No tears for the creatures of the night, bitch PLEASE. - TuxedoMane

I'm Nurvuss and I like making music and games and writing stuff. Sometimes it seems that I never have enough time to do any of these things. Let's be pals!
JB Hairboll in Murder Fl...
When a frog turns up cold in Flirty Bird Park, the fuzz can only call one cat for help...




I totally understand. I'm not much of a spriter at all. That's why I have others working on it for me. Will is supposed to be African American so don' worry about Ness. Thanks for your input.

Hey, I understand--I'm no spriter either. Sorry if I came across as harsh there! I wish you luck on your game and I look forward to checking it out. :)

Photography Topic!

I'm no pro so these probably aren't very impressive. These are all from around London.

Cherry blossom tree, Walthamstow

Thames River as seen from behind The Prospect of Whitby Pub, Wapping

Sunset, Walthamstow Rail Station

When the mood strikes! (and leaves for vacation again)

Ha, all the time. I've started to make myself get into the habit of carrying a pen and notepad with me everywhere I go. A lot of my ideas strike me when I'm walking somewhere, or riding on public transport. Then I go sit down at home to make it happen, and poof, the motivation or even the idea is gone.

I find that taking meticulous notes of every idea as it happens is key. Making flowcharts and mind-maps are helpful, too. Even after the urge passes, you can always go back to your notes later. There's some ideas that I had years ago that I wish made notes about at the time.

I've also started booking out timeslots in my diary, like every Thursday night for an hour at 8pm, I'll sit down and flesh out a story or work on graphics or music. Having a regular schedule and treating this stuff like work can be immensely helpful, as dry as that sounds.

Video Game Confessions

In Tales of Abyss' Blackjack table, I've accidentally pressed 'hit' instead of 'stand' when I've had 20 or 21. :(

Dreams as a plot device in horror games

I agree, in my opinion FF3 had the most intriguing set-up. I'd like to see more games that use the concept of the conscious world and dreams bleeding into each other.

Old Scary Movies

I have heard so much about Don't Look Now. But unfortunately I've had the ending spoiled for me somehow. I just remember the ending even though I don't know the whole movie. But I think I'll watch it anyway, so that the ending makes sense. I don't know what it is about me, I always get the endings spoiled.

The ending doesn't really make sense, even in context.

Dreams as a plot device in horror games

It can certainly be effective if used correctly, but sometimes I feel this trope is used as a crutch for people who can't be bothered to write. Yume Nikki has some interesting stuff happening in it, but it also has its share of long stretches of aimless wandering with very little happening.

It'd be interesting to see a game about dreams that included dialogue or text. Our dreams, however disjointed they may be, aren't 100% comprised of silent wandering, right? I've met some odd characters and had bizarre conversations in my dreams. I think there's a lot of untapped potential for surreal or disquieting "narrative" at play. Like a cut-up Burroughs novel, or the film Waking Life.

I haven't played Broken Bottles yet, but it appears to be a step in that direction.


That's a question for the ages. Any takers?

Video game tunes that get stuck in your head often?

I used to own Threads of Fate. I don't remember any of the plot, but I'll never forget...