

Fat Farming Girl

Is the protagonist some kind of were-crab, if you know what I mean?
Were-crab... Ummm... ??? Huh?
haha because of the walking animation and the fact that there is only left and right facing sprites.

Also, you really should try and respond to everyone in a single post. Instead of spamming 3 posts.

Did you draw all this stuff yourself? It's a nice unique look to it.

Yeah, I drew all of this by myself, except for the animations. I would like to improve on how it looks, but it'a s little difficult to maintain the style and create small details that will fit in RMXP materials.

I wasn't trying to spam everyone. I just wanted to try and address all of the posts in some sort of organized manner.

Fat Farming Girl

Is the protagonist some kind of were-crab, if you know what I mean?

Were-crab... Ummm... ??? Huh?

Fat Farming Girl

Hay gaiz how I grind for calories?

You need to drink milk or eat something and don't work for the goat farmer.

If you want to lose weight, don't eat anything and work for the farmer.

Fat Farming Girl

Is it a problem that when I read the title, I thought this game would be about a girl who literally farmed for fat? I think I grind JRPG's too much...

That definitely seems like a symptom of "the grind"...

Fat Farming Girl

read the title... i loled

though for a completed game i find a lack of downloads.

It's there now. It was just pending approval.

Fat Farming Girl

Guess I'm gonna have to make her exercise to get her married, huh?

Side note: this looks cool.

Maybe some guys like fat girls...

Curse of Slate Rock Manor

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Bipo: Mystery of the Red Panda

Bipo: Mystery of the Red Panda

Thanks! We really appreciate the feedback.


Bipo: Mystery of the Red Panda

Pages: 1