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I gotta go to Signing Class now, See ya'll tomarrow or tonight. :P Have fun on here guys,
03/12/2013 06:11 PM
Gotta go to Signing Class soon. 3:00 to be specific. And a cool thing about me, I'm Homeschooled. :B So. After I get my work done and my Nephew is down for a nap, I can go on here and look around. YAY!
03/12/2013 05:22 PM
Ugh. Nothing is happening, I don't know how to make a game, I have no program. I can list a million things right now. I am extremely bored without doubt... :| Please someone talk to me. '-'
03/12/2013 05:18 PM
03/12/2013 06:10 AM
Have been working on a project for about a month and a half now, approx. 1h30 gameplay! Can't wait to share it!
03/10/2013 11:25 PM
Why do people make analyze spells that tell me their stats, but no elemental/state weaknesses?
03/08/2013 10:51 PM
Thought happy thoughts were going to last, but got pulled in in this quicksand called "The Past".
03/08/2013 05:12 PM
Sleepy Gourd is Sleepy
03/08/2013 03:58 AM
A whole week without internet does strange things to a man.
03/08/2013 12:46 AM
anyone please help me i made the discreption and everything but i dont know how to build the game lol
03/06/2013 10:05 PM
Damn happy to finally have a 14 month long project released. Time for another one...
03/06/2013 05:01 PM
Things managed to get even ridiculously worse yesterday but I BECAME EMPLOYED ALL OF A SUDDEN LOL
03/06/2013 06:25 AM
Warping up the 1% of my game XD
03/06/2013 01:13 AM
I finally have the basic idea for a game I shall be making! I'm really excited for it! I'll need to practice my artwork more and of course work some more on it, but still.. awesome!
03/05/2013 09:21 PM
Internet setup - check. VX Ace arriving in the mail from my friend (along with FFIV for the DS) - check. Good day is good.
03/05/2013 05:29 PM
i like lurking more than posting
03/04/2013 07:10 PM
{WOTB} Next prompt unveiled. Looking forward to seeing what you all make of it!
03/04/2013 01:24 AM
Excuse the random musings!
03/03/2013 09:14 PM
That awkward moment when you almost die, yesterday, because you're suicidal and you don't know it. >_>
03/03/2013 09:57 AM
Feeling kinda wonky... O_o
03/03/2013 01:54 AM