

Thawed Notes on Game Chill - A Game Chill 2013 overview

If you were at all somehow still interested in my game's third item:

I can update this to reflect that. Obviously, I never encountered it, but, no biggy.

*Edit: Udpated! Also, skai, I knew your game has been updated since then. I, uh, just haven't gotten around to it.

No no no! Don't worry about it too much, the current update was just a stability patch, think of it as a sort of "in between" patch. I was meaning to make a blog on the profile about a certain "2.0" I had planned... but it may not released soon as I may or may not be caught up in a certain, more "important" project...

Thawed Notes on Game Chill - A Game Chill 2013 overview

Hey Marrend! Thanks for the overview, loving the ice puns and the way you sort of tie the whole post together

If you were at all somehow still interested in my game's third item:

Color swaps of this guy were the end bosses, big whoop. Seeing them took a little while however, they spawned in variation across a number of points. Coming across them early on however would probably get you killed, so I guess I sorta funneled myself into people not ever seeing it. The closest people got was little silhouette of one in that first notebook but...

Thank you for expressing tolerance with that build for as long as you could, both this and other exchanges we've had have really aided me in figuring out some of the streamline decisions I have to make to ensure the progression is a bit more clear and cohesive. Though some other players like Liberty and Racheal (on her stream) seemed to "pick up" on the rhythm of the game rather quickly, it became clear to me that getting to that point was taking a little too long even by my taste. I can fully understand how it can get just more and more disorienting in the midst of frustration. Though the game is stable now, I still have significant additions in the works that will hopefully address both old and new problems.

But enough of that, I'd like to stress again that I had an absolutely great time with this event! One more immense thank you to you and the other judges for your involvement and dedication!

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