Bleh. Weee... it's Julie. Woo. Yay.
SMBX designer
On technical hiatus(barely posting but still around)
SRW2: Yoshi's Archipelag...
More Islands = Better



Today is my birthday, and I'm 13, finally truly, elligible for this site!
And, my birthday is extended until the end of december! So again, HAPPY BIRTHMONTH!

Birth month

This is not my birthday, this is my birth month. On the 20th of November I will be 13. This is just a heads-up for you who care.

planning a game...


O.k., first of all, I've been making games since I was about 7 I think. But there's a reason none of them come to be...(Maybe I should of made this more like an article asking for help...I don't care, it may not be that long ^_^)


"I know what I'm doing wrong, just don't know how to fix it", kind of thinking, have you ever thought that? If you remember I've tried making 2 games at once, and that would be as far as I would go, and I've been complaining my ass off because I'm either running out of ideas or have way too many! Ideas should come first, just don't know what to do with them early in the production of the game. I always make a planning paper, and other people use scripts for what happens...
I don't. I just write down the storyline, characters, and extra stuff I think would be nice.
This is probably my problem, lack of planning, as my storylines are always based off of prolouges not told, or before the game's actual prolouge, about the game and what you are doing, and that's also probably the reason why I make it so characters can't just tell you what to do, you have to explore. But people always complain that they don't know what to do. A game I made for dad's birthday, he ends up in a cave where I'm there to help him, but no one tells him I have to join his party before he can leave. He got kind of frustrated. Let me ask you one simple thing I need a script to make my game?


As you may know with my Fire Woman entry, I'm not a very good mapper. I try my best these days, and RTPs are boring, so I don't like using those, and since I'm not that original of a person when it comes to spriting, I search places to find my tilesets. I usually get horrible ones, and the best ones I've used were the RTPs, and this may lead to poor planning, as a poor map, if you don't know what your doing, you'll forget everything you've done and try and come up with something entirely new, get bored, than finally, if you're bored enough, quit and move onto something else. I've made some pretty interesting ideas in my time, but they all fail because of poor planning, probably cause the mapping.
I've looked at some tutorials, but it doesn't work.


I've only been doing this for about 5 years, and I'm always feeling rushed. I know I need to take my time, and just use it to plan, and THEN make the game, but still, as the saying goes, I'm trying to bite off more than I can chew. Here are 2 examples:
1.I'm making a song for my zelda game, Saria's Song, and this version not only allows you to speak with Saria, but can put people to sleep, if they're spinning, or not there when they were earlier, they're asleep. I was thinking,"Why don't I try it with the kid?", and was able to put them asleep, put a time limit on them, they never woke up, I got frustrated/bored, lost ideas...
2.I'm testing out a gun system, abusing my character Bill, and realize,"I CAN'T MAKE A CUSTOM SYSTEM!", and try whatever makes sense...fails...

So you see?

Hunger games hasn't been approved(I wonder,Fire Woman was released but pretty much hated, Futuristic Faces was sent to the crappy game reviews, the 3 Pyro the Hedgehog games failed, Yume Sankii is way out of my experience as far as it can, my Sonic Humans games failed, the first game I guess you could call "JailBreakout"beta failed, and the new Jail Breakout seems to be on it's way, and will hopefully be my first succesful game, excluding it using RTP and Yume Nikki music. I don't know what to!


All I'm really asking for, is how do you plan for your games, if it works for you, I can try, and hope it works. Does it have anything to do with scripts(not programming wise, but storyline wise), or is it story wise,(written out like a book), anything you could do to help me? Do you have any sheets I could fill out for my games or something? I would appreciate it, thank you, and if you have any questions or comments, please put them here.

RM20XX instalment

I've been trying to use the instructions for 20xx, and it doesn't work...I keep putting in all the files in the destinated folder, like it says, and nothing happens, or it quits allowing me to playtest til' I get the stuff out...I NEED HELP! What in the world am I doing wrong?

Ending the game...s situation

I love RPG maker alot, but some times 1 of 2 things happens,I run out of ideas, or I get so many I can't concentrate on the one/or more I have now. You see, I'm coming close to ending my Jail Breakout game,and it's once again, unless your really slow or want to check everything out,very short. I also have my Legend of Zelda game that I may be asking for jobs on that game because I need help...and ran out of ideas...
Anyways, a new problem has risen to my attention as I've been thinking how well planned out my games are, remember fire woman, and hunger games hasn't even been accepted yet, and I might as well want to make an actual game sort of like the hunger games and such,if I feel like it,but back to the point.
I've ran out of ideas and can't end the game until I think of something, at first I was thinking to get a story moving I could make a flying system,not one I made, but you talk to a dragon "statue" and it makes a dragon flying vehichle appear to go to the otherside with a castle and another town, sort of like chrono trigger,except you can do this only much later into the game...Well, I wanted to enlongate the game so I can make it feel like an actual RPG. But I don't want a whole campain of quests just to get over the mountains/water! So that has been sliced off, and even worse, I'm building up more ideas with no reason to use paper, meaning I don't want to write down every idea I get on paper because that would be a lot of writing, and that is lazy, but I need paper for school too!
I am in the dumps, I'm only in the middle of Legend of Zelda fanfic and don't want to cut that off because that would be ANOTHER game that goes into the trash, and another failed disaster, and another abandoned game! My dad even knows about me not finishing any games at all, the closest to doing so was hunger games,firewoman,and Futuristic faces, and those 3 were short,horrible,and just plain stupid ideas...
I need help!

Space in Maps 2.0:My newest game style

You all know how boring and bad spaces in maps can be, well, though it's definetly not a perfect example at all, take my Fire Woman game, (that has already been once denined, please approve soon!) the only good area in the game I guess, is the forest world. But it doesn't have too little or much, but if I took out all of the trees and replaced it with something that makes it seem like an invisible maze, would you still like it? Here's a better example of space in maps, go to the wiki of my favorite 2003 game to see, here's a link: Yume Nikki Wiki: Maps You see how famous and great that game is, this is what I like to call, treasure hunting style, you go around looking for items in a barren area that is yet still interesting to look at!
This is the reason it's my newest game style, and I was thinking of making a fan game for it, it's beta name was something like Dream Death or whatever, but it's new name is making it a fan made sequel to the fan made sequel Yume 2kki, I was going to call it Yume Sankii, San meaning 3 in japanese. Who likes this idea or not, and if you have any suggestions than please do, I tried to make the game once, need more experience. How do you feel about this, and why?

Why the pictures?

I didn't know where else this would go, so I put it here,anyways, what's with the pictures? Why can't you just use description and name, and have pictures optional. Because some people(like me)can't get good screenshots, I seriously don't know how, I usually use the PARTSCROLLSYSTEMREQUIRMENTS button(prtscsysrq) and paint to make screen shots. Do we actually need screenshots? We need good quality, but I think not many people have that kind of stuff.

Gun/magic abs system RPG maker 2003

I'm not as new to this program as you might of thought, knowing my age. But I'm not as experienced at it either. While I was creating LoZ:LiT, and JailBreakOut 1:Kindom of Jade(the games I'm creating now I mean), I started wandering off to a different subject I could use for a different game, as usual. But the problem was, my lack of experience, so I tried teaching myself, that didn't work, so I found a tutorial game online, and when that didn't work and couldn't find any tutorials, I just about gave up! But then I realized that I could use what I did make for a magic system, but that idea dropped hard on my head when I realized how was I going to do it, for 2 questions:
1.How will I get it to where players don't have to just stand still to kill enemies?
2.How will I get characters that are enemies to be killed on one map, because I can't have you attack all enemies at the same time?

And even more things crawled into my mind about how to get the enemies to die, because when I tried it on my test dummy bill, who I made myself, the hp system I used on him didn't work at all, at first when I tried, he kept flashing back and forth, found the problem, fixed it, and he wasn't flashing, but he instead, wouldn't die!WTF!So, what I'm asking for is help, tutorials by using games, tutorials by thiis site, link me to them, whatever! I need some help and I need it now!

Edit:Seriously, do I need to put up a sign called need help for game?

RPG maker 2k3 random dungeon generator

I'm pretty bad at mapping, and since there are barely any tutorials on mapping, I usually would get lazy and use the generate dungeon function for VX, but now that I'm using 2003, just like XP and 2000, I can't do that anymore, but it has the worst version of it ever. It's called the random dungeon generator, and literally creates random dungeons whenever you walk inside of it. Sometimes when I added this function to some of my games, I get stuck inside walls because of this. Why, because the cretion of the random wall blocks the teleport path. I've tried everything, and it just won't work, can someonebtell me or link me to a tutorial on this or something, cause' I really need help.

Game uploading

This is kind of wierd to ask, but I don't know how to upload games, and this is the main reason:pictures and download link.
Pictures I use 3 pictures like everybody does because it's needed that way, but is there a certain way there suppose to be uploaded and such?
Downloads I can make download links, but how do you get them in the "download" part of your game profile, it shouldn't be on the game profile it's self. Any help?