


Seriously I never thought of it... how odd and how wrong it now looks to me.

Those replacements in your resource section are indeed amazing and should fit perfectly, thanks for the tip.


This is real good. The neatly stylized font works fine (is it custom?). Best of all its laid out in a same style all throughout, unlike many games that for some reason like to plaster 10 different kinds of fonts of different sizes/styles over the screen and think there's nothing offensive about that.

Right, maybe the bottom info bar has rather redundant/useless data, especially if there's a whole separate quest log page.


Hard to make or not, I'm digging this screen. It feels squareish, what with the base grass and cliff tiles badly tiled as they are look monotonous and artificial, a fault of the tileset itself, but otherwise this area looks exciting and interesting. I don't get the rope on the rock, is the north wall actually supposed to be a pit?


Might be they'd be better all turned facing down in that case. With the wolf hungrily eyeing at the sheep and cow it looks like they're about to start moving and mauling each other as soon as the cutscene is over...


There's an odd straight line cutting through the leaves of those bottom-left trees. Very nice screen and mood though.


The brightness of the tileset bothers me for some reason. I'm used to playing Rudra where these castle tiles were originally somewhat darker and blended in better. I like the general layout here, but it'd help to fix up a few mistakes like cleaning the blocky diagonal wall tiles and taking another look at the topleft area.

Don't mind the character sprite, think it looks good as it is.


Great atmosphere, consistent mapping. Minus the waterfalls, they're bit odd. Promising.


I read that like his full name was "Steel Equipment".

Typos and default font aside, this is a good, non-cluttered item screen. What's that Ready for?


Yes, the boxes look out of place. It looks like some of them are on top of the roof, but.. they ain't?
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