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Götterdämmerung RPG
bringing the spirit of Rock'n'Roll to RPG gaming



The Ugly Carrots: The curse of the battlebot

In fairness to Dudesoft, he's still waiting on input from me, which didn't get past an initial scribbling stage before real life interfered.

The Ugly Carrots: The curse of the battlebot

At the moment, it looks like a classic case of my favorite tagline, "Be sure to add 3 years to any Target Completion Date you see". Real life managed to mess up my plans quite profoundly, plus I'm beginning to think that the custom battle system I envisioned was a bit...ambitious. I may need to resort to recruiting a good spriter for the battle animations, but I'm generally the kind of guy who feels it's important to do everything in the game on his own, even if the results suck :P

It will take a while, and it will very probably be released when Battledome 5 is only a dim memory from the distant past, but it will be finished.

So I just beat Minutequest...

Agh. Please don't recommend any more time wasters after I just managed to get past my Minutequest addiction. I do have some work to do, you know :P

So I just beat Minutequest...

...should I feel stupid for investing a week into a game that looks cute but has about zero gameplay and is best solved by putting a coin on your cellphone display and letting the game play itself? Stupid addictive grindfest games :P

RMNverse Battledome 5 - COMPLETE!

...and as the carrots' victory songs echoed through the night, millions of liters of booze flowed through the streets of Titan City. In the course of the celebrations, several districts of the humans' city were flattened and wiped out, but hey, that's not our fault. Humans and their flimsy construction techniques. Oops...there goes the city hall. Nice flames, though.

With the gazillions of cash they make from the deal with the Empire's army, the TUC will undoubtedly become the dominating force in everything illegal throughout the galaxy for the foreseeable future. And no, we can't explain either why TUC-designed police and military robots tend to turn a blind eye on TUC violence and criminal activity. We certainly didn't design them that way. No no no. That was not our plan at all. That would have been unethical.

That being said: Wow. Great fun. When I designed my robot, I didn't even remotely think I'd get that bot's armament was chosen pretty much randomly by sticking on everything that fit onto a Manga Spawn action figure, then buying the stuff that more or less matched the accessories on the action figure - but it turned out to be quite versatile and fun to write strategies for. By all means, let's do this again soon :P

I kind of hoped I'd meet LockeZ's bot some time during the tournament...I would have lost very probably because Kentona's strategy was way more brilliant than anything I could have ever come up with, but writing a pre-battle strategy for three snotty girls vs. three suave, world-wise carrots would have been extremely funny.


Recolored autotile is too black. It doesn't look that bad in the game, but on the screenshot it looks way too dark. Will be lighter...

RMNverse Battledome 5 - COMPLETE!

Those Ugly Carrots are just cheating their way to the top!

I resent that comment. The carrots fight with the utmost of honor (*) and dignity (**).

(*) See The Taproot Academy Dictionary of Business Ethics, Vol. VII, Pages 483ff: "Redefining honor in compliance with the Carrot lifestyle"

(**) See The TUC Field Manual, new edition 2187AC, pages 1612-1618: "Human-defined ethical concepts, and how they apply to TUC agents", especially subsection 3: "Not at all"

RMNverse Battledome 5 - COMPLETE!

No fair! Seiromem's tentacles suddenly grew to twice their length in the drawing when he tilted upwards! The carrots are the only ones who are allowed to cheat!

But seriously, Seiromem, I have no idea how you won battles with a 30-agility sitting duck against highly mobile opponents, but I love your nanobot lift strategy. If you win against me, it will be well deserved for the foolhardiness of that move alone.

RMNverse Battledome 5 - COMPLETE!

It stands a staggering 3 million feet high and is utterly impervious to anything a human-sized opponent can do.

But seriously, I assume our robots are roughly the same size...that's what I also assumed for the battle against Ebeth. The Carotinator may be a bit taller than the average human, but not by much...maybe 8 or 9 feet.

Whatever you're planning to do, rest assured that I also have a strategy against your bot already. Be prepared to get carotinated.

RMNverse Battledome 5 - COMPLETE!

By all means, yes. The more voters, the merrier. I was kind of expecting there to be more than a dozen voters in this yeah, let's invite more for the next time.

If you invite off-siters, we probably need a couple BOLD ALL-CAPS REMINDERS that people should not vote based on art, and should not just vote for their friends without considering the stats and strategies, but maybe I'm too pessimistic about that :P