night to find my parents playing Afterburner in my room together.
The Screenshot Topic Returns
Last update in here for a few days as I am hard at work on this project. I've made a ton of stuff since yesterday though. Just wanted to share.
Dude, you've come so far in such a short period of time. I'm incredibly jealous of your skill.
Breaking the fourth wall: fun or not?
It's a fine line. Using Suda51 as an example:
In his 2001 game Flower Sun and Rain, one of the chapters involves a little boy kicking a soccer ball at the protagonist's head. When the protagonist begins to reprimand the boy, the boy starts complaining on how shoddy the game is; the character models look cheap, the plot makes no sense, and the music is simply remixed classical music. The protagonist flips out and the boy runs away--the player has to spend the rest of the chapter chasing after the boy "so word doesn't get out". I thought this was rather clever, and really funny.
In his 2013 game Killer is Dead, the protagonist sometimes flashes a grin at the camera and says "hey, it's just a video game". I thought this was lazy and annoying, an attempt at postmodernism with nothing backing it up.
Did you ever play Snatcher? There's a great bit early on in the game where you can hear a faint beeping. The protagonist's sidekick advises the player to turn the volume up on the TV if they can't hear it. It's soon discovered this beeping is coming from a time bomb, followed by a loud explosion. The protagonist complains how bad the explosion hurt his ears, to which his companion replies "That's because you left the volume turned up." I liked that a lot.
This reminds me of in Earthbound, there's a random dog you can talk to who becomes "possessed by the spirit of the game developer" to give some gameplay tips. I thought that was cute.
In his 2001 game Flower Sun and Rain, one of the chapters involves a little boy kicking a soccer ball at the protagonist's head. When the protagonist begins to reprimand the boy, the boy starts complaining on how shoddy the game is; the character models look cheap, the plot makes no sense, and the music is simply remixed classical music. The protagonist flips out and the boy runs away--the player has to spend the rest of the chapter chasing after the boy "so word doesn't get out". I thought this was rather clever, and really funny.
In his 2013 game Killer is Dead, the protagonist sometimes flashes a grin at the camera and says "hey, it's just a video game". I thought this was lazy and annoying, an attempt at postmodernism with nothing backing it up.
Did you ever play Snatcher? There's a great bit early on in the game where you can hear a faint beeping. The protagonist's sidekick advises the player to turn the volume up on the TV if they can't hear it. It's soon discovered this beeping is coming from a time bomb, followed by a loud explosion. The protagonist complains how bad the explosion hurt his ears, to which his companion replies "That's because you left the volume turned up." I liked that a lot.
I was planning on having an npc named 'Dev'. He'll be the player's guide throughout their adventure. And I was planning on having him constantly spill out stuff, like: 'Hey up there. Mind if you play faster? I want to be home before supper.' And comment relating on the aforementioned plot.
This reminds me of in Earthbound, there's a random dog you can talk to who becomes "possessed by the spirit of the game developer" to give some gameplay tips. I thought that was cute.
Games that are popular, but not very well known near where you live?
was wanting feed back
It's not *horrible* but it really looks like you took MSPaint to it. The lines clash really obviously. Marrend's got the right idea with the softer lines.
Anime List
What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?
DanganRonpa! I love it! The whodunits aren't particularly well-written, but the characterization makes up for it. It's a real self-aware scream of a game. Masafumi Takada's soundtrack is fantastic, too!
Mogeko's not games on RMN
Probably to do with him being Japanese. You can get the games over at VGPerson's site, at least (but you probably know that). She's got a pretty big tumblr following.
For anybody else:
For anybody else: