Status Source Info
Is this month dead? November.
11/14/2022 11:29 PM
If Twitter kicks the bucket, might start posting my game design thoughts here or Tumblr
11/13/2022 10:45 PM
Is this site bread? Dragoon.
11/12/2022 02:53 AM
Is this site dead? Necromancer.
11/11/2022 01:14 AM
Game submitted! Awaiting approval!
10/31/2022 03:01 PM
Resurrect the dying? But what if my gamedev ambitions are already dead?
10/26/2022 09:17 PM
My Computer Just Broke...
10/13/2022 08:33 PM
What would a green mage be
10/02/2022 05:08 AM
What dis? MaMaMa3 event?
09/29/2022 11:10 AM
Updating Monster Enigma
09/23/2022 12:13 AM
09/22/2022 02:35 AM
Blue Mages have suffered physical and magical abuse for too long.
09/21/2022 04:12 AM
Red mages and you... It's complicated
09/21/2022 01:35 AM
Black mages hate you
09/21/2022 12:31 AM
White mages love you
09/17/2022 11:55 PM thought I drop it here
09/16/2022 04:01 AM
I love RMN but a man has needs, for new and exciting stats
09/14/2022 12:50 AM
I don't love RMN enough to do stats regularly, tho
09/13/2022 03:50 PM
It's 2022 and people are still surprised about the limitations and poor design decisions of a custom built website from like 2009 that hasn't been meaningfully updated since about 2014. Of course I didn't validate the character limits of the statuses...
09/10/2022 06:37 PM
i know you can't fit an entire paragraph in this tiny status bar, but if i could, i'd totally type for as long as I possibly could. I mean, holy crap, it's like 7 sentences so far and the status bar still hasn't reached its text limit. What an achievement
09/09/2022 11:58 PM